Meeting the Demon

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10/22/17, Edited 7/25/19

You slowly opened your eyes as your consciousness gradually came back to stabilization. You groaned, head still slightly sore, as you sat up. Holding your head in a futile attempt to cease the throbbing pain, you let your free hand wander to feel the ground. However, you were met by a soft, smooth surface instead.

Looking down, you noticed you were now on a bed. "What?" You whispered. "This isn't mine...." That's when it finally clicked. You were still in the workshop! And Bendy was somewhere around! And that meant danger. You weren't safe here; you needed to escape before Bendy showed up.

You ripped the sheets off of your legs and swung them over the side of the bed, quickly transitioning into a sprint. You dashed over to where the door was, ready to taste freedom, when you skidded to a halt. Luckily, you managed to stay on your feet this time.

A huge ink splotch covered the door, with little drops of ink trailing down the door to the floor. But that wasn't the issue. The issue was the thing coming out of it. It was Bendy! He was here already! It's as if he knew! Had he been watching the whole time?!

He sloppily crawled out of the black liquid, his stomach landing on the floor with a loud splat. He slowly rose to his feet, towering above you from his immense height. It was a height incapable to withstand by any normal human.

You tried to scream, but you just couldn't. Your slightly sore throat wouldn't allow it at the moment. Instead, a small whimper escaped your lips. Trembling where you now stood, you couldn't take your eyes off the tall and scary, yet motionless Bendy.

After a seconds of uncomfortable silence and staring, you quickly darted your eyes to his hand when you saw the slightest movement. His fingers were twitching ever so slightly. You watched in horror as he began to slowly raise his arm. One might say he seemed hesitant, even. He would slightly raise it, then lower it a tad as if in question or denial.

Eventually, his hand stopped at the level of your face. His hand, almost in a fist but with enough room to still let his fingers twitch, began to open slightly. It operated with the same motion as his unsteady arm; he would open his fingers a bit before slightly closing them, then continuing to open them again.

Once his fingers were fully extended and his hand finally opened, he slowly reached out toward your face. This sent a message through your nerves and, as if from a blessing, you were able to control your body again. You sent out a shrill shriek as you instantly ran away from Bendy, running to the far corner of the room and cowering in fear.

Bendy slowly crept closer, his creepy smile and ink covered face now even more frightening in the very dim light, but again, his steps seemed hesitant also. You began to cry, thinking you had finally reached your bitter end.

Through your tears, you noticed Bendy come to an immediate halt as your wide eyes came to rest upon him, and tears rolled down your cheeks. He finally lowered his hand, but strangely enough, he lowered his head as well. You didn't question it, however, as you were relieved to see him slowly trudge back to the ink splotch on the door and disappear.

Now utterly mortified, you scrambled back into the bed as soon as Bendy was out of sight and fully covered yourself in the blankets from head to toe. Desperately, you tried to calm yourself. But you couldn't push back the thought that Bendy may kill you soon. You continued to cry and tremble, even long after you fell asleep.


You bolted awake at the sound of plopping and splatting. You sat upright and turned towards the source of the sound, seeing Bendy standing tall and mighty above you at the edge of the bed. Your heartbeat picked up and your breaths became ragged. A huge gasp escaped your lips, startled to see Bendy so close.

Keeping silent and trying not to scream, for your sore throat would never approve now, you dared not take your eyes off the demon. He didn't move, staying still for quite some time. You noticed his hands were behind his back. "He definitely has a weapon!" You thought. "I knew it! He's going to kill me!"

Before you could escalate from panic to complete hysteria, Bendy moved his arms. You clenched your eyes shut, awaiting for some kind of terrible impact of pain....but nothing ever came. You didn't look, however, as you were debating on whether to do so or not.

Eventually gathering the courage, you slowly began to open your eyes, carefully observing Bendy through squinted eyes. Your pupils darted to his hands, finding nothing more than a bowl of hot, steaming soup in his hands.

Your eyes opened wide at the sight. Was he offering food to you? This demon? This scary monster? Being nice? You stared at the bowl. You were starving, and you wanted to scarf the whole thing down right then and there, no hesitation. But something was off.

Bendy was now a monster. He was a demon, no doubt whatsoever. Earlier, he chased you down the hallways and didn't let up until you knocked yourself out. He couldn't possibly have been the one that brought you to this strange bedroom afterwards, right?

Having now waited long enough, Bendy fully extended his arms to push the bowl of soup directly in front of your face. He wanted you to eat the soup. Which means he probably wanted something to happen. He did something to it, you just knew it.

He slightly pushed it closer to your face, but you refused. You turned your head away from the bowl, glaring at it as your nose scrunched up in disgust. Sorry, but nobody just accepts food from a monster that chases you down and is capable of killing you. And the fact that he kept trying to urge you to eat it simply greatened your suspicions.

You glanced at Bendy, seeing him slowly lower his head. "Oh no." You thought. "Is he mad? Now he's really going to kill me!" Bendy stood there, staring at the floor, as he simply let the bowl of soup slip right out of his hands. It came crashing to the floor, and honestly, the loud sound caused you to flinch a bit.

You watched Bendy loosely lower his arms, which swung at his sides a few times before stopping from lack of strengthened control. He turned around and slowly sulked back to the door, arms loosely swinging at his sides. He never once lifted his head. He didn't even look back before disappearing into the ink on the door.

You looked over the edge of the bed at the broken, shattered bowl on the floor. Soup was spilled everywhere, and it looked delicious! It took a lot of self-control to prevent yourself from taking even the tiniest lick of the delectable. You longingly licked your lips before crawling back into bed, covering yourself back up with the covers.

As you tried to fall back asleep, you couldn't help but repeat the scene you just witnessed in your head. Bendy acted in such a strange manner compared to most monsters and demons. He seemed somewhat calm and gentle. He never seemed angry or violent.

But what stuck with you the most was how he hung his head and let the soup bowl fall with ease before letting his arms go limp and dangle at his sides. He reminded you of a sad, depressed human. One that just got heartbroken? Maybe one that just received the most unfortunate of news? Even one that just got rejected by someone they loved and admired?

You kept letting your thoughts flow, and kept repeating Bendy's actions over and over in your head. You didn't do anything wrong, so why did you feel so....guilty?

✔️Ink Bendy x Reader - Alone Within the Ink #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now