The Psychotic Songwriter

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7/20/19, Edited 7/30/19

You saw the Bendy mask, you saw the stained overalls. The inky body was there to match, the same muscles and form as when you last saw him. The music director himself was right in front of you once more, coming out of the ink ocean and slowly making is way onto the shore.

"Sammy!" You whispered to yourself in disbelief. A smile came to your face as you ripped your arm free from Tom's grasp. Approaching the music director, you stopped a ways away from him. "Sammy! Is it really you?" You called, your voice louder this time.

He continued to slowly trudge further onto the shore. His head hung, he never stopped looking at the ground. You saw his fingers curled into claws at his sides, his fingers twitching in a strange and psychotic manner that you had never seen of him before.

"Sammy, that's you, right?" You asked nervously. He was acting so different, much different than the cocky, lighthearted music director you had known before. This man looked just like Sammy, but the personality and behavior just wasn't matching up. "It's me, (Y/N)!"

The music director took one final step before stopping dead in his tracks, now right in front of you. You could hear his raspy breathing begin to quicken as his fingers began to twitch even more. His entire body even began to twitch from head to toe as he slowly raised his head, gently mask coming to stare at you right in the eyes.

"(Y/N)?" He asked, his new voice sending shivers down your spine. It echoed as he spoke, sounding like a mix between an amplified whisper and a muted scream. His voice carried varying pitches and tones. It sounded nothing short of psychotic.

"Y-Yes, that's me!" You smiled weakly, trying to hide your fear. "Do you remember me, Sammy?"

The music director cowered as you said that. Unknown to you, he could hear the loud, overbearing roars of the Ink Demon ringing through his head. It frightened him as he saw his life flashing before his eyes once more as he recalled everything that had happened before he was sent into the ink. He began to twitch as his body violently jerked around, his balance being thrown off as he clutched his head and screamed in agony.

"S-Sammy!" You cried out in fear. He then swiftly turned around and tightly clutched your shoulders. His body trembled as he breathed heavily and quickly.

"(Y-Y/N)." He growled lowly with a slight stutter. His hands slowly began to make their way from your shoulders to your neck. "It's you.... Good, now you can pay!" Sammy quickly clutched your throat in his hands, strangling you as he slowly lifted you off the ground.

"You did this! This happened to me because of you!" He screamed as loud as he possibly could, each and every word completely laced with the strongest hatred and madness.

"W-What happened?" You croaked out, trying to plead with him before your oxygen circulation would completely cut out.

"The Ink Demon came after me! He tried to kill me and it's all your fault!" Sammy roared. "I trusted him! I dedicated my life to him! All I ever did was try to appease him and keep him calm, but no! All he did was try to kill me instead!"

"I-I had nothing to d-do with that." You croaked out, your voice barely a whisper and you began to see stars. You felt like fainting any second.

"Don't you see yet?!" He snapped, bringing your body closer to his. Your nose was just about to touch his mask. "You did this! You're the reason he's gone insane!" Your eyes widened in shock as your body prepared to go limp. Those words.... You knew them all too well! How could this be happening? How could you have predicted this!?

Suddenly, you were forced from Sammy's grasp as the Lost Ones rushed to your aid. Three of them helped you to stay on your feet as you tried to regain your breath. Two of them had knocked Sammy back while the rest were grabbing for him, trying to restrain him.

You wheezed and coughed as you tried to watch what was going on with what little, weak vision you had left. Eventually, one of the Lost Ones swiftly knocked him upside the head as the music director crumbled to his knees, heavily breathing from the adrenaline rush.

"What.... What did you say?" You asked breathlessly with wide eyes.

"It's your fault." Sammy growled. "You're the reason he's gone insane. If you hadn't left, he wouldn't have gone crazy. If you hadn't allowed this to happen, then he wouldn't have turned me into a psychotic freak. And had you just tried to come back, then maybe he wouldn't have completely lost his mind!"

You clenched your teeth as tears of both hatred and upset welled in your eyes, slowly starting to roll down your cheeks. "You think I wanted this? You think I wanted to make him upset? Yeah, I really loved being tortured and tormented by Alice! I totally asked for this to happen, Sammy!"

"Don't use that tone with me!" He roared. "It really is your fault whether you believe it or not, you damned girl!"

"You have no right to talk, Sammy!" You yelled back. "This isn't my fault, just accept that! It wouldn't have happened if this studio wasn't starting to drive me insane! I couldn't help that I got so many hallucinations and nightmares after being here for so long!"

"Then you should've left a long time ago! You should've left before you made any commitments! Maybe you shouldn't have ever even come at all!"

"I didn't know this was going to happen!" You shrieked.

"You're a liar!" Sammy roared as he ripped himself free from the grip of multiple Lost Ones. "You probably planned this from the start! How dare you take my life from me!" Sammy ran back at you. This time, he didn't go for your throat.

Clutching your ankles, he pulled your legs out from under you as your back slammed onto the ground. He began to drag you back towards the ink ocean. "No, no!" You shrieked with dire peril. "Sammy, don't! Please!"

"You'll see what it feels like!" He roared with maniacal laughter. "You'll be able to feel exactly what I felt! Let's see how you like being betrayed and abandoned by someone you once called a friend!"

And with one final tug, Sammy lifted you into the air by your ankles and flung you back into the deadly grip of the ink that you had so desperately tried to escape before.

✔️Ink Bendy x Reader - Alone Within the Ink #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now