Beware the Ink Demon

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7/20/19k Edited 7/30/19

"So, what do you plan on doing?" Allison asked as she sat beside you.

"I don't really know." You frowned. "I'm kinda stuck here." You placed a card onto the ground on the growing card pile. You were currently sitting in a circle with some Lost Ones, playing with a deck of cards that Tom managed to swipe. Allison didn't join in, but Tom did.

"You got that right. Ink ocean to the left, inevitable death to the right."

"Death? What's over there?" You asked as a Lost One had to draw cards.

"Tom, I thought I told you to tell her!" The girl sighed, placing a hand to her temple. The wolf gave her a shrug and a firm look before redirecting his attention to the game.

You laughed lightly. "It's alright. I'm sure you can just tell me."

"Wouldn't hurts to have help. You should've known this ahead of time." Allison rolled her eyes before telling you anyway with a ton of disgust and hatred. "He's there. His lair is somewhere around there."

You went to place your card in the middle of the circle, onto the pile, but you froze. "What're you talking about?" You already had a good idea of the answer.

She looked around cautiously before leaning in towards your ear, whispering, "The Ink Demon. That vile monster."

"Oh?" You asked, trying to play it cool. "Is he really that bad?"

"How could you say that!?" Allison snapped. The Lost Ones quickly snapped their heads up in your direction, the fastest movement you had ever seen them make. Tom let out a quiet growl, his ears slightly titling back.

"Look," Allison continued, her voice now somewhat softer. "I don't exactly know just who you are or where you came from, but you'd best keep those thoughts to yourself. The Ink Demon is nothing but a heartless monster that cares about nothing and nobody but himself."

You had to swiftly bite your tongue to catch yourself in time. A sharp pain shot through the tip of your tongue as you felt something warm begin to drip from it.

"If he finds us, he'll kill us all in a heartbeat." Allison warned. "You'd best stop talking about him for good while you're down here. After all, you want to protect the Lost Ones, right?"

You let out a quiet sigh before shakily continuing, "Allison, I really hope you don't mind me asking, but.... Are you sure he's as evil as you say?"

"Yes!" She growled. "Listen, I don't care where you came from before you got stuck in the ink, but you definitely hadn't been exposed to the true nature of the Ink Demon! You would've remembered surely."

The Lost Ones all set down their cards and started to sit around Allison. "Tell us the story." One asked quietly. Tom walked over as well as he kneeled at Allison's side. The girl sent you a firm glare before telling a series of stories to the Lost Ones about her encounters with the supposedly malicious Ink Demon.

The first story was her very first one, her very first encounter with the Ink Demon himself. She was minding her own business, trying to find any clues as to where she came from. Accidentally coming across the path of the deranged demon, he chased her throughout the low levels of the building. When he caught her arm, he roared after analyzing her face for a second. In the end, he threw her out of his grasp, causing her to slightly injure her shoulder as she hit a wall.

The second was when she met Tom. He was fighting some ink creatures, direct servants of the demon. Their ink stained his arm, slowly becoming connected. When Allison rushed in and tried to force the creatures apart from Tom's arm, his arm ended up coming off entirely. Their ink had been fully merged by that point. As they tried to escape the creatures, the Ink Demon appeared and cut them off. Luckily, they managed to escape him without any injuries after endless hours of chase.

The third time, the most recent encounter and the last one she had had to date, was when she finally found Tom a suitable arm. She was around Bendy Land with Tom and they managed to come across a weird animatronic after sneaking past some disfigured creatures. Attaching the arm right there in the room where they found it, the two then snuck back out of the room and back into a different hallway. When the Ink Demon appeared, he roared as he roughly grabbed Tom's robotic arm and threw him out of the way. The arm gaining a small break, the demon then went for Allison once more. However, Tom got to her in the nick of time as the two escaped a long chase once more.

"You see," Allison finished, sending you an intense glare. "The Ink Demon is a merciless beast that doesn't care whether others get injured or not. All he wants to do is kill for his own gain. There is no justifying any of his actions! He is heartless, and that's all there is to it."

"I'll believe it when I see it." You lowly growled, gritting your teeth. There was no way this was Bendy they were talking about. He was so sweet and caring, so how could he go around injuring people? This couldn't be real.

"Yeah, and then you'll be dead seconds later." Allison replied with a straight face. "The ones who are smart are the only ones who stay alive down here."

"Sure, okay." You replied, not really listening to her anymore. "I guess I'll just have to believe you, Allison. For now, at least."

You went to stand up, but Tom quickly grabbed your arm to stop you from moving. You noticed his narrowed eyes violently scanning the area. His ears were tilted back in an aggressive manner once more.

"What're you-"

"Shh!" Allison hissed, cutting you off. She seemed serious, but what worried you most was Tom. You hadn't seen him like this before as he was generally very calm, so something had to be wrong. "Stay quiet, everyone."

Everyone froze completely, you didn't even sit back down and instead stayed in your halfway crouched position. Tom's eyes continued to dart around until he eventually let out a small growl when his glare became fixed on the ink ocean.

Following his gaze, you began to see slight movement in the ink, right at the shore. You watched as a small hand came bursting out of the ink, clutching onto the shore just as you had done. Another hand followed suit as the creature had a complete grasp on the shore. Something was coming out on the shore, and once it's head slowly raised out of the ink ocean, you couldn't believe your eyes.

✔️Ink Bendy x Reader - Alone Within the Ink #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now