Rage or Relief

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4/16/19, Edited 7/30/19

"Ridiculous!" Bendy roared loudly, rattling the room he was in. Searchers quivered before the enraged ink demon. "You can go absolutely EVERYWHERE in the studio and you can't find her!?"

"Bendy, calm down!" Sammy pleaded from off to the side. "She may be more lost than we think."

"Shut it, Lawrence!" Bendy snapped, harshly whipping his head around to face the music director. The demon's unstable, jittery grin was setting Sammy on edge. Bendy let out a growl of frustration as he stomped around the room, pacing.

"Please, my lord, what would (Y/N) think?" Sammy started calmly, trying his hardest not to further upset the enraged ink demon that was starting to teeter on this brink of dangerous insanity. "What would she think if she saw you like this?"

"You have NO RIGHT to talk!" Bendy shrieked. "You haven't found her either!"

"Yeah? And what about you, Bendy?" Sammy retorted with a sneer. He crossed his arms in a huff, standing straighter as he stood his ground. "You'd think you would've found her by now! I mean, she's your girlfriend!"

"I said SHUT UP." Bendy fumed, throwing a music stand at the music director as ink came crashing down from the ceiling. "You have ONE job and you can't even do that right! I asked ONE thing of you, Sammy, and look where we are!" The more Bendy became irked with anger, the more distorted and monstrous is voice became. By now, the Searchers took this chance to flee the scene.

Sammy started to become enraged, starting to physically twitch and rick with furious insanity. Bendy had really been on him for the past few weeks, but the poor music director had been pushed very close to a mental breakdown in that time.

"Listen!" Sammy snapped, catching the attention of the ink demon. "You know I have other duties, right? I'll have you know that you weren't the only one who gave me a request!"

Bendy perked up hearing this. "(Y/N).... What did she say?"

"The day you came down to see us at the piano," Sammy began, "only moments before she asked me to heed her request." His voice softened as he fondly thought back. "I promised I'd be there for the both of you if things went wrong. I promised to protect you and help get rid of your negative emotions." The music director took a risk and daringly stepped closer to Bendy. "And I damn well meant it."

Bendy stopped for a second, taking the time to bask in deep thought. It seemed like something you would do. He may not have always been there, but he knew very well you were close to Sammy and confided in him quite a bit.

The ink demon broke out of his train of thought, suddenly furious once more. "Well guess what, Sammy!?" He roared, venom dripping from each word. "SHE'S the one not here, not me! And you promised me that YOU would protect her. Well? Explain!"

Sammy didn't know how to respond. He struggled to resist letting out a frustrated sigh in Bendy's presence as he realized Bendy was being irrational and refused to listen to him.

"You know damn well you can't possibly keep BOTH promises at the same time! And especially not in this instance!" Bendy continued. "After all, these negative emotions are because YOU didn't protect her and YOU have been absolutely useless in this entire search! You can't even help either of us!"

Sammy was beyond livid at Bendy's faulty accusations and finally snapped. The two started to holler and scream at each other at such intense volumes that both failed to acknowledge anything else going on around them, any other sounds in the studio.

The fight escaped from verbal to physical as Bendy began throwing stuff at Sammy while Sammy tried going after the ink demon with an axe. Both blinded with rage as they continued to bicker, not one of them ever landed a single hit on the other.

Their quarrel continued for a good long while, and even then went on to last. The two failed to notice one peculiar Searcher appear in the room. Nervous and frightened of the fight before him, but especially the enraged ink demon, he tried to get their attention. He groaned loudly, trying to be heard.

When that failed, the Searcher slowly crept closer to Bendy. Its ink began to drip with cowardly fear the closer it got to the ink demon. It was almost stepped on once or twice by both Bendy and Sammy, but eventually got their attention when they accidentally slipped on him. The two fell to the ground.

Bendy was dazed for a second, but when he finally recognized the Searcher, he bolted up and talked with his ink servant. Sammy sat up, silently watching them converse. The music director and Searcher jumped when Bendy suddenly stomped his feet and let out a vicious, ear-splitting roar.

It sounded unholy and extremely distorted. It was more than terrifying and more than paralyzing. It held a scary mix of pain and utter rage. It was worse than any roar that could be let out by any kind of creature or monster that wandered the Earth or creeped within Hell.

"(Y/N).... They found her!" He declared, looking at Sammy.

"Wonderful." Sammy replied monotonously, still upset with Bendy.

"It was that damned angel all along. Never even knew that bitch was ever created!" Bendy snarled. "I always thought it was just me and Boris...."

"Alice!?" The music director inquired with shock. "But....how? How did she even get her hands on (Y/N)?"

"Quit talking and let's hurry up!" Bendy interrupted with a harsh growl. "Alice is dangerous, I bet. That bitch has been long awaited in Hell, so I'd rather not make this wait any longer."

The ink demon turned to the Searcher. "Lead me to them. NOW!"

The Searcher hastily nodded as only Bendy followed through the ink portal. His heart beat rapidly in his chest. Although extremely enraged, he couldn't help but be overcome with anxious relief at the thought of finally being able to hold his darling once more. The thought was unbearable.

But why did something feel....off?

✔️Ink Bendy x Reader - Alone Within the Ink #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now