Your Request

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11/25/18, Edited 7/30/19

For an hour, you absentmindedly stroked the head of the sleeping demon. You weren't tired, so it wasn't like you were dozing off. You were just lost in thought, that's all.

You couldn't bring yourself to stop thinking about everything Bendy had showed and told you. His story was full of sorrow and despair, and you though you felt just about all of it, plain as day. And to think that he's felt that way for about thirty years!

Something wasn't right. You couldn't place it, but you could just feel it in the atmosphere. You couldn't exactly decipher whether the ominous feeling you felt was good or bad.

Looking back down at the calm demon who was still overpowered by slumber, you remembered your promise. You wanted him to be happy, and you didn't want him to be alone. You were perfectly fine with staying in the studio until the day you died.

Even though almost ninety percent of the studio was thick ink, you and Bendy managed to find a way to get fresh water for you. Unfortunately, the only way to get the water was to wait until it rained outside. You guys always collected the water in barrels, since barrels were everywhere. You just hoped you wouldn't eventually run out of your fresh water.

Yes, you were content with your current lifestyle. You weren't alone, and you felt loved. Bendy, although protective and very reluctant, often let you go to the outside world to get any items you needed. Anything at all! He even gave you money, which you figured he took from Joey's many secret stashes.

The only thing that worried you about staying in the studio with Bendy was the ominous feeling you felt right now. Really, you'd felt it quite a few times already, but it was never this strong. You used to be able to easily brush it off, but now.... To make matters worse, you hardly found it a coincidence that you started to recognize this strange feeling only a few weeks or so before what happened to be Boris's anniversary.

You couldn't help but wonder if Bendy felt it too. It could've easily contributed to his recent states of irritation and his aggression towards Sammy. Speaking of Sammy....

You carefully rose from the couch and slowly moved Bendy into a comfortable laying position. You left the room cautiously, being more alert than you've recently been, and made your way to the Music Department.

It didn't take you as long as the first time, but of course you still got lost. Seeing nothing but hallways and the same colors over and over really messes with peoples' heads! It was easy to know where you were going once you started to see creepy pentagrams, though.

When you came into the entrance to the Music Department, you didn't hesitate to call for Sammy. "Sammy!" You whisper shouted. No response.

You walked down the side hallway towards his office. You scanned his room through the long window of glass, only to see nothing inside aside from the usual. His desk and the ink lever still sat there, old as can be.

"Hmm...." You grumbled to yourself before heading towards the recording studio. You creaked open the door, which really needed to be oiled before you went deaf, and saw he wasn't in there either. "Ugh, Sammy!" You hissed to yourself. "Where could he be?" You looked at the two balconies overhead, seeing he wasn't up there either.

"Fine, guess I gotta resort to Plan B." You said. You walked over to the piano and sat down on the bench. You flipped up the cover for the keyboard and began to play. You didn't sing this time, though. You just weren't in the mood.

Halfway through the song, you heard someone speak from the balcony. "No singing this time, my sheep?"

Startled, you accidentally hit the wrong note. You clutched the fabric of your shirt over your heart and looked up, locking you gaze on Sammy's mask. You glared at him with a huff, snapping, "You scared me!"

"Obviously." He chuckled.

"Shut up. Just get down here." You said in a serious manner. "I really need to talk to you." You saw him nod as he walked off.

As you waited, you began to randomly play with some of the keys. A short moment later, you began to hear inky footsteps behind you. You turned and watched Sammy as he approached you and sat beside you on the bench.

You were about to speak, but he cut you off. "You feel it too?"

You were shocked. At least it wasn't only you that felt it. "How'd you know I was going to ask?"

"I feel it every year at the exact same time, and today is always the day when it's worst." He answered.

You nodded. "Do you know what's causing it?"

He shook his head. "I've never known. All I can say is that it just gets worse as the years go on."

You were silent and looked away from Sammy and moved your eyes over to the keys of the piano. If he didn't know anything, what more was there to ask? You wanted to drop the subject since he obviously didn't know anything. But you were deeply troubled that he claimed it always gets stronger with each passing year.

"You don't...." You started, trailing off. "You don't think it's about-"

"Bendy?" He finished. You nodded slowly. "Honestly, it could be."

You frowned and began to get worried. Sammy noticed and said, "It might not be, though. Like I said, I have no clue." He looked away from you and stared at the ceiling.

"Sammy?" You started. He looked back down at you, giving a quiet hum in response. "You know what today is, right?"

"Um....your birthday?" He asked.

A small smile made its way to your face, but it quickly disappeared. "Funny, but no. Bendy showed me a calendar that said today was the anniversary of Boris's death."

"Boris is dead?" Sammy asked, shocked.

You told him part of Bendy's story, only starting at when he was alone and saw the notes that Boris was alive. You told him everything from there to the very end of what Bendy told you. Sammy nodded occasionally. When you finished, he sighed. "It's entirely possible that Bendy is reaching a breaking point."

"Surprising it's happening just now after thirty whole years!" You muttered.

"(Y/N), I'm serious." Sammy growled. "What happens when people bottle up their emotions for too long? What happens when a person is left completely alone and abandoned for years on end? What happens when you find that your best friend is dead, and when you carry a burning hatred towards something that just keeps growing with each passing minute?"

You frowned as your lip lightly quivered when you reached a moment of realization. "You go insane...."

Sammy sighed, "Yes, they go insane. They can become murderous and dangerous too."

You began to panic when he said that. Your sweet demon was struggling and he needed help. "Sammy, please promise me something."

"What is it?" He asked.

"Promise me that you will be here for me and him if anything goes wrong, especially if this does turn out to be a problem about Bendy."

"Of cour-"

"I'm not finished, Sammy!" You interrupted. "Promise me you will help me protect Bendy! Promise me that you will try to help me get rid of all his negative emotions." You felt a small tear begin to trail down your cheek. "Please promise me that you will do everything you can to help me and Bendy! Please, I beg you, Sammy...."

Sammy said nothing. He was surprised that you had gotten so distressed. He honestly didn't know how well he would be able to keep some of those promises you wanted him to make, but he wouldn't certainly try for yours and Bendy's sake.

Sammy wiped your stray tear away and whispered, "I promise, (Y/N). We'll find a way to fix this. Bendy will be saved, I promise you! You think I'm just going to ignore you two in your time of need?"

You smiled. "Thank you, Sammy." You whispered. "Thank you so much."

✔️Ink Bendy x Reader - Alone Within the Ink #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now