Chapter 24-The Big Reveal

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Everyone started cheering as if they were getting married all over again. Shawn didn't even try to move out that kiss. He just stood there..not moving his lips. But she on the other was slobbering all over his mouth; smearing her bright red lip stick all over his face. It was a disturbing sight that even Noah started gagging. He kept squeezing my hand asking me if I was okay.

I didn't speak. I just kept staring. He started point me and that's when I found my words "no Noah...I am far from okay"

If I told Shawn yesterday that I was ready to be with him, would he still have let Zoe kiss him? Probably. No matter how uncomfortable he looked I think he would have locked lips with her anyways. Maybe Zoe was right...maybe he is a sad excuse of a man! Because if he really loved me he would have left Zoe yesterday. He would have dumped her lying ass.

Who am I kidding?

He will never leave her. They are expecting a child after all right? I felt like I was about to puke.

"Mom? Want to go somewhere else? You don't need anymore hurt and-

"I'm not hurt...I promise I'm not hurt" I said faking a hard smile. He could see that I was lying as he raised one of his eyebrows. "Let's go somewhere else? We can talk to dad later-

"Don't call him your dad alright? Look what he's doing with Zoe....

Noah turned back around and to my surprised they were still kissing! I don't even think they pulled away to take a breath. Fucking dickheads! "Mom...I-


Noah and I both flinched to where the voice was coming from. A girl about his age was racing our way. She had two pigtails done on her hair with red ribbons. She wore a short floral dress with combat boots on. I was shocked she could even run in them. She looked very excited. Once she caught up to us I could see her face full of freckles. She was stunningly beautiful and a mother always knows when a girl likes her son. But from Noah's facial expression he seemed like he wasn't even staring at her beauty. He seemed as though he was staring at her like she was one of his guy friends.

Well, looks like she will be in the friend zone for a while.

she introduced herself as Hannah before trying to hug Noah, which he stepped back before she could get a chance. But she didn't seem bothered. She complimented my beauty and I had to ask them on how they met. Noah slowly laughed "the arcade, she's cool I guess"

I nodded and watched her grab his hand. Noah tried to pull away but she had a tight grip on him "may I take your son away from a minute, I have to tell him something" she said so softly it was hard to comprehend. She had one of those high squeaky soft voices. Noah gave me that look letting me know to reject her offer but I really needed to talk to Shawn alone, so I nodded. Hannah squeaked with joy and as for Noah...

he gave me a dark glare.

She whisked him away and I smiled a little. I can't wait until he gets his first girlfriend. I can already imagine the future disagreements.

I watched her take him to an empty table. She sat across from him and started blabbering. It was pretty loud.


I looked straight to see Bobby and Hugh coming my way. Behind them, Shawn and Zoe stayed behind. He had his eyes glued to mine but I looked away.

"Oh thank god you're alright" Bobby said giving me a hug. Followed by Hugh. I didn't hug back though. I was still mad at the both of them from the night at the strip club. And seeing Zoe with Shawn just added fuel to the fire.

"I'm so sorry for what happened" Bobby started

I tried hard not to roll my eyes. "What happened?"

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