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His warm lips pressed onto mine, soothingly fulfilling my desires. I locked my lips onto his plump bottom lip while he did the same to my top.

He released, pulling away from me. I could see him scanning my face.

"What?" I giggled softly looking at where his eyes traveled.

"You're perfect." His finger tips latched onto a piece of hair that dangled in front of my face, then tucking it behind my ear.

I blushed at his choice of words, looking down to my hands.

"Hey," he lifted up my chin with his hand. "Wake up."

"Huh?" I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Wake up."-


"Come on Gabby! Time to get up." My moms obnoxious voice filled my ears.

"Ugh." I groaned putting my head back down into my pillow.

"You promises me a Sunday breakfast date now let's go. It's 11am." She threw a pillow onto my head, but I didn't move.

"I expect you downstairs in 10 minutes." She demanded before closing my door.

That dream went by so fast, ugh. Might as well just get up. I rolled out of bed while yawning while walking to my closet. This was just gonna be a casual breakfast so I picked out some leggings, vans and a sweatshirt.

I brushed my teeth until they felt clean and washed my face. Finally no acne, that's a twist.

I maneuvered my way down stairs and saw my mom in the kitchen with the keys in her hand, "you ready?" She asked.

I nodded my head and we made our way to a local breakfast cafe.


"Here's your eggs and the buttermilk pancakes!" The waiter placed the food down in front of my mom and I.
"Anything else I can get ya?" He clapped his hands together.

"I think we are all good, thank you!" My mom took a sip of her coffee.

I started cutting up my pancakes and poured some syrup onto them.

"So, how'd you sleep?" She placed her coffee onto the table.

I looked down at my pancakes to avoid eye contact. "Pretty good." I told her.
"Did you have one of those dreams last night?" She asked raising her eyebrow.

I didn't say anything, I played with the syrup on my plate and rubbed my lips together, nervously.
She let out a sigh. "Honey, we need to go to the doctors. Those dreams are dangerous for you."

"I like them, mom." I slammed my fork down onto my plate. "They aren't dangerous, the dreams are so much better then the real world. I'm actually happy there."

"Okay calm down." She looked around the room while he cheeks flushed red full of embarrassment. "I just think that they are starting to have a long term effect on you. You're changing."

"No, the only effect they have on me is that they make me happy." I took a bite of my pancakes.

She let out a sigh, then digging into her eggs.


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