Plans of Beauty

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4/14/19, Edited 7/30/19

Your eyes slowly fluttered open. Your surroundings were dark, almost completely black. No matter how hard you tried to focus, you just couldn't make out a thing. There was one thing, however. Not too far away from you was a creepy, disfigured creature.

It was bound to a barrel by both chains and rope. It let out disgusting gurgles and snarls as it slowly panted. Straining your eyes, you peered further into the darkness in attempt to see the creature more. Your eyes widened with fear as you realized the creature was some deranged, monstrous form of the character Charley.

A shrill shiver ruptured through your spine, rattling your core as you realized his eyes were locked onto you. When your shrunken, frightened eyes locked with his one remaining eye socket, his breaths grew quicker as he snarled loudly. His form slightly jerked against the barrel, trying to break loose. All the while he never took is attention away from you.

You were petrified of him, and your first instinct was to get up and ran as fast as humanly possible. The second you went o move, however, something held you back. Looking down in shock, you saw your arms were chained to the wall behind you. No handcuffs or anything; a long chain was just tangled very tightly around each wrist. Your ankles were also chained together by the same type of chain.

Going to speak, you felt something over your mouth. You couldn't see it obviously, and your hands were unable to reach up and feel what was covering your mouth. You figured it was tape or something quick and easy. A muffled huff was quietly heard from you.

Through the thick silence came an eerie giggle that echoed, seemingly bouncing off every wall. You perked up, sitting a little straighter as your instinct kicked in in hug alert. "Your voice is beautiful." The voice whispered out in song. "But it must be kept quiet. We wouldn't want some others to hear!"

Your eyes darted around the darkness, never finding anything. Although not wanting to, you felt the need to look back at Charley. You regretted it when you did, though, as his body was no longer there. His gurgles couldn't be heard either.

You shrunk closer against the wall in fear, letting out a muffled scream as Charley lunged from the darkness right in front of you. Turning your head to the side and clenching your eyes shut, you awaited for his attack that never came amidst his many snarls.

Carefully looking back towards him, you saw Alice standing there, firmly clutching the chains that was wrapped around Charley's head and torso. The demonic angel cackled at your shaken, powerless form. "How satisfying to see all of your beauty confined to this darkness, the darkness only I can reach."

Her curved smile of fangs turned downward as venom dripped from her final words. "I'll be back for you, girl. And you will give me what's mine!" With that, she pulled Charley into the darkness with her, leaving you completely alone in the room of darkness and silence.

You waited a long time before hearing her laugh ring out once more. She approached you and kneeled in front of you. Her cold, inky, misshapen hands came up to cup your face. Alice gently clawed your face as her hands slips down your skin. "Such a beautiful creature." She hummed.

She then tightly gripped your chin, causing you to wince, as she hissed, "Why!? What gave you the right to take my beauty and keep it for yourself!?"

You glared at her, jerking your head away from her as you ripped your chin from her vice-like grip.

Alice growled at you. "I'd slap you, but I don't want to harm your precious face. After all, I don't want to walk around with your beauty if it's covered with scars."

Your eyes widened as she said that. What did she just say!? Was she going to walk around in your body or something?

She giggled, her laughter slowly growing louder and more malicious as she saw your fear-stricken face. "Yes, yes. I'm going to tear you apart for myself! I'm ready to take back what's mine."

She hummed as she whispered, "Your glorious eyes full of light. Your precious face that could make men swoon. Your perfect!"

A tear slowly dripped down your face both out of fear and sadness as she continued to ramble about her plans. You were disgusted that she only saw you for what you looked like. Stuff like that hurts everyone of course, but that wasn't what plagued your mind most.

You really missed Bendy. You felt bad that you hadn't found him yet, and as much as you hated to admit it, you knew it was going to be quite a while before you could see him again. You missed his love and his cute antics. It troubled you that you couldn't give him a sign of any kind that you were alive.

"Don't cry, brat." Alice sneered. "You won't be found, I can promise you that. Nobody will take you from me. You'll stay here with me forever! We will be eternally bound together once I take your heart for myself. Doesn't that sound so nice?"

She laughed as you continued to cry. Her cackles ripped at your heart, pushing you further down into the fear and sadness that bubbled inside you. You just wanted to go home. You wanted to be out of this studio for good, and you wanted Bendy and Sammy to come with. Far away from this hellhole.

"To see beauty to fresh and pure in this studio.... To see it just wandering through the hallways of this inky abyss.... Why, the thought of it makes my day. But the fact that said beauty is now right in front of me? Right in my clutches?"

Alice hummed once more as she leaned closer to you. "Oh, it's more than I can bear! But there's only room for one angel down here. Too bad it ain't you!" She cackled in your face.

"It's hard to be patient when you're right here in front of my very eyes, but there is still much to be done before I can start to rip you to shreds! You need to be more inky. Blood and ink are a nasty bunch that shouldn't be mixed. I don't want your ugly blood to be mixed with my beautiful body."

Alice pulled out the syringe once more, now refilled with ink. She gave it a small, taunting squirt as she continued, "No, you need to be pure ink! I'll strip you of your blood until your nothing more than a beautiful body filled with the ink that can restore me."

Before you could react, she quickly injected the needle into your veins the second the last word escaped her mouth. "More, more! You need so much more ink! Unfortunately, I can't do it all at once. Your body would get overwhelmed and would crash on me before I could salvage anything. Such a nuisance you are, having to give you ink in intervals!"

The ink stung like hell as it coursed through your veins. It burned. It felt like someone poured gasoline into your bloodstream and lit it with a match right then and there, right inside your body. You screamed as she continued to push the ink into your body, but they were heavily muffled.

Alice cackled as you grew dizzy and slowly prepared to black out. "Soon, my little pet. Soon I will be done with you, and you're beauty will be mine. Don't worry, you shouldn't have to suffer much longer. Just think, when I'm done with you, you'll finally be one with the ink!"

✔️Ink Bendy x Reader - Alone Within the Ink #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now