Friendly Conversations

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10/24/17, Edited 7/25/19

You were sleeping peacefully until you caught a whiff of something really pleasant. Your eyes fluttered open to see a bright red rose resting on the nightstand only centimeters away from your nose. You smiled softly, very content with the manner in which you have been woken.

You sat up and gently picked up the flower, thankful that it had been stripped of all thorns. Bendy must've brought this at some point, as the soup bowl was now gone as well. You looked back at the sticky note on the table. You hadn't thought much about it that afternoon, but was it possible he was attempting to start a conversation?

"Maybe I should try to talk to him...." You thought. "I mean, he's been treating me decently and he's made food.... It's kinda the least I can do, in a sense."

You rose from the bed, flower held gently in one hand, which was further supported by your other hand that clasped it, and easily made your way to the door. You weren't scared of leaving the room anymore, but right now, you were simply nervous. You were about to strike up a conversation with a huge beast of ink! And he didn't seem capable of speaking, so it would probably be awkward.

Either way, you quietly turned the doorknob and entered the lounge. Bendy was laying on one of the room's long couches and was watching TV. He had put a drape or cloth of some sort on the couch, most likely to prevent it from being ruined by his inky body. You figured such as it hadn't been there that afternoon.

You walked up to the side of the couch in which his feet were at and lightly cleared your throat. He immediately sat up and stared at you. He reacted so fast that he seemed either startled or excited. Maybe both?

"Um.... I-I just wanted to...." Your eyes trailed off to the side, trying to avoid whatever eye contact there was to be made, considering he seemingly had no eyes of his own. "I wanted to say t-thanks. Y-you know.... For the soup and the r-rose...."

You quickly glanced back at him to see him give a small nod, showing that he both acknowledged and accepted your words. "A-and sorry for the f-first soup incident. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.... And I'm sorry that I left you to e-eat alone earlier...."

You looked at him to see his shoulders lightly bouncing up and down, which you took as his way of laughing or chuckling. He gave you a slight wave to assure you that it was fine.

You gave a small, awkward smile. This actually wasn't going too bad, but you were embarrassed that you were stuttering so terribly. It wasn't like you to stutter that much in a situation like this. But then again, you never had to confront a creature of ink with a permanent smile, no eyes, and could literally be as tall as a freaking skyscraper when compared to you.

He moved over to one of the side cushions, pulling the white tarp over to free up a cushion and a half. He pointed at the seat instead of patting it like most, probably because he didn't want any of the ink on his gloves to get onto the cushion, in attempt to make you sit down with him.

You timidly sat on the cushion, squishing yourself as tightly as you could against the arm rest. You didn't want to get too close for some reason, so you kept your distance without seeming too nervous or cautious. You didn't want him to get the wrong idea.

Fiddling with the rose's stem, you looked at Bendy from the corner of your eyes. He simply sat there staring at you, just like any other time. "Um...." You mumbled, desperately trying to think of a way to get the conversation started without taking too long. "A-are you....?" You trailed off. You greatly debated asking this question, but you really wanted an answer. "Are you dangerous?"

He softly shook his head in response.

"You won't hurt me?"

Again, he shook his head.

You smiled a little. "That's a relief." You whispered.

You were surprised to see Bendy rise from the sofa and walk away into another room. "Did I do something wrong!?" You thought to yourself, worried you might've accidentally offended him.

He came back after a few mere seconds with a huge sketchbook in his hands. Taking his seat again, he flipped the cover to the first empty page. Using his inky finger, he wrote, 'Are you scared?'

"Sorry, but yes, a little...." You whispered.

'It's fine.' He wrote on a new page. 'I don't blame you. I'm hideous.'

You felt really sad when you read that. "Hideous isn't the word I'd use." You replied. "You're just....peculiar." A small smile made its way back to your lips.

Bendy drew a smiley face, trying to convey the fact that he was smiling internally.

"B-Bendy?" You asked. He looked directly at you, giving you his full attention.

"W-What does your ink feel like? I'm just curious...." You fiddled with the rose some more, now out of embarrassment for asking.

He held his arm out to you, motioning for you to feel for yourself. You set the rose down beside you and slowly reached out with your dominant hand. Your hand met a very sticky surface. The ink was surely sticky, but it wasn't all too wet. Damp would probably be the best way to put it, but it was still wet enough to leave residue on your skin.

"That's so weird." You whispered in awe. "But that makes it even cooler!"

He made another smiley face, but this time, there was teeth showing, just like his own smile! That must've made him really happy.

You touched his arm for quite a while. You were just so fascinated by the new feeling that you couldn't resist. It was so strange and weird that it was actually the coolest thing ever! But Bendy didn't mind.

You were so intrigued and occupied that you didn't notice Bendy's own fascination. As your fingers danced across his arm, he calmly watched. His elbow rested on his waist, with his posture slightly ruined by a small forward lean, as his cheek leaned against his fist while he watched you in admiration.

After a few more minutes, your wandering hands recessed and Bendy put his arm back down. He grabbed the couch cloth and, using the side he had been laying on, he lightly removed any ink remnants from your delicate hands.

"Thanks." You smiled warmly. "Bendy?" He looked at you once more.

"You may be a giant creature of ink, but you seem to be one of the nicest people I've ever met." Bendy responded by sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact. All you could do was giggle.

✔️Ink Bendy x Reader - Alone Within the Ink #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now