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7/28/19, Edited 7/30/19

Sammy cackled at your helpless, distressed figure as you relentlessly kicked and squirmed in his tight grasp. He was filled to the brim with psychotic joy at the thought that revenge would soon be dealt, the thought that you would feel exactly as he felt once he was done with you. Hopeless. Discarded. Betrayed and abandoned!

However, although he was conscious enough to know that allowing his victim to scream would endanger his plans, the music director didn't have enough self-control to prevent his psychotic cackles from echoing across the harbor.

Those cackles proved to be as jeopardizing as your screams would be when a Lost One peeked outside to see what was the matter. The second he saw your position, he ran outside with a firm plan in mind and attacked Sammy from behind. The music director's hand left your mouth, allowing you to finally scream.

The entirety of the Lost Ones came rushing out of the shacks and made haste towards you and Sammy. A small few ripped you from his grasp while all the rest marched on to attack the deranged composer, who continued to scream profanities and threats in a crazed tone. It didn't take long for the Lost Ones to bring him to his knees. After all, they outnumbered him almost a hundred to one.

"We need to do something." You wheezed, trying to catch your breath. The Lost Ones looked at your trembling form before looking at each other, all sending a firm nod to the others. One of the Lost Ones ran into their shack, coming back with an axe. The music director snapped back to his senses when the flat part of the axe's blade roughly hit him in the back of the head.

You listened to Sammy pant as he crumbled to the floor completely, his hands cradling his now throbbing head. He seethed in pain as he subtly rocked on the ground. As Sammy tried to recover and fight to remain conscious after the intense blow, the Lost One handed the axe to you.

"(Y/N)." Your name came out of Sammy's cracking voice.

You remained silent. If he was still the tiniest bit psychotic in the slightest after that blow to the head, you didn't want to fully reawaken his hostile intentions by adding fuel to the fire with your voice.

"(Y/N)....please." Sammy struggled just to get onto his hands and knees. "I can't.... I cant keep hurting you. Lock me up or....something. Please."

You lowered your head with a frown without even needing to think over his request. "Lock him up." Your defeated voice came out in a saddened whisper. The Lost Ones all nodded at your request as they gathered up the weak music director. They dragged him across the harbor grounds and placed him inside a doorway at the far end of the village, the one where 'Not Monsters' was written above in ink.

Sammy stood there, head lowered, as the Lost Ones began to board up the doorway. After a short period of labor, the doorway was practically boarded up entirely. There were a few gaps here and there, but none large enough for the music director to fit through. They were only big enough to let one see a small fraction of his figure when they peered inside.

The Lost Ones moved out of your way as you slowly approached the boarded doorway. Peering inside a gap in the wooden planks at your eye level, you saw Sammy standing in the darkness, the only light shining off his body and mask coming from the outside. He refused to come away from the wall behind him.

"Sammy." You frowned, lifting your hand to curl your fingers around the plank of wood.

"No, (Y/N). Please don't do this." He said when he heard your aching voice. "Just....leave me be."

"You know I won't do that, Sammy." You pleaded quietly. "We'll figure this out, right? We have to! There must be a way to save you!"

Sammy sighed, finally coming away from the wall. He approached the boarded doorway and gently placed his hand on top of yours. "(Y/N).... You know just as well as I do that it's impossible. I can't be saved, I'm too long gone."

Tears welled in your eyes as you rested your forehead on his hand that he just placed on yours. "No! I refuse to believe that! There has to be a way, there just has to be! I can't leave you alone in the darkness!"

"Wake up, (Y/N)!" Sammy snapped, his voice louder which caused you to flinch. "You're still trying to live in a fairy tale! You can't save everyone you come across that is in need! There's no saving some of us, especially in this twisted labyrinth of a studio! Don't you fucking get it!?"

You removed your forehead from his hand as you recoiled in shock, ripping your hand out from underneath his in the process. A look of shock remained on your face until you replaced it with a furious one that held a lot of hurt. "Dammit, Sammy! You're my friend! Don't you get it!? It's not about saving every single person I meet! It's about keeping my friends and loved ones safe!"

A long silence came between the two of you after you both had your outbursts. Sammy's fingers were still tightly clenched around the wooden plank, causing it to split a small bit. Your glare was heavily fixed on him as you slightly panted with rage. The Lost Ones had even left just before it all started since they had a strong feeling on where the fueled conversation was headed.

Eventually, the two of you let out defeated sighs, now feeling much better. You walked the few steps back to the boarded doorway and looked back at Sammy. The eyes of his mask stared back at you as he quietly said, "I'm really sorry. I don't know why I keep messing things up."

"You probably can't help it." You lightly joked. "After all, you're quite the mess, music man."

He chuckled softly at your polite jab at him. "I really am, aren't I? I just.... Just don't get your hopes up if I never go back to normal, okay?"

"I promise." You smiled warmly. "But I also promise to help get you back to normal!"

Sammy took a small breath before slowly reaching out his hand towards your face. He went to cup your cheek but he suddenly halted and pulled his hand back. "Sammy?"

He didn't say anything, but his mask no longer seemed to be directed at you anymore. Rather, it appeared is gaze was fixed just past your face at something behind you. Curiously, you began to slowly and cautiously turn around to follow his gaze.

"No, (Y/N)! Don't!" Sammy pleaded, but it was too late.

The second those words left his mouth, you came face to face with a creature of ink that wasn't too far behind you. You locked eyes with its eye sockets, and it seemed to perk up a bit once you did. The other ones that had appeared in the area turned your way also, all looking at you.

"No!" Sammy yelled from behind you as a few of them disappeared back into their ink puddles. The rest who stayed, well, they came crawling right towards you.

✔️Ink Bendy x Reader - Alone Within the Ink #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now