A Demon's Confession

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10/26/17, Edited 7/30/19

You and Bendy sat on the couch together in the silent, almost completely dark room. The only light was from the small candle placed on the coffee table in front of you. You fiddled with your fingers, intently listening to the soft scritching and scratching of Bendy's ink-covered finger against a blank sheet of sketching paper. He was currently writing out the answer to a question you had just asked. "Why were you crying?"

Bendy finally finished and handed the paper to you. You gently took it, carefully watching him as he held his hands together, leaned forward to rest his arms on each leg, and lowered his head to face the ground. Turning back to the paper, you read, 'I had a nightmare. It's a very common one. I've had it almost every night for 30 years.'

"Oh, Bendy." You whispered with sorrow. "If you don't mind me asking, what's it about?" You were quick to notice his slight jump at the question, and wondered if you accidentally crossed a line. While taking the sketch book back into his hands, he pointed a lone finger at you. "Me?" Perplexed, you watched him immediately go back to writing.

As he wrote his fairly long response, you refused to take your eyes off of the sad demon of ink. It really pained you to see him like this. And, every once in a while as he wrote, you would notice a stray tear or two run down his face. Each time, you would slowly wipe them away with your thumb. Although, Bendy never looked at you or responded to it at all.

After a decent handful of minutes, he handed the paper to you and resumed his previous depressed, anxious position. Taking up both the front and back, it read, 'Yes, you. You were so important to me when you worked here. I loved everything you did. I loved how you always thought of me first, trying to see the world through my eyes before making any decisions. Although I wasn't fully alive, you always saw me as a real creature with feelings and emotions, unlike any others. And your costumes were always amazing! So you can imagine how hard it was for me when I learned you had gotten that cancer-thing that you humans get. Everyone spread rumors that you were in critical condition, and that you weren't going to survive. I was distraught. When you never came back, I knew for certain you had died. I was never going to see you again, nor would I ever be able to give my thanks. So I began to be haunted by nightmares. They showed different events and things about you each time, but they always ended with you lying dead in a hospital bed, the heart monitor giving that continuous beep that never ends, and your eyes wide open to reveal the reflection of your own gravestone.'

As you read the last word, you saw a tear fall and crash onto the paper. Without even knowing, you had begun to silently cry. Not a sound came out from your mouth as the tears flooded down your face. You started to shake and tremble as you quietly sobbed from beside Bendy. Your shaking made the paper begin to make slight crinkling sounds.

That caught Bendy's attention, and he quickly glanced at you. When he saw your crying, trembling form, he immediately sat up in shock. Seeing you like this actually began to bring tears of his own down his face. He didn't expect to make you cry!

You looked at him for a second, then, upon the exact same moment, you both quickly pulled each other in for a hug, letting the other cry on your shoulder. Your hands desperately crawled around Bendy's damp back, trying to pull him as close as possible for both his benefit and yours. Bendy, on the other hand, had one hand gently placed on the back of your head, pulling it as close to his shoulder as possible, while the other hand was placed firmly on your back.

"Bendy!" You sobbed. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to make you suffer! I'm such an idiot!" You yelled at yourself in a fit of angry sobs. "How could I have left you alone like that!? I was healthy for so many years, yet I never came back! I can't believe myself!"

Bendy pulled away from you just enough to be able to place his hands on both sides of your head. He forced you to look at where his eyes would be and placed his forehead onto yours, stroking your cheeks with his thumbs. You closed your eyes tightly, slowly beginning to calm down.

Once you were moderately calm, he took one of your arms and held it out for himself. You sniffled as you watched him write on your arm, 'It's not your fault.'

You looked at Bendy's face, trying to figure out if he really believed that for himself. That proved to be hard with his eternal smile and whatnot.

"But it is, Bendy." You croaked. "While I truly was sick for three months, I was released after that. But I never came back. I didn't want to deal with the stress of fighting with Henry and Joey. After going through all of the cancer, I didn't want to deal with anything like that for quite some time. For once in my life, and in my entire career, I failed to think about how you would feel. I completely disregarded you, which was soon replaced by me forgetting you entirely."

You mindlessly stroked Bendy's horns as you tried to keep your composure. "I had accidentally, yet undoubtedly, tossed you aside." You clenched your eyes shut and tilted you head downward as a small whisper escaped your lips. "I'm so sorry."

He pulled away from you, which, for a second, caused you to panic as you assumed he was upset and mad. However, when you actually opened your eyes to look at him, you saw him drawing a heart of ink on his fixed smile with his finger.

You were about to question this, but never even started when Bendy softly placed his permanent smile—but more specifically, the heart of ink—onto your cheek. You felt your face heat up upon contact, quickly realizing this was his way of kissing your cheek as he had no lips to move.

He pulled away, admiring your cute, flushed face. He took a sketch paper, wrote something short down, and showed you. 'You look very cute,' it read, simply finished with a small heart at the end of the sentence.

If possible, you could feel your face turn redder as you darted your eyes away to avoid eye contact. "T-thanks." You whispered with a slight smile, but it soon faded as you added, "But still, I betrayed you. If I would've been more considerate, I could've saved you from ending up like this." You began to tremble again. "I could've saved you! I could've prevented you from being all alone within all this ink...."

Before you could continue to ramble on, Bendy tapped your arm again, reminding you that he had written that it hadn't been your fault. "But Bendy!" You tried to plead, but he wouldn't listen. Instead, he took your hands gently in his and gave them both a slight squeeze of reassurance, then stood up and left.

Confused, you waited patiently. He seemed to randomly walk off a lot, so you were kinda used to it, but at least you knew he would always come back. And he did as such.

After a few short minutes of absence, he held out his hand for you. When you took it, he gently lifted you to your feet. He led you to a door and walked you inside, taking you to the mirror of the lounge's main dressing room. You gasped in awe at what you saw.

Using exact height measurements, Bendy had drawn a ginormous heart of ink on the glass of the mirror that perfectly framed your stunning face. Dozens of tiny other hearts were scattered around the mirror, as well as a few ink roses he had drawn.

"Bendy, it's amazing!" You whispered. "It's-" You stopped abruptly when you turned to Bendy, seeing him standing there now with a paper and a rose in his hands. A napkin was wrapped around the rose's stem, probably to prevent ink from staining it. The paper read, in fancy letters, 'I love you.'

You smiled at him, tears of happiness pricking your eyes. Using your finger, you wiped some ink off his arm and drew a small heart of your own, but having to use the mirror it help you make even a decent one, on your lips. You stood on your tiptoes and leaned in, placing a small kiss on his cheek that left behind the imprint of a heart as he had done to you only minutes before.

Bendy set the paper and rose down on the small side table, pulling you into a tight, loving hug. You sighed softly in content. You rested your head on his shoulder, looking at the reflection of the two of you in the mirror. You smiled. You never would've thought that the scene before you, reflected in the mirror, would look so natural and perfect.

✔️Ink Bendy x Reader - Alone Within the Ink #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now