Your Nightmare

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2/19/19 & 2/20/19, Edited 7/30/19
(A/N : this is a mix of the requests from sillyfirefly and TanyaMabellene so I hope this works. TanyaMabellene I will also do your request a second time since it wasn't in this chapter too much. :3)

You awoke, bolting straight up with a shrill scream. It pierced the silence of the night like a knife. Heavy pants escaped your lips at an intense pace, you chest viciously rising and falling with each. Tears streamed down your face as you clutched the blankets of the bed. "Oh my god!" You whispered as you trembled.

Loud, heavy footsteps could be heard stomping towards your room, almost as if the person was running like a madman. The door slammed open as Bendy burst in, frantically panting from both the intense mad-dash and the panic coursing through him. A gloved hand came up to is smile in shock as he noticed your frightened, teary form.

He quickly came over and sat right in front of you on the bed. Your sobs grew louder as you pressed your forehead against his chest, your hands tightly gripping onto his inky shoulders. He slowly rubbed your back in a comforting manner and he rested his chin on top of your head.

"Bendy!" You sobbed, clutching onto him even tighter as if letting go even slightly would cost you your life.

Bendy removed his chin from the top of your head and carefully took your chin between his thumb and index finger, lifting it so that you were looking straight at him. He brought his other hand up to slowly caress the side of your face.

You started to cry more as he did this, causing him to gently wipe away your tears with his thumb. The ink demon placed a long kiss onto your lips before lifting you bridal style. He carried you to the couch and turned on the television, placing you in his lap as he sat Indian style. You leaned your back against his chest, slowly calming down. His arms were wrapped securely around you as he slowly rubbed your arms.

The two of you sat like that for a while as Bendy waited for you to calm down. You were fairly happy that he had turned in the television. The soft sounds were making it much easier to calm yourself. When you stopped crying and your breathing became stable, Bendy pointed to his sketchbook that sat on the table.

You grabbed it and handed it to him, awaiting what he was writing. 'Are you alright?'

"Yeah, just a really bad nightmare." You replied with a frown.

'Tell me?'

"Maybe in the morning. Is that alright?"

'Of course it is, my darling.'

You smiled softly when you saw that. You snuggled further back against his chest. Sitting in silence once more, you broke it another while later. "Bendy.... Can I ask you something?"

'Go right ahead, love.' He wrote in response.

You took a deep breath before beginning. "Remember the day Sammy was teaching me how to play that song in the piano?"


"Well, we talked before that." You hesitated before continuing. "Do you ever.... Do you ever feel like something is wrong? Like, do you ever sense a strong, ominous feeling here?"

Bendy slightly flinched when you asked that. He took a moment to compose himself before answering, 'I know why you're asking. I feel it right now, too.'

You let out the breath you didn't know you were holding. "I think.... I think that had a lot to do with my nightmare."

'Were you in danger?' He wrote furiously.

"I think so." Your lip quivered. "I feel like something bad is going to both of us. Bendy, I really think I might be in danger."

The ink demon placed a sweet kiss to your cheek before writing his response. 'I swear to hell and back that I will protect you, (Y/N). I promise, I will never let anything hurt you.'

You smiled weakly at his promise. For some reason, you just knew something wasn't right. You wanted to believe with all of your heart that Bendy truly would protect you, and that you truly weren't in danger.

But you couldn't. You knew that wasn't the case.


Your nightmare really shook you up. No matter how hard Bendy tried, your mind just wasn't getting over it. He didn't exactly know just how shaken you were, but he knew something was obviously wrong. You weren't behaving like your typical self, and every time you smiled, he could see it was weak and slightly forced.

You ended up not telling Bendy about the nightmare, which only made him steer further from how you were actually feeling. You didn't want him to worry, but at the same time, you just couldn't get over the fact that it felt so real. You just couldn't tell him. If your dream did come true....Bendy hadn't been anywhere to be found. What happened to you had been in complete darkness; no witnesses to be found amongst the shrieking voices and shrill scream from you.

Bendy didn't push it, though. No matter how much he wanted to know everything, he respected your boundaries. Instead, he acted very sweet and clingy for the entire day in attempt to keep you happy and keep your mind free from troubling, roaming thoughts. He was constantly stealing kisses from you, no matter where you were or what you were doing. It upset him that it wasn't doing enough, but he knew it was really all he could do.

He made his way towards the kitchen, seeing you at the sink. He crept up to you and tapped your shoulder. The second you turned around, he placed a quick kiss onto your lips before leaving the kitchen.

A small smile rose to your face at the demon's peculiar antics. Once you finished up, you went to sit on the couch. Bendy passed by you as you made your way there, and he stole a super quick kiss from your lips as he walked past.

You watched TV for a few minutes before Bendy joined you. He laid down on the couch and pulled you on top of him. Your cheek rested on his chest as your body relaxed on his. He pulled a blanket over you both and loosely wrapped his arms around your waist on top of the blanket. Bendy placed a small ink heart onto your forehead as you began to doze off.

The ink demon continued to stare at the ceiling as a small, clear tear trailed down his face. He knew something wasn't right too. He wanted to believe with all of his heart that he really could protect you, and that you really weren't in danger.

But he was worried he potentially couldn't. He feared that just wouldn't be the case.


You roamed through the darkness, trying to find a way out. You called for Bendy, but he never showed his face. Panic began to consume you as the darkness began to play tricks on you. You walked until you encountered something thick.

Looking down, you noticed you were in a sea of ink that was up to your knees. In front of you, a wiggling, pussing, shapeless slug began to claw its way out of the ink, letting out a high-pitched scream that rattled your core.

It soon began to grow a half-finished smile that curved up into a wicked grin and its eyes began to glow with malice. You began to freak out and started to thrash in the ink, attempting to escape. The slug lunged for you and stabbed you with a syringe filled with extra thick ink, injecting the substance into your veins.

A shrill scream escaped your lips as you fell to your knees, the ocean of ink slowly crashing over your body as you began to suffocate. You began to hear a plethora of creepy whispers that soon formed into some kind of buzzing, screaming well of voices. Millions of bright pale yellow eyes began to surround you as you heard a raspy voice scream, "Betrayed! Abandoned!"

You then heard a male scream loudly, followed by a large roar. You began to hear a familiar heartbeat accompanied by raspy breathing and an unbearable droning. Thrashing around in the ink, you began to scream as all of the chaotic noises began to overwhelm you. Your body began to suffer through immense pain as the ink was starting to finish the job, and the last noise you heard was a loud, monstrous screech of pain before a gunshot rang out. All was silent as you drifted unconsciously, alone within the ink.

✔️Ink Bendy x Reader - Alone Within the Ink #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now