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"No, that's not possible." I got up from the chair.
"It is honey." My mom had a couple of tears in her eyes.
"I wouldn't forget about someone I loved? I'm not that much of a bitch!" I became aggressive.

"Gabby, the doctor said if Ethan died, you would forget who he was... you both were connected through the dreams and now that he's gone, you don't remember the dreams or Ethan." She put her face into her hands.

I bit my lip nervously as I paced back and forth.
"No. No? This doesn't make sense. Wouldn't I forget the past 8 months of my life? I remember them and this boy isn't in them. So this not possible." I was in mad denial.

"Will you just shut up!" My mom officially broke. I stood there in shock. "He's gone Gabby. That angel is gone. He doesn't deserve this." She put her head back down.

I raised my eyebrow. "Would you have rather it of been me?" I crossed my arms.

She scoffed, "of course not. You just aren't respecting his death and it's heartbreaking. Minutes ago you were madly in love with him."

I felt bad for being so pushy about this towards my mom. I let out a sigh and sat down next to her again. "What was he like?"

My mom turned her head towards me. Wet cheeks, blood shot eyes, puffy face. My heart hurt for her.

"He was amazing. He was different. He was... unique. He had amazing hair and a killer smile, Gabby. He always wanted what was best for you and to do what made you most happy. He showed you light when you couldn't find it, not even in me. And you did the exact same for him. You both needed each other." She smiled softly in remembrance.

I looked down to my hands. "Was he as broken as I am?"

She rubbed her hands together, "We uh, we actually fostered him."
"What? Why?" I raised my eyebrow confused.

"His parents... they abused him. Horribly. We got them put into jail." She explained to me.

I felt a sadness flow over me, no one deserves that. "What did they do to him?" I almost choked out.

She squeezed her face tightly, "they burned him, hit him, slammed him into things." She trailed off.

"Burned him?" I questioned.

Her eyes suddenly lit up. "Yes, burned." She mumbled as her eyes were wide.
"Gabby, you know how I said you felt each other's pain?"

I nodded my head.
"Pull down your collar and look at your chest."
I was confused but I did as I was told.

I felt my heart slow down as I realized there was a cigarette burn on my chest. It was dark purple with a white outline.

"How did I get this?" I started to freak out.
"His dad burned him, you felt his pain so you got it too." My mom rubbed her lips together.

"No." I was in disbelief again.
My mom rolled her eyes and started crying again.

I started to feel sorrow for my mom, it seems to really be hurting her. "Maybe if I see him, I'll remember him?"


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