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"Hey." I spoke quietly.
"Um, hi." Meg spoke lightly into the phone.

"Meg I'm so sorry, so much has been happening, it's been so dramatic and I didn't want you to get caught up in it. It's all over now." I let the words flow out of me like a river.

She let out a sigh, "it's okay. Trust me I understand. I was just giving you space."

"I've missed you so much." I admit

"I've missed your bitch ass more! Let's hangout!" I could almost imagine her grinning through the phone.

"I actually heard that there was a party at Garrett's house tonight, I was thinking we could go hangout like old times." I smiled into my phone.

"Hell yeah dude, I'll be over soon!" She told me excitedly.
"Byeee." I stretched the E.

I looked at myself in the mirror scanning my pjs from top to bottom.
My grey sofi shorts and a black sweatshirt that said vans.

Nothing's quite wrong but it didn't feel right. It was probably the voice I heard or the text. Creepy. I shook off my shivers and texted Meg.

me: just walk in when you're here

meg: lol obviously

I walked out to greet my mom for breakfast. "Hey mom." I smiled at her sitting down on the stool.

"Hi hon-" she turned around to me then paused. "Hi." She tried to cover it up with a smile.

I chuckled at her, "what?"

She cleared her throat. "Nothing, it's just thats Ethan's sweatshirt. It's just feels weird to see you wearing it again." She let out a small smile.

It feels weird to see me wearing this again? Didn't I just say that when I looked in the mirror? How did I feel that when I didn't even know it was his sweatshirt? This is all so complicated what the hell.

"I didn't know this was his." I slowly took a bite of the cereal my mom had placed in front of me.

"He gave that to you to wear one night when it was pouring rain outside, he didn't want you to get wet. You guys came inside and told me about your night while you sat by the fireplace." My moms eyes looked very sad.

I didn't answer her. I just ate slowly thinking about him.

"What up bitch!" Meg yelled slamming the front door. "Oh shit hi." Her cheeks became flushed when she saw my mom.

I laughed and her stupidity.
"Nice to see you again Meg." My mom giggled.

"Let's go upstairs." I took her hand and we sprinted up the stairs. "Help me find something to wear."

She looked into my closet and threw me a pair of ripped high waisted shorts and a black crop top with white low top vans.
Meg wore black shorts with a pink t shirt.

We sat and talked and got caught up on each other's lives. Turns out, meg has a boyfriend!
"Just make sure he doesn't die." I giggled then it immediately faded as I felt myself get sad.

Her smile faded as well, "well, let's get going!" She looked at the clock and it was 5.


"Gabby! Meg!" Everyone shouted as we walked through the huge door.
"Gabby we haven't seen you in a minute!" All of my drunk friends came and hugged me.

The smell of alcohol in their breath slithered into my nose. "Hey guys!" I smiled widely.

I haven't seen them since before I met Ethan in real life according to my mom. Last thing I remember of them was the last party I went to about 8 months ago.

"Come on! Let's get you a drink!" Meg took my hand and we walked to the living room.

"Here you go ma'am." She handed me a short glass. We both downed the drink and kept refilling and refilling.

After 30 minutes of chilling, drinking, dancing and talking, I realized I was drunk when i felt myself finding everything funny.

"Come on!" Meg grabbed my hand. We got up from the couch and started to dance with the huge crowd.

I felt someone grip my waist as I turned around to face him. "Hey sexy." A guy my age looked down into my eyes.

I smirked at him, "I guess you're not so bad yourself." I slurred.

"What's your name? I haven't seen you around here before!" He screamed over the loud music.

"Gabby, my names Gabby!" I giggled to him.
He smiled down at me with his perfectly straight teeth. "I'm garret."

"So you're not one of those girls that waits till marriage or anything right?" He spoke again. I felt myself choke a little at how direct he was.

"I guess you'll have to find out." I took a sip out of my cup.
His cold hand grabbed onto my hand as he started walking me up the stairs.

Once we got to the top, he took me in a bed room. "Are you the one that owns this place? It's so ni-" his lips smashed into mine.

It took me a minute to realize what he was doing but I kissed back. His hands gripped my ass as he pushed me down onto the bed; getting on top of me.

I felt a cold pit in my stomach as my kiss slowed down.

His hand slid from my ass, to my front. They traced my laced underwear line as he started sucking hard onto my neck.

"Um- I-" I started to get uncomfortable.

"Shhh." His hand covered my mouth aggressively as his opposite hand slid my underwear down my leg.

"Stop!" My muffled voice screamed. I felt like I couldn't breathe, im telling him to stop and he won't. I'm getting rapped.

He undid his pants and pulled out his dick. I felt my heart start crying. Tears slipped down my face as I kept trying to yell for him to stop but his rough hand covered my mouth.

Suddenly I thought of an idea. I bit onto his finger with every ounce of anger I had in me.

He screeched in pain, "help!" I screamed louder than I've ever screamed before.

He quickly recovered and put his hand back over my mouth, "shut up." He grunted. "What happened to 'im not one to not have sex ll marriage?" He whispered into my face.

The door flung open causing Garrett to turn his head fast.

"Get the fuck off of her!" The guy screamed grabbing the neck of Garretts shirt with one hand and the back of his shirt with the other. He tore him off of me and shoved him down onto the floor.

I quickly pulled up my pants as I watched them keep fighting. The boy jumped on top of Garrett punching him on each side of his face over and over again.

"Don't ever touch her again, prick." He stood over his flexing his muscular arms.

When he turned towards me, I felt my heart skip an actual beat. The tears sticking to my face as my mouth was open slightly and I didn't dare blink.

His eyes shot into mine as he didn't break eye contact.

I saw them become glossy as his eyebrows lifted and one corner of his mouth lifted, "Gabby." His precious voice spoke.

I felt speechless, "Ethan."


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