Drunk & Cuddles

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2/18/19, Edited 7/30/19
(A/N: This one hopefully satisfies the request from MissFabulousOfficial to a decent extent, as well as the MANY requests for cuddles. Enjoy!)

The next day, you made your way to the Music Department once more. This time, however, Bendy came with you. You giggled at how determined he was with his decision. It was obvious he was being protective and was still very jealous of Sammy. When you told the ink demon you found his antics adorable, he folded his arms in a huff.

With Bendy by your side, you didn't get lost on the way down there. Bendy, as if knowing exactly where the man was, led you right to Sammy's office. He opened the door quickly, startling the music director that was sitting at his desk. "Ah, it's you."

Bendy quickly grabbed your arm protectively. Sammy noticed and chuckled. "Jealous, Bendy?"

"Knock it off, Sammy." You rolled your eyes. "Stop provoking him."

Sammy held up his hands in defense. "Sorry, ma'am." His snarky comment made you roll your eyes once more in annoyance. You then noticed him look slightly down and heard him fail to stifle a laugh.

"What's so funny, Lawrence?" You glared with suspicion.

"Bendy, could you fetch the mirror from the recording studio?" Sammy asked the ink demon. Bendy nodded slowly, placing a kiss to your cheek before walking out. Unknown to you, Bendy flipped off the music director before leaving the room.

The second Bendy turned the corner down the hall, Sammy quickly got out a mirror from his desk. "What the?!" You exclaimed in confusion. If he had a mirror all along, then why bothering to ask Bendy to fetch one elsewhere?

"Heh, looks like you two really got down to business." You knew he was smirking as he chuckled. He handed you the mirror and you gasped when you saw your reflection. There were red marks in the shape of hearts around your neck and collarbone. The reddest one was the spot that Bendy had kissed twice on your neck.

A burning red blush spread across your face. "Oh my god." You murmured, gently tracing the red outlines with your fingers. "They're almost like...."

Sammy laughed, cutting off your realization. "Seems like you two had some good fun. You're welcome, by the way."

You glared at him. "Yes, thanks." You spat before giving him a firm slap. "You're welcome for that, too."

Sammy acted like that never happened as he put the mirror back in his desk drawer. As he did so, a loud crash came from the recording studio. "Shit!" Sammy exclaimed.

As the two of you ran towards the studio, you asked Sammy what was wrong. "I think Bendy might've found my drinks."

You raised a brow at the statement but waited to get a better answer until you saw for yourself. Bursting into the recording studio, you saw Bendy stumbling around with a bottle of alcohol in his hands. A music stand was knocked over, laying right beside the demon. "Sammy!" You snapped.

"Hey! I'm allowed to drink!" He retorted. "Bendy shoulda kept his hands off my stuff!"

"That stuff has got to be a million years old!" You gawked. Sammy just shrugged.

Bendy groggily turned around when he heard the two of you bickering. He stumbled over to you and fell right in front of you. He reached up and grabbed your shoulders as he struggled to pull himself to his knees. Bendy nuzzled his face against your chest, which set your cheeks ablaze.

Sammy cackled as he watched everything. "Looks like he's the clingy drunk."

"You're not helping!" You snapped at the music director, still overwhelmed with embarrassment. Bendy stumbled back onto his feet and wrapped his arms loosely around your waist as he began to rub his cheek against yours.

Sammy laughed even more. "(Y/N), you're lucky he isn't a different type of drunk. You'd probably have more red marks by now."

Bendy scooped you insecurely into his arms as you hissed back, "I'm gonna kill you, Lawrence!" Sammy was practically falling over with laughter as the ink demon staggered out of the room and took you back to the lounge. He set you on the couch and turned on the TV before coming back to you.

He laid down right on top of you and curled right up. You could've swore you heard him purring as he nuzzled his face into your neck. It honestly tickled a little, so you ended up giggling as you began to stroke the demon's horns. He started to nuzzle even faster as you did so, and he went back to nuzzle your cheek again. You honestly hoped he wouldn't go sober anytime soon.


It took a few hours for Bendy to go back to normal, which both pleased and upset you. When you told him what happened while he was drunk, he grew very flustered. You teased him for it, which resulted in a few more red marks around your collarbone.

After that fiasco, he fetched some blankets as the two of you cuddled on the couch. He was laying behind you, pulling you close so that your back was right up against his chest. His legs were tangled with yours under the cozy blanket.

The movie playing in the television screen had long been forgotten as Bendy was trailing a bunch of soft, quick kisses up and down your arms. His touch was about as soft as a feather, which gave you goosebumps. Ink hearts covered your hands, the entirety of your arms, and even some of your shoulders.

You sighed at his delicate kisses, turning your head back to kiss his cheek. He stopped kissing your arm when you did so, allowing you to turn around in his embrace. You placed a ton of light kisses of your own around his face, tugging at his bow tie with one hand as you went while the other pressed against his chest.

When you finished, you cuddled right up into him, nuzzling your face into his chest for a second. You felt vibrations running through his ink as you once again heard something that sounded like purring. Bendy held you close with one arm; his other hand was stroking your hair. You hummed with content as you whispered, "I really love you, Bendy."

He leaned his head down and softly kissed the side of your forehead. You smiled as you looked up at him, removing your face from his chest. You both quickly pecked the other's mouth a few times, always taking a small pause in between each one, before going back to cuddling.

Bendy began to trace shapes and symbols along your arm as you snuggled into him. His light touch was very soothing, especially accompanied with him still stroking your hair. You fell into such a sound, calmed state that you quickly fell asleep. The ink demon only noticed once he began to hear your slow, quiet breaths.

He placed an ink heart to your cheek before lifting you bridal style and carrying you to your room. Gently setting you down on the bed, he climbed in with you and pulled the covers over the both of you.

Bendy pulled you into him, internally smiling to himself when he heard your sleepy hum of content. His face was level with yours as he observed your sleeping form. Even as you slept, he still thought you looked beautiful. He affectionately caressed your face before placing a soft kiss to your lips.

The two of you snuggled closer together in sync underneath the warm, comforting blankets. You forced yourself to be flush against his body as your legs unconsciously tangled with his. Just before Bendy dozed off, he grabbed one of your hands and held it in his, absolutely adoring the position you two were in and the fact that your face would be the very last thing he saw before he fell asleep.

✔️Ink Bendy x Reader - Alone Within the Ink #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now