Into the Abyss

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4/15/19, Edited 7/30/19

Days passed of continuously being locked in the darkness. Alice would come countless times each day to inject even more ink into you, which your body was starting to heavily reject. Not only that, but she had brought many clones of the infamous Butcher Gang into the room, keeping them locked in there with you until she finally needed them. The same one never came back twice.

Your body was quickly starting to shut down and your energy supply was starting to completely deplete. You found it harder and harder to stay awake with each passing minute, each passing day. Needless to mention you threw up repeatedly as your body desperately tried to be rid of the ink coursing through it in the most futile of attempts.

You used to have hope. A bright, shining light within you that kept you sane. One that promised you would be safe and reassured you that Bendy would come to your side soon. One that practically guaranteed you would live another day. Yes....that light went out ages ago.

True light hadn't graced your eyes in forever. All you ever saw was the same darkness, one that couldn't barely be seen through. No light, just darkness. Forever and endless darkness that always brought an unbearable loneliness and a crazed silence.

It wouldn't last much longer, however. You knew that very well. You could just feel it. Something was bound to happen soon, and although you didn't know what exactly, it wouldn't be a bad idea if it indeed were your death.

Ever since your light had gone out, you started to go crazy. The more your body began to crumble where you sat, the more you forgot. You started to forget yourself, your friends, everything. Everything became either nonexistent or a big blur. Lastly, unknown to you, you ended up forgetting Bendy entirely. Your brain now only consisted of trying to both die and stay alive, ink, darkness, and Alice. You were reaching your end in more ways than one.

You hated Alice, for absolutely everything. All that she'd done, and all that she hasn't done. You hated her for feeding you all that Bacon Soup. It was keeping you alive. You hated her recurring syringes and injections. It was killing you. No matter what that damned angel did, there was always a way to turn it around and make her seem even more like a vile villain than she already was.

"Get up, brat!" You heard her snap as she appeared from the darkness before your eyes.

She removed your chains and roughly forced you to your feet. "Come on! Hurry up!" She demanded. "I've got things to do. I've waited long enough because of you." Her hand tightly gripped your wrist as she hastily dragged you out of the room and into a hallway.

You winded, clenching your eyes shut tight as you encountered light for the first time in a long, long while. As she stormed down the hallway with you, you began to become more accustomed to the light. It was....welcoming and warm. You didn't feel so lonely now that you could see some actual surroundings.

She brought you to a room and harshly pushed you in, causing you to fall to the floor. "Stay here, girl." She snarled. "I've gotta get my plans. Don't try anything funny or I'll make your death as slow and painful as possible." With that, she slammed the door shut and locked it behind her.

You struggled to get off the floor, pain coursing through your entire corpse. Looking around the room, you saw a panel of controls not far away from a table covered with chains and leather straps. There was a tone of ink covering its surface. On the front wall was a long, gigantic window of glass separating this room from the adjacent one.

Looking at the room in the other side, the shining light reflecting off the glass sparked something within you. It somehow sent a signal to your tired, depressed brain. This was it. An opportunity, an escape. A last resort to finally be rid of that damned angel.

Your body, although tired and unresponsive for the most part, had enough energy and concentration left in it for this one final task. You hurried over and began to pound on the glass as hard as your weak, fragile body could manage. It didn't take long before the glass finally shattered as you finally found your exit.

Forcing yourself through the glass and not caring enough about any cuts you may have received or any shards that may remain in your skin, you bolted down the corridors and headed for any exit. You crossed the wooden planks over the pool of ink and headed out into the room at the end of the final hallway.

You had to take a quick breather outside as your broken body wasn't used to any movement whatsoever. As you tried to quickly call upon the last of your energy, you failed to see the ink mass watching you from the other end of the room. It eyed you for a second before quickly disappearing into the floorboards.

"GET BACK HERE!" You heard Alice's mangled voice howl out from back the way you came. "YOU INSOLENT, DISOBEDIENT BRAT!"

You heard her maddened footsteps stomping down the corridors behind you at an intense pace. She came storming into the room you were in before your tired body could react with its heavily delayed reflexes.

She gripped your wrist tightly, slowly twisting it in a way that should never be done. "You!" She seethed. You went to cry out in pain, but your vocal chords weren't used to any noises anymore. Your throat was coarse and dry beyond belief, and you hadn't let out any sounds in ages. You screamed so much for each ink injection that you were unable to make any more noise.

"How DARE you defy your Angel! You pathetic bitch, trying to escape your BELOVED Angel!" She shrieked.

Your body, a small bit adrenaline rushing through, tried to react to the situation. You weakly struggled in her grip, trying to pull away from her. When Alice saw this, she became even more deranged and maddened with rage. She become completely demonic; her voice became distorted and now consisted mostly of unholy growls and snarls.

"When I'm done with you, OH when I'm done with you! Every last bit of you will be MINE! ALL MINE!" She brought out her ink syringe and pointed it at your throat as you tensed. She cackled manically, "I can't WAIT to finally rip your body to utter shreds!"

Just before she went on to rant out yet another monologue, your body made its last quick action. You forced the syringe out of her grip and stabbed her with it in her shoulder. She let out a small shriek as you turned to run.

Starting to run across the bridge over the dark, shadowy abyss, you abruptly stopped for a quick second when the syringe went whizzing right past your face. It had been so close that you felt the sharp wind blow across your cheek. "YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ME!" Alice hollered.

You turned to watch as she dashed for you. Her arms reached out as if ready to strangle you right then and there. You went to dodge her and slip to the side, but your delayed body wasn't quick enough. Moving partly out of the way, you accidentally tripped both yourself and Alice. She accidentally rammed into you and knocked you over the railing of the bridge, sending you plummeting into the dark abyss that was filled with ink far below.

✔️Ink Bendy x Reader - Alone Within the Ink #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now