The Music Department

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11/22/18, Edited 7/30/19

"I won't be gone long." You smiled at Bendy.

He held up a paper. 'Are you sure about this?'

"Positive." You took his gloved hands into yours. "I'm sure I'll be fine."

He slowly removed his hands from yours and wrote another note. 'If anything happens, just scream. I promise I'll hear it, and I'll rush to you.' He then tore off another paper and wrote, 'You mean everything to me, and I will protect you at all costs.'

You smiled as a light blush rose to your cheeks. "Thanks, Bendy. I know I can always count on you." Bendy kneeled before you and took one of your hands in his. He lifted it to his eternal smile and placed an ink heart kiss on the back of it.

He then stood back on his feet and held your hand in his as he led you over to the door of the lounge. He really didn't want you to go, but he knew you would be okay. You knew the studio fairly well, but he couldn't help but feel anxious.

However, no matter how badly he wanted to always be by your side, he also wanted you to be happy just as much. He could tell that you wanted some time to yourself, and he respected that. Bendy decided that he was just going to stay in the lounge on high alert until you got back.


It didn't take long for you to get lost. You had never gone down this hallway with Bendy, but it did feel faintly familiar. Nonetheless, you didn't exactly know which hallway you came from, so at this point, you did want any person shouldn't do. You just continued to wander further into the maze of the studio.

Walking through a wide doorway, you found yourself in one of the main areas of the studio. The Music Department, which was written decoratively on a large wall. There was a huge mass of ink all stuck together at the base of that wall, but other than that, the area seemed fairly ink free.

"I never really got the chance to come down here." You whispered to yourself. "Joey would get furious when people went to other departments that they weren't a part of."

You chuckled, thinking back at the one time you ever came down to the Music Department. Joey was absolutely furious! In reality, you had simply gotten lost since it was still your first week at the studio. But mean old Joey wasn't having it!

Turning down a hallway, you made your way to the end where the office of a familiar songwriter stood. It was the office of Sammy Lawrence himself. You saw him only a few times, and the same went for him, but not once did the two of you ever converse.

You opened the door that was, surprisingly, unlocked. There wasn't much to the room, aside from an ink lever and blueprints for the ink machine on Sammy's desk. There was also a small, old radio. Sitting in his creaky chair, you turned on the radio and smiled as you tapped your foot to the upbeat tempo.

However, the hair on your neck bolted upright when you heard a creak closeby. Looking down the hallway from which you just came through, a Bendy cutout was peaking at you from around the corner. It pulled back behind the wall almost as soon as you saw it.

You turned off the radio and left Sammy's office. You crept up to the corner and took a quick breath. Whipping around the corner, you saw that nobody was there. The cutout wasn't anywhere in sight. Suddenly, you heard a loud click, and you turned to see the recording sign had just turned on.

You went into the recording studio and saw it was completely empty, aside from a few dusty instruments lying about. There was a drum, a bass, a violin, a banjo, and a piano rested in the fair corner away from the other instruments.

You walked around the room and fiddled with the instruments, plucking a few strings here and there for your amusement and hitting the drum once or twice just because. When you approached the piano, you closed its top and sat on the bench.

As you started to play a short yet beautiful song that you knew, you began to hum along, and occasionally fully sing some lyrics. You continued to play, starting to sway to the music you were creating while completely unaware that someone was intensely watching you from the balcony above.

When you were done, you smiled as you closed the cover of the keyboard to prevent any further dust and damage to the old keys. You left the recording studio and shut the door behind you. "I should probably try to find my way back soon. I've been gone a while."

You walked back toward the doorway you initially went through when you first entered the Music Department, but you were stopped dead in your tracks when you felt a cold, inky hand grab your wrist.

You snapped your head around, coming face to face with a Bendy mask coated with ink splotches. A small part of the smile was removed. The mask was attacked to a tall body made completely of ink. The creature was wearing overalls.

You screamed in a state of hysteria as you desperately tried to struggle out of the creature's grasp. It, however, had a very strong grip on your wrist that you knew wouldn't give way anytime soon. It held your hand up to its mask, staring at the ink heart that was still on your hand from earlier.

It looked back up at you and cupped a hand over your mouth. You tried to wiggle free and thrashed your head in attempt to shake off its hand and continue to scream. However, all plans flew out the window as it backed you up to a wall. You stopped struggling and instead stared at the mask, eyes wide with fear.

"You've seen my lord?" He asked, his voice deep and raspy. When you made no movement and gave no signs of a confirmation or denial, he asked again, "The Ink Demon.... You've seen him?"

Still paralyzed with fear, you didn't nod or make any noise. You could feel beads of sweat start to stream down your face caused by your high tension level. "There's no point in refusing to answer, my little sheep. You bear his mark.... His ink on your skin!"

You removed his hand from your mouth using the arm he wasn't currently gripping. "Yes, I've seen Bendy." You stated cautiously. "I saw him not long ago."

"He noticed you." The creature gasped. "How did you get him to notice you!?"

"Was it supposed to be hard?" You asked, unsure about what the man was going on about.

"I see...." He growled. "You're perfect, my little sheep. You are exactly what I need to get my lord to notice me!"

Suddenly, the two of you froze when you heard a loud growl. Turning to a wall off to the side, you watched as Bendy finished coming out of an ink blotch in the wall. That growl....was him?

"Ah! My lord!" The man said, letting go of you and turning to the ink demon. "Finally, you have noticed me! Take this tender sheep!"

Bendy let out another loud growl and reached for the man, grabbing his neck. He lifted him off the ground as the ink man began to choke. "No!" You cried out. Bendy just looked at you. "Bendy, please stop!"

You saw Bendy slightly falter when you said that, and he quickly let go of the man. As the man gagged and tried to catch his breath, you scolded Bendy. "You can't just kill something because it threatened me! He didn't do anything to harm me....yet."

He wrote messily on a paper. 'But I was protecting you!'

You sighed and brought the tall demon into a warm embrace. "Look, I know you were just trying to keep me safe, but that's not an excuse to immediately kill someone. Promise me that you'll just help me escape from danger from now on, okay? No more harming anything."

You looked up at him and saw him slowly nod. You smiled. "Try to treat others with the same compassion that you show me, alright?" He nodded once more, and you stood on your tiptoes to place a kiss on his cheek.

You kneeled down and helped the ink man rise to his feet. "Hey, you alright?"

"Yes, just startled." He breathed out. "Who are you?"

"I'm (Y/N)." You smiled, holding out your hand for him to shake.

He took it, replying, "Sammy Lawrence."

✔️Ink Bendy x Reader - Alone Within the Ink #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now