Chapter 9-Mr asshole

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Shawn twirled his index finger at me to turn around so he could cuff me. But I was so stunned I couldn't move. Arrest me? It didn't make sense! Okay sure I threw a drink and attempted to throw my glass at him, but he deserved it! He fired me, insulted me and questioned my parenting skills and now he has the audacity to actually want to arrest me. I was scared for the outcome. What if Ethan found out I was at a strip club? I could already hear his screams already. This can't happen, not tonight. I wanted to run but he knew where I lived so what was the point. I closed my eyes and took a silent breather.

I didn't want to do anything I'll regret, so I slowly turned around, placing both hands behind my back. "If your goal was to make me hate you then congrats, I fucking hate your guts" I said waiting for him to cuff me. I heard nothing so I continued "you fire me cool, you insult me cool, but don't ever question how I parent Noah-

I suddenly felt his hand on my elbow, without thinking he yanked me hard and started walking me towards his car. He was so fast that he was literally dragging me. I tried to wiggle free but he wouldn't let me "stop resisting!" He spit out.

"No one is resisting! You're pulling me a little too hard asshole!"

He released his grip from me and grabbed my shoulders. "You're so lucky I have a heart, if it wasn't for my sister I would have arrested you already and sent your ass to jail"

I stepped back and flared my nose at him "if you're not going to arrest me then why are you taking me to your car officer?" I said visually rolling my eyes more then once at him. He twisted his lips and I knew he was boiling inside. I don't understand why he didn't like me, he should have just let me get in the car with Hank if he despised me so much. I have a heart of gold and he was treating me like I wasn't worth anything.

Shawn didn't say anything. He just walked to his car and opened the passengers door for me. "Get in" he ordered. I don't know who the hell he is to order me like I was his daughter or something. Yeah he's an officer and so what? Furious I spit at him hoping it would hit his face but his reflexes was too quick. He stepped away just in time for the thick spit to splatter near his feet. He looked down in disgust before glaring at me once again "you spit at an officer?" He asked. I nodded "want me to do it again?"

He didn't say anything but I could already see veins popping from his temple. It was so intense it looks like worms were indented in there. "Listen Shawn! If you're not going to arrest me then I'd like to go back to the club and party, and don't worry, I'll stay away from your sister..I'm sure I'll have fun without her..I just need you to leave me alone.." I said trying to sound as calm as possible. I did not want to face Bobby, or even Hugh after what Shawn said about me. "In fact I'll stay away from this area after tonight, you already embarrassed me enough, I hope you're happy with yourself, as an officer I would think you guys were respectful and protect others but you made me question that. You're just a racist hateful pig and-

"Racist? How am I racist when I'm black?" he said crossing his arms.

I almost forgot. But seeing him you would never guess he was mixed race. He was so pale that he made Edward from twilight look like he had a tan. After everything I told him he only commented on the racist part. Typical. "Well whatever you are..I don't deserve what you said about me, just honestly fuck off and leave me alone" I said already walking backwards bumping a few people in the process. I bumped into a group of men that looked about my age. It was about four of them, they all looked at me up and down and smiled like I was Beyoncé or something. They were so engulfed by me that they didn't notice Shawn.

"Can I buy you a drink?" One tall guy said. Damn he was so fine. Gave me Idris Elba vibes. Tall dark and handsome. White smile, sexy posture, sexy facial hair. Even with sweat pants you could clearly see everything down there. Before I could even drool, Shawn came up behind me and grabbed my arm and stared at the group. They quickly scattered away. "What did I tell you about grabbing me!" I shrieked

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