(Y/N) and Sammy

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7/26/19, Edited 7/30/19

After a nice long nap to recover from all of your cries and sobs, you and Sammy went to the tall shack that stood in the middle of the ink ocean not too far from shore. It was the one that a Lost One was usually perched on, his fishing line bobbing in the ink below. However, he left the shack to let you and Sammy have some peace and quiet as you talked.

Your legs hung over the shack's edge, just the same as Sammy's. He borrowed the Lost One's fishing line and swung it into the ink ocean, waiting for the tug that he knew would never appear. The fishing was pointless. Nothing survived in the ink, so what would there even be to grab the line? Telling a Lost One otherwise wasn't a good plan as you didn't want to upset them, but you were perplexed as to why Sammy decided to cast the line himself.

"So....what really happened, (Y/N)?" Sammy asked softly. "Tell me everything."

You chuckled lightly. "You sound like a high school girl ready to divulge in some drama." In a stereotypical high school female voice, you dramatically mimicked him, and with sassy movements and actions to boot. "Tell me everything!"

Sammy shook his head with the tiniest laugh as he flicked your forehead gently. "Be serious, now. What happened to make you end up down here?"

"It's a long story." You smiled, taking a breath before telling the story. You recounted everything that had happened from your perspective. Falling through the floorboards, meeting Boris, then being attacked by the disfigured Alice Angel. Continuing, you added how she kept you locked up and tortured you, injecting ink into your veins constantly with her syringe, and how you eventually escaped only for her to shove your over the railing, whether by accident or not, into the deep abyss.

"I must've fell into some ink, because the next time I opened my eyes, I was trapped in its suffocating grasp. But when I finally crawled to safety, I was on the shore here." You finished. "I've been here ever since."

"I see." Sammy said, his voice sounding as if he were deep in thought. "You went through a lot more than I thought. Quite the adventure, huh?"

"I'll say. I'm happy to be out of that nightmare though, that's for sure!"

"Stop smiling." Sammy growled. "You know the nightmare isn't done, so why do you insist on trying to hide the fact that you're miserable down here with that fake smile?" His grip tightened on the fishing pole, which you took notice of as he spoke.

You lowered his head at his accusation. You knew it was true, but still. "I'm sorry, Sammy. I just can't seem to wrap my brain around everything that's happened. I want to deny it, but I simply can't."

"So what're you gonna do?" He asked softly. "I mean, you can't stay down here, but I can see it in your eyes. You've found quite the purpose being down here."

"I don't know if you'll understand, Sammy," you began quietly, "but the Lost Ones need me! They're so lonely and scared, and they really need my help! I promised I'd help them, and I refuse to leave them. I can't let them suffer anymore. They're just like-"

"Bendy." Sammy finished for you. You could just feel his warm smile as you heard his next few words. "You're quite the girl, aren't you?"

A light blush dusted your cheeks. "What do you mean?"

"Your heart. You care for Bendy so much, you just understand him. I may not have seen him much before you showed up, but that demon has sure changed, that's for sure. You were a blessing, (Y/N). A godsend." He turned his head to look at you. "And to know that you can make that connection between Bendy and the Lost Ones.... You're just quite the girl."

You didn't know how to respond to his long speech, probably because you were flustered. Your face had turned rather red and you were biting your lips nervously at the many compliments. When Sammy noticed your silence and your red face, he laughed and gently pinched your cheek. "Aw, did I embarrass you?"

"Shut it, music man." You rolled your eyes, playfully punching him in the shoulder. The two of you shared a laugh before it died down, bringing back a semi-serious mood. "But really, I don't know what to do. I need to get back to Bendy, but...."

"I get it." Sammy said, placing his hand reassuringly on your shoulder. "You can't bring yourself to leave the Lost Ones. But you know there'll be a time where you'll have to, right?"

"I know. My heart won't let me stay away from Bendy forever for their sake."

"But just because you leave doesn't mean you can't ever come back." Sammy pointed out. "I'm sure the Lost Ones will understand. Going after the Ink Demon will make things better for everyone, you and them included."

You let out a huge sigh as you leaned back, laying on the wooden floor with your head resting on your arms. "This is such a huge mess. How did this even happen?" You could feel the tears starting to well in your eyes as you vividly remembered how desperately Bendy had run towards you when the floor gave way beneath your feet.

"I miss him so much, Sammy." You sobbed. "I miss playing games with him. I miss dancing the night away and cuddling together. He was so kind and loving and quirky, and I never realized how much I needed him by my side until now."

"No. No, no, no, shh." Sammy whispered as he took your hand in his. "Please calm down, (Y/N). You'll be back in his loving embrace eventually."

"I need to get back to him now!" You quickly sat upright, tears still streaming down your face. Placing your hands on both sides of Sammy's face, you quietly pleaded, "Sammy, please! Please take me to him! I know he hasn't forgotten! He hasn't changed!"

"(Y/N), please." Sammy sighed. "We can't do that yet! I told you-"

"Why aren't you listening to me?" You shrieked through your sobs. "Sammy, you don't understand! He needs me! I need him!"

Sammy continued to gently hush you some more as he lifted you onto his lap. Your legs rested beside his as you faced him, clutching him in a tight hug as you buried your face into his shoulder. He leaned his head into the side of yours as he rubbed comforting circles on your back. "I know, (Y/N). I know." He whispered.

If Bendy saw the two of you like this, Sammy knew the Ink Demon would be pissed. And to be honest, the music director no longer cared. He knew himself that he wasn't doing this to get closer to (Y/N), that he wasn't trying to make any moves. He held no romantic intentions, he was just trying to comfort his depressed, troubled, and closest friend who just happened to be a girl that was in a relationship....right?

As Sammy continued to try and comfort you, he knew that wasn't true. Although he would never admit it, he had grown just a sliver of feelings for you. Honestly, his feelings subtly seeped out earlier when he was complimenting you on your caring heart, but he knew you wouldn't have picked up on it. He thought you were a beautifully wonderful young woman. He simply knew where your heart was is all, who it belonged to. And he would forever respect that. But now, you needed comfort, and Sammy was willing to be there for you, just as he always would be.

However, the music director's heart stopped for a split second as his eyes shot wide open behind his mask. His body tensed as his fingers retreated from your back, twitching slightly. "(Y/N), go!" He hollered in distress.

"What's going on?" You panicked, leaping to your feet in fear.

"Go!" He yelled, clutching his head as he began to twitch. "My psychotic episodes, they're starting! Go, now!" As he watched you quickly run away and make your way towards the harbor's shore, he mustered a small frown as he continued to twitch and jerk. "Oh, why did this have to happen to me? And now of all times!?"

✔️Ink Bendy x Reader - Alone Within the Ink #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now