The Surprise

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5/10/18 - 6/13/18, Edited 7/30/19

The two of you were lazing around on the couch, watching the old television. You were laying on your side, head rested comfortably on a pillow that leaned against the arm rest. It seemed like you were about to get to sleep instead of just being lazy, for you kept beginning to doze off.

Bendy, on the other hand, was in a slightly more upright position. He was sitting in one of those dramatic cowboy styles. The one where the cowboy has his feet on the table, he's slumped in the chair, and his fingers are locked together while resting on his chest as his head is tilted downward, hiding his face with his tipped cowboy hat.

It was just so perfect, though! It was nice and warm in the room, and very quiet. Breakfast was settling in both of your stomachs, so you no longer felt the hunger. Your bodies were completely relaxed, and the couch was welcoming you with its open arms, inviting you to sit and chill. But, just by looking at it, who knew the couch was so incredibly soft and comfortable?

Your eyes lazily dragged over to the side, glancing at Bendy through the corners of your eyes. You didn't know exactly why, but you knew you loved him, and a lot, too. He was so kind and gentle, and very compassionate. You could care less that he had the appearance of a threatening ink monster, for you knew that, deep within the inky exterior, a soft and loving interior was held.

You saw him slightly turn his head toward you, alerting you that he caught your gaze. You simply sent a warm, sleepy smile his way. He unclasped his hands and stretched an arm out toward you. He gently rubbed your back, to which you slightly sighed in content as you slowly began to fall asleep again.

His touch was comforting, and overall very soothing. Bendy soon trailed his hand up to your shoulder, then down your arm. He stopped only to grab your hand in his larger, gloved one. You lightly curled your fingers around his as he rubbed soothing circles on the back of your hand with his thumb.

After a moment, you opened your eyes when you felt him tap your arm. You saw him sitting there with the sketchbook, which was opened to a page with writing on it. It read, 'Wanna do something?'

"Like what?" You groaned. "I'm so comfy!"

His written response was, 'It's a surprise!'

"But is it a fun surprise?" You whined. He nodded as he ruffled your hair. Bendy rose off the couch and bowed, holding his gloved hand out to you. "Wow, what a gentleman." You giggled. You placed your small hand in his as he helped you to your feet.

He kept your hand held loosely in his as he leaned down, gently placing an ink heart kiss on your knuckles. You smiled with a light blush. He looked up at you with his everlasting smile, and you placed a small kiss to a part of his cheek that wasn't coated in ink.

He straightened and stood back up as he adjusted his bow tie. He held out his arm to you, to which you gladly linked your arm with his. With that, the two of you exited the lounge, with the sketchbook still in Bendy's hand.

As he led you through the studio, you began to feel less and less déjà-vu moments. Slowly, but surely, everything began to be unfamiliar, strange, and completely new. After passing through many ink-filled corridors and going through countless doorways, it suddenly occurred to you this this might be the basement that Joey had been planning around the time you left for the hospital.

"Hey, Bendy?" You asked, glancing up at him. He turned his head to look at you. "Are we in a basement or something?"

He unlinked his arm from yours to be able to write his response in his sketchbook. 'Yes, this is the basement that Joey had planned for a long while.'

"Well this is taking forever." You raised a brow. "How did he manage to make it this big?"

'Simple. Big dreams, followed by large secrets, all held within the walls,' he wrote back.

"Secrets? What kind?" You asked curiously. "Are they good or bad?"

'Who knows. Maybe it's both, maybe it's neither. Maybe it depends on perspective.'

You frowned as you scrunched your nose. "That's a very ambiguous answer."

His shoulders bounced. "Don't laugh at me!" You scolded. His "laughter" simply continued.

After walking for what seemed like forever, as well as avoiding various rooms for whatever reason that Bendy decided not to tell you, Bendy motioned for you to stop. He walked up to the walls and placed his hands on them as if he was trying to detect something.

Stopping for a moment's thought, he eventually motioned you over to a wall at the other end of the room. On his sketchbook, he wrote, 'Hold your breath.'

You were about to question why, but quickly decided not to when he pulled you into an ink puddle he created in the wall. With your eyes clenched shut, it only took a moment before you reached the other end. Gasping for air, you opened your eyes to find you were in an unfamiliar room. There was also not a single drop of ink on you.

Seeing you struggling for air, Bendy led you to a nearby couch. You stayed there, catching your breath, as he walked off. As you tried to steady your breathing, you looked around the large, yet for the most part empty room. There wasn't much to it besides an enormous statue of Bendy in his cute, simple cartoon form.

Eventually, you heard a clunk, followed by the sound of a large door opening. Bendy ran down a flight of stairs to your left and helped you off the couch. Pulling you into a dark doorway, he covered your eyes with his gloved hands. As you still walked forward, you eventually heard many loud clicks and clanks, followed by a loud buzzing.

Bendy removed his gloved hands from your eyes, and you gasped in awe. Before your very eyes was a room similar to an amusement park, but minus the rides. The sign above read, "Bendy Land." Thousands of carnival lights were blinking all over the room, and, from the balcony where you stood, you could see many plushies and toys of the studio's characters.

"This is amazing!" You beamed. "What is all this?"

You looked at Bendy, whose response was already finished. 'It's part of an amusement park Joey had started.'

"Only a part of it!?" You were shocked. How big had this studio gotten? "Are there rides?"

'In a way, yes?'

You gasped in excitement. "Can we go on a ride!?"

'Maybe later. For now, let's play some games!"

You nodded as you placed another kiss to Bendy's cheek with a bright smile on your face. He lightly held your chin before you pulled away as he managed to place an ink heart kiss on your nose. You giggled, dragging him down the steps and toward the games as you exclaimed, "Come on! Let's go!"

✔️Ink Bendy x Reader - Alone Within the Ink #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now