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Something hit me as we stood in line at the police station. It felt like nervousness, but I have nothing to be nervous for.

I turned my head to look up at Ethan. He was biting the inside of his cheek.
"Hey," I took his hand into mine, throwing him off guard. "It's okay." I assured him.
He looked down at me then to our hands. His large warm hand squeezed mine tightly. "I'm just nervous." Weird.

"It'll be okay. I promise." I held onto his bicep with my opposite hand; resting my head onto his shoulder.

He looked down at me making me look up into his hazel eyes. Our heads started moving closer as he closed his eyes.

"Next!" The policeman ordered. That's the second time we've been interrupted oh my gosh come on.

We took a deep breath and walked up to the desk. "Hi, we would like to report a case for abuse." I told him.

"Okay, whats the name?" He looked onto his computer.
"Ethan Grant Dolan."
"And who's the suspect?"
"His parents. Lisa and Sean Dolan." I almost said angrily.
"They better be put into fucking jail." Ethan snapped his finger hard down onto the clip board.

I jumped at his sudden change of emotion. They cop looked up to him with only his eyes. "Sir, get your hand off my paper."

Ethan blinked a couple times, realizing what he had just done.

"Are you Ethan?" The officer asked.
Ethan slowly nodded his head. "Okay, I'm gonna need you two to come to the back with me for simple questions." The officer stood up, directing us towards a door.

Once in the room, they made Ethan and I sit into two metal chairs. An officer walked in with paperwork in his hand and took a seat in front of us.

"Okay ive got a lot of work today so we need to get through this quick." He spat.
"First of all, what kind of abuse are you talking about?"

"Physical." Ethan answered sternly.
"Any bruises, cuts, burn, ect.?" He lifted his eyebrow.

"Bruises and burns." Ethan almost choked out.
"Any evidence?"

Ethan looked at me, I knew just by looking at him he was going to take off his shirt. I nodded my head signaling it was okay.

He lifted his shirt and revealed the deep intense burn marks on his chest.

He police coughed, getting a bit choked up. "Do you have evidence that your parents did this?" The cop asked.

I quickly got out the flash drive from my pocket-sliding it onto the desk.

"We will look over it and let you know, for right now I recommend you staying with your girlfriend." He directed us.

We both nodded our heads and walked out the door.


"We got it! We got it! We got it!" I spirited into my house disturbing Ethan and my moms conversation.

They got up from the couch and joined me in the kitchen. "What?" They asked confused.

"We got the letter back from the police station!" I started opening the letter. I stripped a piece of paper quickly, then jumping from pain. I cut my finger. I saw red blood slowly oozing out of it.

"Shit!" Ethan whines looking at his finger. He held onto his pointer finger.

"What?" I asked him confused.
"I don't know my finger just got a weird burn in it." He shook his hand to get blood flowing to it.

I raised my eyebrow looking down at my hand. "I just got a paper cut..." l explained to him. His mouth dropped open a tiny bit.

"They are passing it!" My mom shouted as her face was deep into the paper. "They are arresting your parents for child abuse! Up to 10 plus years in prison!" My mom almost cried.

Ethan and I looked at each other, his cheekbones peaked through his face as a layer of gloss covered his eyes. I opened my arms and quickly wrapped them around his neck, crying into his neck.

"Thank you." He whispered into my neck.
"For what?" I pulled away to look at him.
"For promising me. You never break your promises." He smiled at me.

I felt my heart start to flutter. I love him so much. I placed my hands onto his neck, leaning in slowly.

"Do I get my hug yet?" My mom turned around to us, interrupting our kiss.

"Of course." Ethan let go of me, wrapping his arms around my mom. "I couldn't have done this without you."

"Guess what?" My mom let go of Ethan and looked at both of us.
We looked at each other in confusion then turned back to my mom.

She held up a paper and grinned at us. "Is that what I think it is?" I grabbed it out of her hands.

As I read I felt myself start glowing. "No way." I kept reading. "No way!" I put the paper down.

"What?" Ethan questioned.
"We are fostering you!" I felt myself starting to cry.
"No adopting?" His eyes got wide, I could tell his heart was beating fast because of how fast mine was beating.
"Fostering." I smiled.

"We can be together." He mumbled smiling to himself.


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