Chapter 4-Shawn's wife

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"Can I talk to you?" Shawn whispered to his sister

Before Bobby could ask what the problem was, Shawn grabbed her arm and led her to the corner while Noah and I stared. This was not good. Who would have thought I'd run into him again..I mean yeah I regret how rude I acted towards him but it was really not that serious

"Well that killed our chances...want to go ahead and leave?" Noah said

I looked down at him and didn't respond. Should I apologize to Shawn or beg for this job. I mean he owns this place for gods sake there is just no way he would hire me. I sighed and grabbed Noah's hand "let's get out of here"

My head was down in despair and Ethan's word roamed through my head. I could already see him saying "I told you so"

Fucking bitch.

We almost reached the front door but I heard a voice calling out for me. Well it went more like "hey you!"

I and several people turned to see Shawn jogging to us. Once he reached me he crossed his arms and smiled "so you want a job here I see"

I tried hard not to roll my eyes. He is a cop, I remember I would get in so much trouble because of them. I don't know why they didn't let prostitues be prostitues. They always wanted to arrest someone. And let me not get started with parking and speeding tickets. Instead of fighting crime, they rather give out stupid ass expensive tickets. But I plastered a fake smile letting Shawn know I really wanted the job.

He grinned but more in a evil way. He told me to come to his office. I was absolutely astonished. I felt like all eyes were on me at this place and it just made me feel uncomfortable but excited. Maybe I have a chance. Shawn told Noah to sit down at an empty table and would have something served for him for free. Noah didn't even bat an eye. He just shrugged and went over to the table Shawn told him to go to.

I followed Shawn all the way to the back, to the kitchen where Bobby was waiting for us. She then directed us to the office. There was a door all the way in the corner of the kitchen that said Shawn's Office


Across his office door was Bobby's but we went into Shawn's. Are they really going to interview me right now? I'm not prepared! I've never did a job interview before.

We entered the office and the scent of coffee immediately hit my face. Jesus god. Shawn walked over to his desk and sat down while his sister stood up next to him grinning at me. "First things you have a resume?" He asked placing glasses on.

"Um no" I said sitting across from them. He looked up then glared at his sister. He pushed all the papers away from him and stared at me. Like analyzing my character, it was a bit intimidating. "Okay..well then what do you have?"

"Nothing" I whispered

"Nothing?" He asked

I nodded. He looked at his sister once more before continuing "have you ever even done waitressing? Have you ever even had a job?"

Well I was a prostitute before. Of course I didn't say that.

Shawn took my silence as a confirmation that I never had a job before. He sat back in his chair and rubbed his temple. Bobby though was giving me a comforting look, she started massaging Shawn's shoulders and whispering something. But Shawn shrugged it off "yeah no we can't hire you"

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