Fun in Bendy Land

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6/18/18, Edited 7/30/19

You, acting like a hyperactive child, hopped and skipped around the entire room. Bendy stayed close by, watching you as you admired everything. Your eyes sparkled with happiness, and curiosity sounded in your now childish voice.

"This is so cool!" You smiled, but came to a halt. Your smile slightly faltered as you faced Bendy. "Why is this here? How? Why did Joey want this? What did he-"

Your long string of questions was interrupted when Bendy placed a gloved finger to your lips, his shoulders shaking subtly with laughter. He wrote, 'I honestly have no clue. I just know that a man named Bertrum was constructing it.'

"Oh," was all you said. You were slightly disappointed, having hoped that Bendy would've known a little more about this carnival-like place.

'Now, how about those games?'

"Oh, yes!" You beamed, jumping in the air with joy. "I forgot about that! Let's go!"

You linked your arm with his as he led you to the first game. It was one of those "test your strength" games. You ran over, breaking free from Bendy, and dove for the large hammer. You struggled to pick it up and nearly fell over backward when you tried to rest it over your shoulder. Honestly, you were surprised at how heavy it was since it was made solely out of wood.

Staggering, you eventually heaved the hammer over your shoulder and slammed it onto the circular platform. And, after all that hard work of lifting up the hammer and swinging it, the bar didn't even reach the lowest sign. Yes, you were weaker than weak, apparently.

You looked at Bendy with a pout to see his shoulders bouncing fervently. "It's not funny!" You fumed with a stomp of your foot.

He walked over to you and picked up the hammer with nothing more than his thumb and index finger. Bendy looked at you while you scoffed. "Big deal. You're much bigger than me."

He proceeded to walk over to the game and ever-so-slightly tabbed the circular platform with the hammer. You watched in utter disbelief as the bar shot up the game and hit the bell. Bendy did a mocking bow and adjusted his bow tie.

You crossed your arms and huffed, puffing out your cheeks like a child. "Show off. You're such a cheater."

He bent down and lightly pinched your cheek, handing you a paper before he slowly began to walk away. On it, he had written, 'You're such a sore loser~'

You scrunched up the paper and ran to catch up. Walking by his side, you sneered, "Whatever. I'll just beat you at the other games, anyway."

He titled his head to look at you before writing away on his sketchbook. 'Is that a challenge I hear?'

"You bet it is! I bet that I can beat you at at least one game!"

'Well, I bet that I can beat you at all of the rest.'

"Confident, are we?" You smirked.

'There's a difference between confidence and simply knowing, darling.'

"It's on!" You fumed. "Winner chooses the loser's punishment!"

'Let's do this, then.'

Bendy led you to a game booth with three balls resting on the counter. Inside the booth were three towers made of three bottles, leaving nine bottles in total. He held his hand out, motioning for you to go first.

You stuck up your nose in confidence as you grabbed the first ball. Taking careful aim, you threw the ball at the left side tower, only managing to knock down the top bottle. Grunting in frustration, you grabbed the next ball and threw it. This time, you knocked down two bottles. With the last ball, you knocked down the entire tower of three bottles. "Hah!" You pointed at the ink creature. "Top that!"

You watched the three balls mysteriously reappear on the counter. The moment Bendy grabbed one, the bottles instantly reset as well. He did plenty of tricks, such as spinning the ball on his finger and kicking it around like a hacky sack. Placing a hand over where his eyes would be, as if to show that he currently couldn't see, he threw the ball. You watched it hit one tower, then hit another after bouncing off a wall before finally hitting the last one after bouncing off yet another wall.

You sat there in disbelief, mouth agape in shock. Unbelievable! Nine bottles, all three towers, in one shot!? No way! No freaking way! Shenanigans!

Bendy approached you and placed a single finger under your chin, gently closing your open mouth. Handing you another paper, you looked at it with your still wide eyes. 'Am I really so good that you're willing to catch flies?'

You glared at him, seeing him watching you as he stood proud and tall with his hands placed triumphantly on his hips. "Come on! Next game!" You snarled.

He led you to the third and final game. You ran for the gun on the counter and readied it. Multiple targets began to pop up from within the rows. Taking careful, yet quick, aim, you shot most of the targets and avoided the ones that were crossed out. In the end, you only missed three targets. You handed the gun to Bendy with a smirk. "Surely you aren't that good!"

He made no response if any sort. Instead, he began to dance and do tricks with the gun, such as swirling it around in his hands, while shooting the targets at the same time. He hit each target dead center and avoided the crossed out ones. All the while, he continued to dance and do tricks. He wasn't even looking when he shot most of them! In the end, he shot every. Single. One.

"No freaking way!" You yelled. "You're totally cheating! You didn't even look!"

Bendy shrugged and wrote in his sketchbook. 'These games have been around for a while. I've memorized them all.'

"That's not fair!"

'You should've thought about that before challenging me. Think before you leap!'

"You sneaky little demon!"

'At your service, milady.' He wrote before bowing to you. If he could move his everlasting smile, you were certain he'd be smirking.

"Whatever." You huffed. "Let's just hurry up. What's my punishment?"

Bendy crept toward you, causing you to take steps back until your felt the counter of the game booth behind you. He placed his hands onto the counter on either side of you, trapping you. You leaned back slightly, unsure of what he was going to do. You weren't as scared as you were nervous, though.

He leaned in and began to place ink heart kisses all around your face. You giggled as you tried to pull away from him. "That tickles!" However, as you tried to lean away, he grabbed the back of your head and gently pulled it toward him as he continued to cover your face with ink hearts. You continued to laugh at his soft, gentle touch.

When he finally pulled away and let you stand up straight, your face was half covered with a plethora of ink hearts. You smirked, grabbing his bow tie and pulling him towards you as you quickly kissed him all over his face while avoiding any ink blotches.

Pulling away, you laughed when you saw his bow tie spin like a pinwheel. "I guess we were both winners." You smiled as he nodded. Bendy hugged you before picking you up bridal style, taking you back to the lounge to watch TV and cuddle.

✔️Ink Bendy x Reader - Alone Within the Ink #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now