Desperate Searches

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3/17/19, Edited 7/30/19

Bendy frantically ran all around the studio. He jumped through ink portal after ink portal, and peered through the eyes of every single Bendy cutout placed around the building. He was blinded with furious desperation as he tried to find even a trace of you.

You weren't anywhere near Heavenly Toys. You were nowhere in sight around Bendy Land. Not a single sign of your presence was near the Music Department. You were nowhere in sight! Nothing on Level K, nothing on Level P or S. Not even a single thing on Level 14. Nothing.

Still blinded with uncontrollable pain, Bendy quickly turned a corner and staggered, slipping on the shallow ink covering the floor. He lost his footing and landed roughly on his back. As he stared at the ceiling, he began to give up.

The ink demon covered his face with his hands as he began to helplessly sob. He rolled onto his side and curled up into the fetal position. His inky form trembled and shook as he silently cried in the middle of the corridor.

Bendy blamed himself. This was all his fault, all of it. Had he not been so selfish, you would've been able to leave the studio safely. He wouldn't have been separated from you in the worst of scenarios. He should've just taken you to the entrance through an ink portal, but no. He wanted to spend as much time with you as possible before you reached the door. That's why you fell through the floor.

He couldn't shake the images swirling in his head. He clearly remembered your fear-stricken face as the floor started to give way beneath your feet. The way yours eyes widened as far as possible whilst your pupils shrunk to as small as they could be.

The feeling of your fingertips just barely grazing his fingers lingered. Your shrill shriek pounded against his eardrums. Your crying, terrified form became overtaken by the darkness as you disappeared from sight.

Bendy has no clue what happened. Your screams slowly disappeared and quieted; he never heard you make contact with the ground below. All had become silent after that, leaving Bendy alone in a panic. He still hasn't heard or seen anything from you.

The ink demon continued to cry as he weakly tried to push himself back onto his feet. He got onto his knees and hands, but eventually collapsed once more. His face slammed against the floorboards, which hurt like hell, but the demon just didn't care. Nothing hurt more than the gaping hole that formed in his inky heart from your absence.

He wanted to just lie there for all eternity, wallowing in loneliness and tears, he really did. But he just couldn't. He knew you were okay, you just had to be. What kind of dancing demon would he be if he just gave up and neglected his darling in her time of need? For all he knew, you could be in pain or in danger. After all, the ominous feeling still wasn't gone.

Bendy froze as his sobs abruptly stopped. He started to remember when you woke up, completely mortified and frazzled by your nightmare. You never told him what it was about, but he sure as hell remembered what the two of you talked about.

You claimed you were in danger. Bendy knew that was true, you've acted scared and somewhat broken since that night. And the promise.... He promised to protect you. He promised that he would never let anything hurt you. Yet here he was now, not even knowing what kind of condition you were in. He broke his promises all because of his selfishness. For once, it was he who hurt you.

Bendy slowly started to become enraged as his thoughts continued to cycle. All they did was torment him, reminding himself of the selfishness lying in his heart and telling him how untrustworthy he was with all of his broken promises. All they did was remind him of the true heartless monster he believed himself to be.

Bendy stopped sobbing as he quickly rose from the floor, his thoughts switching to when you were drawing in his sketchbook. He recalled how violently you threw the sketchbook across the room in fear as you tried to get away from him. His heart still ached as he remembered your terrified form as you, for a moment, reverted to treating him like a scary monster.

The ink demon's rage continued to bubble to the surface. He growled as he clutched his head, still blaming himself for everything that happened. He should've cared more about you; he shouldn't have made you pay for his selfishness. He should've kept his promises; he should've been quicker to reach you before you fell through the floor.

His growl turned into a loud roar as he whipped around and punched the wall as hard as he possibly could. He panted heavily before coming to his senses. Staring incredulously at the massive hole he made, the poor demon slammed his head against the wall as he began to lose it. That hole frightened him. It was a sign of just how dangerous and monstrous he was, especially while blinded with rage and frustration.

Bendy sunk back to the ground as his sobs started back up. He just couldn't take it anymore. Why couldn't you have just stayed with him? He wasn't mad at you for deciding to leave the studio, but was it because you didn't trust him? Did you not believe that he was capable of protecting you and keeping you safe?

You were his barrier, a buffer zone. While you may not have known, you kept him calm and in-check. It's hard to constantly feel like a monster, especially one that is fueled with hatred towards some and loneliness from others. You made him feel....human.

What he wouldn't give to be able to see you again. What he wouldn't give to be able to kiss you again or hold you in his arms. What he wouldn't give just to faintly hear you or catch the slightest glimpse of you. Bendy missed you terribly. He wanted to talk to you and spill what he was feeling just to get it off his chest, but he couldn't. You weren't here.

So what did he do next? He spilled. He decided to make another round through the studio, jumping through ink portals and shifting his gaze between Bendy cutouts. Along the way, he wrote messages on some of the walls in hopes that you would potentially see them.

'Where are you, darling?'

'I miss you so much.'

'I'm sorry I broke my promises.'

'Please, come back to me, my love.'

'I'm so alone....'

Still nothing. Not a sign. Bendy had looked through the entire studio twice now and he didn't see any sign of you. Perhaps you fell into ink and drowned. Perhaps you died, and were then taken over by the ink. No, Bendy refused to believe that. You just had to be alive. You promised to never leave him alone! There was no way you would just die on him.

'(Y/N), please don't leave me alone!'

✔️Ink Bendy x Reader - Alone Within the Ink #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now