The Final Steps

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Once you left the Lost Harbor and carefully walked across the weak planks, you made it to the hallway at the other end of the large, seemingly endless chasm. You cautiously crept down the corridor, wary of what could be lurking around each and every turn. Since you had given your axe to Sammy, it wouldn't be wise to run into a Searcher.

Continuing on your way through, you checked some of the doors you passed by at some of them held other hallways and staircases behind them. Some led you further in the right direction, others you later learned would require a backtrack down the way you originally came.

You had to admit, finding your way would be easier if there weren't so many thoughts just buzzing in your skull. At first, you were extremely worried about Sammy and the Lost Ones. You felt so very terrible for leaving them alone with the Searchers, especially since Bendy was supposedly drawing near, but it had to be done. You had never seen Sammy so distressed and frantic before, and his newly demanding tone was enough of a proven fact to you that escape was dire.

Once you eventually left your train of thought that consisted of worrying for the lives of Sammy and the Lose Ones, you then began to worry about Allison and Tom. They had left the harbor a long while before to go back to their base as they went out to explore some more. It had been a long while since they showed their faces after Sammy first arrived, and no matter how Allison had previously treated you, you still greatly worried about her and Tom.

Your thoughts continued to relentlessly cycle as you went in to think about Bendy. You were nervous to meet him again, as it seemed he had drastically changed from all the stories you heard recently. You fervently wanted to believe he would indeed remember you, but you couldn't ignore the shadow of doubt in your mind. If he attacked you, you wouldn't have a clue as to what to do next. You weren't going to lie, you were somewhat worried as his motives had been unclear to absolutely everyone for the longest time.

There was just so much going on that your brain started to hurt. So many people you cared about that you now had to worry and fear for. So many worries you held about how Bendy would respond when he would soon see you again. So many choices to make yet so little time to come up with enough solutions and uplifting thoughts.

Eventually, you came across a particular door and entered to find yourself in in the room hidden behind it. It was pretty bland and empty for the most part, but your attention was quickly drawn to a peculiar weapon near the corner. Approaching it, you took the weapon into your hands to reveal a nice gun. It looked familiar, though.... Didn't one of your old work friends used to own something like this?

Regardless, you were relieved you found something to defend yourself with. And since it was a gun, you figure it would be much more reliable than any old axe anyway. Having the weapon in your arms helped you feel more at ease. Until, that is, you received yet another drastic and vivid vision. Although shorter, this vision was no less frightening.

You saw the large beast form of Bendy before your very eyes, the same one as every time before it. The monster stared down at you, letting out an ear splitting roar right near your face. You then heard the clicking of a reel turning as it played, and a bright flash was seen. The beast was starting to disappear before your very eyes, but that didn't stop it from roaring at you one last time as it reached out to grab you. Just before it could touch you, the beast disappeared from sight at the exact same time as a loud gunshot fired.

Your eyes snapped back open as you came rushing back to reality. You breathed heavily with fear as you tried to bring your senses back. On the far wall ahead of you was a round mark that shattered the wood of the wall. There was no denying it was made by a gunshot.

Panic filled your very core as you rushed out of the room. The gun still in your hands, you tried to make out what the vision meant as you continued to find your way. Was Bendy really going to turn into such a blinded beast? And the gunshot.... Did that mean you were supposed to actually kill him with the gun? All of your visions had been right so far, so you feared the worst. Although, this vision was an exception. It was very vague.

Continuing to run down the corridors, you knew you were getting closer. You passed above an unfamiliar room through the elevated walkway. You sent a glance out the small windows, seeing that the room was supposedly called the Appointment Lobby.

Going further, you came to a set of stairs which you quickly descended. You quickly opened a door at the end of the staircase and came into a set of dual hallways that were divided by a wall with long, oval glass windows. It was like a divided hallway of sorts. At the last glass, you noticed the hallway on the opposite side had something written in ink on the far wall. Death.

Smashing through the glass with your gun, you followed the arrow of ink that apparently pointed to "death" and skidded to a halt at the sight before you. A gigantic Ink Machine was at the far end of the colossal room, across a giant ocean of ink. Standing on the shore together were Tom and Allison.

"Guys!" You panted with glee.

"(Y/N)?" Allison asked in shock. "You need to get out of here! It's dangerous!" A loud roar, followed by a crash, was heard in the background. It sounded like it was coming from inside the machine.

"I need to get in there!" You sent a determined glare as you quickly approached the edge of the shore.

"No, you can't! The ink demon is in there!" Allison tried to reason with you, but you didn't care.

You stared down at the ink hesitantly. It was so hard to escape the first time, and you were terrified to step back in. One wrong step could be the end of the line for you, stuck in its deadly grasp forever. But this was for Bendy's sake! So, taking a breath after a short hesitation more, you stepped into the ink pool and waded your way towards the machine's entrance.


Just as Henry put the reel into the slot, he turned around to come face to face with Beast Bendy. The demon was very close to the old man as he reached out to grab him with a loud hiss. But when the lights flashed on and the screens lit up, the demon's attention was redirected.

He approached the lit up screens that were currently black, awaiting the cartoon that would appear from the reel. When an end-screen appeared that read "The End" in the typical Bendy cartoon font, the demon let out a loud hiss of pain and disgust.

Turning around, he came to face another screen that quickly flashed the same screen as the other one. The demon recoiled in shock as he fell to the ground in a daze. Shaking his head to try and erase the pain, the beast struggled to look up at Henry, weakly reaching for him once more.

The lights began to grow brighter. Visions began to grow distorted. Sounds began to grow louder. And as the beast roared one last time, he gave in to defeat as he got into a submissive position on the floor, ready to openly embrace his demise. Henry watched in shock as the demon was about to dissipate before his very eyes. Until, that is....

A gunshot was heard.

✔️Ink Bendy x Reader - Alone Within the Ink #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now