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"Wait, you- you remember me?" His light happy voice stuttered. His eyebrows raised as his lips departed from each other.

"Everything." I could feel pressure in my cheeks from how big I was smiling. "I remember everything Ethan!" I quickly wrapped my arms around him burying my face into his neck.

His huge hands wrapped tight around my waist.

"Thank god because I'm already craving your lips again." He chuckled.

We stayed hugging for a few long moments.
Even dead, Ethan still smelled like himself. Cologne mixed with fruit.

My eyes opened slowly in realization, my grip became loose as I paused.

"What's wrong?" He pulled away narrowing his eyebrows. His hands still held onto my waist as his thumb rubbed slowly side to side.

"This doesn't change anything, Ethan. You're still... gone." I looked down to my feet.

"Hey," his eyes tried to stay locked with mine causing him to bend his head down. "I'll always be here. You just might not be able to see me all the time." His warm voice drifted through my body causing me to look back up at him.

"I still don't get why this had to happen to us." My voice cracked.

"Maybe, in another life, we would be together." The corner of his mouth curved up.

I let out a sigh. "That's what I love about you."

"What?" He moved one of his hands to my cheek, wiping off the tear.

"You've always been so positive. Through everything. Not just this, literally everything." I smiled.

"Thanks to you, Gabby. I wouldn't be who I am today if it weren't for you." He explained to me.

"Promise me something, Ethan." I said sternly looking into his eyes.
"Anything." He licked his lips giving me a stern look back.

"In another life, we will be together. Whether it's heaven, hell, or even another human life. We will find each other."

He thought for a second, "I promise you, we will be together, always and in another life. But you have to do me a favor." He raised his eyebrow.

"What?" I asked him.

"Start dreaming again. You were happier there. You deserve to be happy, Gabby. Don't wait for me, I'll be here the whole time."

I thought to myself, "deal." I let out a small giggle.

He followed my actions by laughing in response. His hands pulled me closer to him as I wrapped my arms around his neck again, hugging him tightly.

"Is this goodbye?" I whispered into his ear.

"I think it is," his voice saddened, "but not a permanent one."

"In another life, remember?" I held out my pinky.

He smirked, putting his pinky into mine, promising we would be together again.

"I love you." He let go of my pinky.

"I love you too." My face drooped realizing this was the last time I'd see him for a while.

"Hey, chin up buttercup." He winked at me.

I giggled, "see ya later goof."

His hand slowly slipped out of mine as we walked away into another room. I didn't bother following him, knowing he was gone.

Of course I was heart broken but I know I'll see him again someday.

Chin up buttercup. I smiled at his words. I'm going to live by that phrase. Chin up, everything will be okay.

I walked back into the living room, "geez what took you so long!" My mom looked at me like I was crazy.

"Sorry, I was just... saying goodbye." I smiled to myself.


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