Bendy's Request

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11/26/18, Edited 7/30/19

Bendy woke up and saw that you were gone. In fact, so was the rest of the lounge. He was sitting in an abyss of darkness. There was nothing to be seen, and he heard a constant group of whispers, all so quiet as they hissed together that their words were indecipherable.

He looked around in a panic, trying to find an escape that unfortunately wasn't there at all. He was trapped in black space of whispered screams. Suddenly, he saw some candlelight slowly begin to fade into view. He approached the forming circle of candles and found himself standing in the center of the candle circle.

Looking down at his feet, he watched as a pentagram slowly appeared in the candlelight. The lines and markings began to grow a bright light that pierced through the darkness. His heartbeat began to grow faster and louder, and his breathing started to get loud and raspy. He began to growl with each coming breath.

He roared as he felt an intense pain in his head, followed by a contorted image. He saw himself, but more demonic and crazed looking. He was incredibly skinny, with his rib cage showing greatly. His arms and legs became almost nothing more than bones with a thin layer of ink over them. One foot was so distorted that he could do nothing but limp. His hips were all messed up, adding to his limp. His sharp, pointy spine heavily protruded through his back, only barely covered with ink. His face was more covered with ink than it was now, and his smile became more unstable and jittery.

Bendy was completely scared of this image of him. He wanted to deny this was him, he really did. But that pentagrams never lie. This thing was him, and he was going to become him. He didn't want to become this twisted, mangled monster! He couldn't allow it; it could scare (Y/N) too much.

As soon as that thought crossed his mind, Bendy heard a shrill scream. He broke free from the pentagram's control and the image left his mind as he began to frantically run around, desperately searching for the scream he knew all too well. (Y/N).

Soon, her scream died down, and the only noises left were the whispers. Bendy began to panic, assuming something happened to her. He then felt a presence behind him. But it wasn't (Y/N), that's for sure. Bendy turned around and came face to face with....


Bendy bolted upright, panting as he tried to get accustomed to his surroundings. He was back in the lounge, still on the couch. The darkness wasn't there, and the room was dead silent. He noticed his ink was started to get really runny, but he didn't pay any attention to it. He couldn't rub the image from his mind. That person....he came face to face with one of the creators! How could it be!? Bendy looked around and got worried when he didn't see you anywhere in his field of vision.

He got off the couch and scoured the lounge, leaving behind thin footprints of ink caused by his runny ink. Bendy became worried, especially since he was still on edge from that horrific nightmare, and immediately bolted into one of the walls.

As he passed through the quickly formed ink blotches on the wall, he began to flow through all of the ink in the studio. He looked frantically for you, even going so far as to take a peak through the eyes of some of the many Bendy cutouts around the studio.

The next Bendy he looked through, he saw the inside of the recording studio in the Music Department. Since he was traveling through the ink, everything he heard was slightly muffled, but he could've swore he heard two distinct voices.

Bendy began to rocket through the ink, making his way to the recording studio. He prayed you were there with Sammy. At least he knew you were in fairly good hands. Sammy wouldn't hurt you, he knew that for a fact. Bendy was Sammy's lord, based on what the man claimed, and there was no way he would get on Bendy's bad side.

He pulled himself out of an ink puddle at the entrance of the Music Department and made haste to the door of the recording studio. He peeked his head around the open doorway, seeing you and Sammy at the piano. Everything seemed all right to the ink demon. It looked like he was walking you through how to play a song.

Bendy quietly approached the two, trying not to disturb them, but he wasn't surprised that Sammy felt his presence. "Ah, my lord." Sammy said, turning around the face the demon.

(Y/N) turned around too and looked at Bendy. "Hey Bendy." She smiled.

Bendy ignored them and walked right up to (Y/N), giving her a tight hug. As he returned the hug with slight confusion, she felt that his ink was a tad stickier than usual. "Hey, are you okay?"

Bendy looked up at her and nodded.

"Are you sure?" She continued to ask. "Your ink is unusually sticky. Was it runny earlier?"

Bendy hesitated before nodding in response. He knew you were going to try to ask what was wrong, but he was going to try to do his best not to tell you anything about his nightmare. He didn't want to scare you away.

"Well, okay then...." She whispered. Bendy noticed the suspicion in her voice. "Do you....want to leave or something?"

Bendy shook his head. He gestured for you to keep playing the piano with Sammy as he stood behind the two of you, watching intently.

You and Sammy shared a look before directing your attention back to the music. You slowly went through the sheet, going through the song at your own pace. Whenever you made a mistake or had trouble, Sammy was there to point out your error.

The sheet was very short, only being a one-sided page with only a handful of measures, but you didn't mind. Sammy really wanted to hear it. He had composed it a long time ago, back when he still worked in the studio as a human, and it was the last piece he ever wrote. Unfortunately, he never got time to listen to it or have people play it before everything was destroyed.

You felt that playing "The Lighter Side of Hell" was the least that you could do for him as a thanks for listening to you and making his promises. It was an easy song, though. It was easy to play the melody, but there wasn't much for your left hand to play.

When you finished practicing and getting familiar with the song, Sammy let you go as you played the song till completion. You only made a few minor mistakes, but it was better than nothing. Sammy hummed was you finished. "Thanks."

"No problem." You smiled. "I really like it."

He chuckled. "I don't. I'll have to make some changes."

You giggled, and you felt something tap your shoulder. You looked up to see Bendy, who tapped the imaginary watch on his wrist. Must be there was something you needed to do? Cue your stomach rumbling.

Sammy chuckled, "Go eat. I've got work to do."

You smiled and waved goodbye as you left the room. Bendy stayed behind just long enough to hand Sammy a folded piece of paper before following after you.

Once you were out of earshot, Sammy opened the paper and read it aloud to himself.

"Something's wrong. I feel it, and I know you do too. Something's going to happen and it isn't going to be good. If I really am your lord, you will keep these promises. Promise me that if any creators enter the studio, you will sacrifice them to me. They need to pay. But above all else, promise me you will protect (Y/N) with all of your life. I fear I may not be there for her soon.... Protect her! I want her safe and I know you'll do it. Keep these promises and I'll find a way to rid you of your inky form. Promise me, Sammy."

Sammy smiled to himself as he whispered, "Of course, my lord. (Y/N) will be my top priority. I won't let you down, for both your sake and hers."

✔️Ink Bendy x Reader - Alone Within the Ink #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now