That Damn Plushie

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11/20/18, Edited 7/30/19

You ran through the studio like mad, desperately trying to find a good hiding place. Adrenaline ran rampant through your veins as your heartbeat had gone wild. You ran to a door and jiggled the knob, but to no avail.

You began to hear scratchy breathing, followed by loud, wet footsteps. You watched as the walls around you were slowly starting to drip with faint ink. "Crap!" You hissed quietly as you dashed around the corner.

Finding a door that was actually unlocked, you went into the room and closed the door behind you. Desperately trying to quiet your heavy breathing, your wide eyes scanned the hallway through the small tinted window.

There he walked. Bendy. He slowly trudged through the hallway. Your heart beat grew louder, as did Bendy's coarse breaths. Listening closely, you could've swore you could make out your name from his hissing breath. But maybe it was your imagination.

As he neared the end of the hallway, Bendy walked into the wall, disappearing in a puddle of ink. The walls dried up and everything went silent. You let out a huge sigh of relief, clutching the fabric of your shirt over your heart.

You exited the tiny room and continued to run down the hallways and twisting corridors. You were beginning to lose hope; it felt like you were in an endless maze of madness! This was hopeless. All you needed to do was find one small thing. You just needed a small Bendy plushie. But easier said than done. Try finding a small item in a huge area, never even knowing where you've been before.

As you rounded a corner, you skidded to a halt and cursed. There was an open door. You were here before, and you just went in a huge circle. "Oh for the love of anything!" You groaned. "I'm never gonna find this stupid plushie!"

While you were fuming, faint breaths could be heard. Your eyes widened, realizing this wasn't the time for....anything, really. Bendy was back! But where was he coming from? Would he appear down the hall in front of you, or was he creeping up behind?

Your questions were answered when you heard him snarl from behind you. Turning your head back so fast that you could've snapped your neck, you saw him at the end of the hall behind you. He began to charge for you, chasing you down the hall.

Skidding around the corner, you ran for the closest door. You jiggled the knob, but the door wouldn't budge. Bendy was coming closer. Trying the next door not much farther down, you found it was locked also. Bendy came dashing around the corner as you let out a small shriek.

Realizing there was nowhere left to hide, you turned the corner and hid behind some barrels and a Bendy cutout. You held your breath as Bendy, who had now slowly his pace to a creeping wall, scoured the hallway. He approached your hiding place and slowly continued to walk past it. However, as your heartbeat grew louder, Bendy came to a halt.

He waited, closely listening to the soft thumps coming from within your chest. You eventually felt the need to breathe, forcing you to left out the breath you were holding. Bendy heard and whipped around, facing your hiding spot.

In a state of panic, you went to jump over the barrels and begin to run, but Bendy caught you before you could even land back on the ground after the jump. He grabbed your wrists and collided into you, pinning you to the floorboards.

You wriggled in his grasp, but the demon refused to budge. Your breaths grew quick and your fast heartbeat never faltered nor slowed. You watched as he slowly leaned down toward your face, hovering his face just above yours. He then planted a huge ink heart kiss to your forehead.

"Not fair!" You whined. "How come you always win?"

You and Bendy have played this game quite a few times now, and you were starting to get annoyed by the fact that you could never win. He always seemed to hide the Bendy plushies in the worst places, with 'worst' meaning they would be impossible to find.

Bendy shrugged his shoulders as he got off you. He held his hand out to you as he delicately pulled you to your feet. You dusted yourself off, asking, "Did you even hide it anywhere?"

He nodded in response.

"Then show me. Prove it!"

His shoulders bounced, indicating his chuckle, as he gingerly took your hand and began to lead you down the hallway. He brought you to the room you hid in before, not long before you got caught. "I was in here and didn't see it." You said. "If it's in a ridiculous spot, I'm gonna be so mad!"

He led you into the room as his shoulders began to bounce again. "What's so funny?" You hissed. The ink demon pointed above your head at the doorframe. You looked up, seeing the Bendy plushie just sitting there in plain sight at the top of the doorframe. It was right there on the wood.

You growled. "You've got to be kidding me! I can't even reach that!"

Bendy just gave you a sarcastic shrug in response. He took a paper off the desk and, with his finger, wrote, 'Maybe you shouldn't be so short.'

You scoffed and turning away from him, folding your arms in a huff. "Shut up, Bendy."

He slowly approached you from behind and cupped his hands around your hips. He began to rub them and lightly squeeze them. "No, Bendy!" You snapped. "I'm not falling for this again." He pressed on, his body now flush against your back. "Bendy, stop it. I'm mad at you." You said, lightly biting your lip as you could feel your frustration with him slowly begin to disappear. He won the game, and you weren't going to let him win again!

Bendy leaned his head down and buried his face into the side of your neck as best as he could with his big head. He began to leave dozens of ink heart kisses all in the same area, holding each kiss there for a few seconds. This began to make your neck feel wet and sticky. "Bendy...." You breathed out.

He slowly began to take steps backward, gently pulling you with him. He sat down on an old wooden chair and pulled you onto his lap. He placed one hand on your thigh while the other moved from your hip up to your waist. He continued to caress and squeeze those areas as he began to place ink hearts along the side of your jawline.

You struggled to hold back anything and everything, desperately trying to keep up your stubborn act. But for sure, Bendy knew exactly what he was doing, and he was definitely making this a challenge for you. However, you didn't plan on giving in.

....Yeah, that idea flew out the window just as soon as it appeared. Bendy grabbed your wrists and pinned them behind your back with one hand. With the other hand, he moved any hair that was covering the back of your neck and began to place ink hearts there instead. His ink touching that sensitive skin sent shivers up your spine.

He felt your slight shiver as he stopped everything and turned you around. You instinctively wrapped your legs around his torso. With you wrapping your arms around his neck, he, in turn, cupped your hips once more as he began to attack your face with ink heart kisses. Giving in, you let out a small giggle. He pulled you even closer to him when he heard it.

As he kissed your face, you trailed your hands down his neck to his bow tie and fiddled with it. You felt a small ripple flow through his inky figure, indicating a shiver of his own. At that point, he slowly pulled away from you as everything came to a stop. You smiled at him, saying, "I guess I could never be mad at you."

He stroked the skin beneath your chin with his finger tauntingly before the two of you rose from the chair. You smiled at him, saying, "Next time, I'd better win or there'll be problems." His shoulders bounced as he held out his arm. Linking your arm with his, the two of you walked back to the lounge to relax after that long game.

✔️Ink Bendy x Reader - Alone Within the Ink #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now