Heavenly Toys

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11/21/18, Edited 7/30/19

You sat on the couch, watching the television as you held the Bendy plushie in your hands. Looking down at it, you gave it a soft squeeze. You giggled at the small squeaker noise it made. It was just a goofy sound.

As you continued to play with the doll and laugh at its squeaker box, Bendy appeared and sat down beside you. You looked at him, reading the sketchbook page that was in his hand. 'Having fun?'

"Obviously." You smirked as you squeezed the doll once more.

'You're such a child.' Bendy wrote.

"Does it look like I care, mister?"

Bendy swiftly took the doll from your grasp, causing you to whine in disapproval. "I was using that! Give it back!"

He shook his head, shoulders bouncing with laughter. He stood up and held it above his head. You stood up also and jumped, flailing your arms as you desperately tried to reach the doll. "Not fair! You're too tall!"

He was about to write something with his free hand until you cut him off. "Don't you dare say anything about me being too short!"

He gazed at you for a second before writing anyway. 'Okay, pipsqueak.'

You huffed with a pout. "You're such a nuisance."

He wrote, 'Why are you worried about this tiny thing? Don't you want to play with a bigger plushie?'

You raised a brow. "There's bigger ones?"

'Yeah, probably the size of you.'

Your eyes lit up in excitement as you began to hop around like a child. "I want one! I want one! Can we go, please!?" You tugged lightly on his arm, a huge ecstatic smile on your face.

Bendy cupped your face and placed a soft ink heart kiss to your forehead. He walked over to the lounge door and turned back to you, holding out his arm. You cheered with joy as you scurried over to him and linked your arm with his.

As you two walked around the studio, Bendy would occasionally begin to dance with you down the hallways, or twirl you for no reason whatsoever. Every once in a while, he would even dip you before placing a kiss somewhere on your face. This was one of many reasons why you loved him so much. He was so sweet and charming, and he did random little things like this that just made your day.

Eventually, Bendy came to a halt and stood in front of you. He kneeled down to your level and gently grabbed both of your hands. He kissed the knuckles on both before putting them up to your face so that your face was hidden by your hands.

He took his place back at your side and put his gloved hand on your back as he began to lead you into another room. After a few more minutes of walking, you felt Bendy stop as he removed his hand from your back. He lightly held your wrists and pulled your hands away from your face.

Your eyes opened wide with awe as a gasp escaped your lips. This room was awesome! There was a huge ink thing in the middle with a beautiful sign that read "Heavenly Toys," and at the base of the ink basin was a huge Bendy plushie, as well as a giant Boris plushie.

Bendy watched lovingly as you ran toward the plushies, but felt a shiver course through his ink as you leaped for the Boris plushie, engulfing it in a tight hug. He didn't know why, but he found himself a tad confused and upset that you didn't go for the Bendy plushie. What was so special about the Boris one, anyway?

He watched as you released the giant Boris plushie and, ignoring the Bendy one, you ran up the stairs to the room behind the Heavenly Toys ink chute. He followed behind, taking a moment to spare a glance at the giant Bendy plushie.

He found you running around the room like a child in a toy store. You marveled at all of the small Alice and Boris plushies, and you even picked up one of each just for yourself. You smiled with a giggle as you squeezed them, making them squeak.

Bendy stood at the side of the room, arms folded. He soon got enough of you paying no attention to the Bendy dolls and he grabbed your wrists. He dragged you back down the stairs, but you didn't complain.

He took you right to the giant Bendy plushie and stood right in front of it. He put his hands on his hips and faced you. "What?" You asked, after a short silence. He pointed to the giant Bendy plushie with one hand while the other remained on his hip. He began to tap his foot.

"What about it?" You asked.

Bendy facepalmed, and you could hear the ink on his face splatter from hitting himself so hard. When he removed his hand from his face, he saw you were already messing with the giant Boris plushie again.

Now furious, Bendy stormed up the stairs into the small toy room. He grabbed every single Bendy plushie he could find and gathered a pile of them in his arms. He came back down to you and began to throw the Bendy dolls at you. "What're you doing?" You snapped.

He continued to assail you with the stuffed toys. With a huff, you gathered some of the small Boris plushies that were scattered on the floor and threw them at Bendy. You saw some Bendy cutouts behind small rails near a couch, so you made a bolt for them. You leaped over the rails and grabbed a cutout, using it as a shield from the onslaught of Bendy dolls.

Bendy stopped throwing the small plushies and grabbed the big Bendy doll. Lifting it over his head, he chucked it at you. Your squeak was muffled when the giant plushie hit you, knocking you backwards onto the old couch.

Bendy ran over to you and climbed on top of you just as soon as you pushed the giant Bendy doll off of you. He straddled you, showing you a sketchbook page that read, 'Why didn't you hug the Bendy plushie?'

You stared at him. "Because....I didn't want to?" You weren't sure how to answer him. Bendy let out super quiet growl of frustration as he turned his head to face away from you. You giggled. "Wait, were you jealous?"

His head snapped back to you, but he neither nodded nor shook his head. Your giggles turned to laughter as you claimed, "You were jealous of Boris plushies!"

Bendy got off you and stood back on the ground. He folded his arms, turning so his back was facing you. As he began to violently tap his foot, you could tell he was irritated. He was amusing you right now. You've never seen him this furious before, and it was honestly funny.

"Bendy, I don't need to hug the Bendy plushies." You smiled, getting up and engulfing him in a hug from behind. "Why hug a plushie when I can hug you instead?"

You heard Bendy stop tapping his foot when those words escaped your lips. You felt his tension slip away as he relaxed himself. You stopped hugging him, letting him turn to face you. He wrote on another piece of paper. 'I'm sorry. I guess I did get a little jealous....'

You giggled. "I know. I knew the whole time."

His head shot up to face you. He furiously scribbled down more writing. 'You knew the whole time!?'

"Yup." You smirked, popping the 'p'.

Bendy wrote something on a new piece of paper and handed it to you. It read, 'You little devil. Don't you know that naughty girls need to be punished?'

In one swift motion, Bendy pinned you to the wall not far behind you. He got up close to you and a blush rose to your cheeks. You could've swore you heard a faint, dark chuckle from him. By the time he was finished a long while later, your face and neck were absolutely covered with ink hearts.

✔️Ink Bendy x Reader - Alone Within the Ink #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now