Chapter 1-Prostitution

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Most women would be stable and excited to be with a hot rich man right? I mean come on, any girl dreamed of being With someone Rich, the thought is very tempting. I always thought that was the American dream when I was in my teenage years. Some would call me a gold digger, and I would honestly agree. My mom died and my dad was sent to prison when I was only seventeen forcing me to live with my grandparents. My grandma suffered with dementia and my grandfather would be stuck taking care of her and giving me little attention. I knew I was on my own at that moment. School was out of the picture, I had no plans to go to college.. we were poor. Even though my grandfather offered to pay I rejected it. I didn't want them to suffer more. Shit I was suffering the most. I turned to my only option to get quick money. Prostitution.

I know bad, I got the idea from a high school friend who was doing the same thing. She convinced me it was easy money. I didn't have to worry about anything. Besides, selling myself for money was so much better then having free sex. I was making like 500 dollars a day. The more experienced I was, the more clients I got. They were all attracted to me sexually because of my appearance. I'm 5'9, long legs, dark chocolate brown eyes, curly big hair and slim but curvy body. I had no feelings for any of my clients. I never planned to. Until that is, Ethan came along.

I remember the first day he called me and asked me to come over his house. I don't usually come to my clients houses but he was so nice and persuasive on the phone. I couldn't help but see what this guy was all about. Come to find out he lived in a mansion. It was huge. Something similar to where the Kardashians live. Yeah I watch keeping up with the Kardashians, don't judge me. Ethan was standing at the doorway, waiting for me with a nice smile. He looked about early 20's and was about 6'0 feet tall. Greenish eyes and a really thick beard and mustache, connected with his nicely trimmed sideburns. His hair was nice and cut and he was wearing a business suit as if we were about to do some business. Like no, I'm about to fuck the shit out of you and go home.

He invited me in. I was hesitant at first but he offered me some cookies. I can't say no to cookies. The inside of the house looked like a Barbie dream home..but for men. It was huge and I wanted to look more but I had a job to do. I immediately took off my shirt. He stopped me and started asking questions about my life. I didn't answer so he proceeded to tell me about himself. We sat on the couch as he said he owned a millionaire business. He was the owner of some software company. I don't know..he was talking too many big words but I pretended to understand what he was saying.

He talked for about thirty minutes before finally giving me a bundle of money. "Thanks, we should do this again next time"

I slowly took it and stood up "that's it?"

He nodded

He paid a prostitue 300 dollars to talk to him for thirty minutes? Okay? I shrugged and thanked him. He then asked for my real number so he can call me. Any gold digger would give it to him in a matter of seconds but I rejected him and left. Why? I don't know. There was something odd about him.

The next day I was off from hoeing. My business cell rang and Ethan was on the line. I asked if he wanted to schedule another appointment, and he made one without any more questions. I came back to his house but this time he was waiting for me at his mailbox. We went back inside and talked some more. He told me he was in an unhappy marriage and wanted to escape it. I listened as he bravely asked me on a date. I was about to decline but he gave me a couple hundred.

At this point I just wanted to use him for his money. Being a prostitue for so many years made you numb to any sort of feelings. I didn't trust men. They were all heartless assholes, and I promised myself never to get involved with one. I might as well turn lesbian. Eh I tried, but they were all too emotional for me. You could say one mean thing and they will cry like I insulted their family. Nope not for me.

Ethan and I went on a date that day. He made me wear one of his wife's dresses. It was white and long. It was worth a couple thousand. He took me to this fancy place and shared me a few things. He made me laugh the whole date. He was unintentionally funny. He told me he shared his business with his dad. Basically all his family members were rich as hell. This was my chance to finally be happy and stable.

After our date he asked me on another date, the next thing you know we started to date behind his wife's back. I never met her but the way he described her was horrendous. She sounded like a bitch and I hope I never meet her. He made me stop selling myself and basically paid for everything. Bought me a new car, new clothes. A new middle class house. I was excited about that, I finally moved out my grandparents house. He paid for all my bills, and other stuff I wanted. This was the dream. I honestly didn't feel bad for being wth a married man. He made me happy. Until that is, his wife caught us in bed.

We were dating for three months, I was over at his house. We were watching Titanic on his big flat screen TV in his room. His room door burst open and a tiny little brunette lady came in. She was really small, I think she stopped at my belly button even. I could have easily beat her up but the way she ran towards me made me rethink that. Ethan jumped across the bed and scooped her up like a blanket. She started screaming and yelling. "I knew it! How could you Ethan! How could you!" She cried

There was a time she released herself and ran to me again like a lion. I jumped up and grabbed a pillow; smacking her with it. She fell off  the bed with a loud thud. You can see her getting more angry as She grabbed another pillow and before you know it we were pillow fighting.

"You whore!" She yelled

"I know I am!" I fired back

"Good! I'm glad you know how filthy you are!"

"Alright Ariel stop that's enough!" Ethan yelled grabbing his wife. But she freed herself and stormed out. I didn't know where she went but I finally told Ethan something I was holding in for about two months. I mean I had nothing to lose "I'm pregnant" I whispered

He was about to chase after his wife but he stopped once I told him the news. We just stood there motionless. "You choose now to tell me?" He said sweat pouring down his forehead. I didn't even get to reply as he was out the door in seconds. I quickly got my shit together and attempted to jump out the window. I might as well jump to my death because I was up too high.

The door burst open again and Ariel came back, but she was holding a knife.

"Jesus fuck!" I said before screaming for Ethan. She started to run towards me with that knife but Ethan came back just in time to grab her by the waist "are you crazy Ariel!" He cried.

"Fuck this shit!" I said before running to the door successfully and racing down the stairs before bolting out the front door. I fiddled with my keys and opened the Mercedes Benz Ethan got me. I slid in and started the car and drove off. I decided to cut Ethan off at that moment. I was planning on aborting the baby, and get back to my usual life. But I was madly in love with him so it took a lot to cut him off.

For days he blew up my phone. There were times he would ring my doorbell but I never answered. I was ignoring him for at least a month. I was on my way to see a client and  as soon as I got out my house Ethan was at my door. I threatened to call the police but he let me know he and his wife were getting a divorce and that he needed me. That's what they all say. He talked for almost an hour trying to convince me he loved me and didn't want to lose me. I pretended to give a damn Until that is, he bent down on one knee and asked me to marry him.

We only knew each other for less then five months. But I couldn't fight off my feelings towards him. I was young and I honestly didn't know if I wanted to be tied down. I knew he would take care of me so I nodded.

So once I turned 18 we married and welcomed our son Noah.

The story should end here. But gets far interesting.

I guess the saying "the same way you get them is the same way you lose them" is actually very accurate.

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