Chapter 40-Flo

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*Zoe's POV*

I always asked myself am I capable of killing someone? No, I could never. I might be crazy but I could never intentionally kill someone. But staring at Ethan provoked me.

I fought for this man! I wrote him about a million letters while he was in prison! I stood by his side, defended him, loved him more then anyone could! Gave him a beautiful daughter and what does he do? Breaks up with me before crawling right back and lie to my face again. I killed for him! I rote ref him from getting a major ass whopping and for what? Just for him to go back to Hazel? No no no! He was going to let me be a single mother while he played Barbie with Hazel knowing Mark wouldn't hunt him down. That bastard! But I played it cool. After he came home that day I spotted him with Hazel, we had sex like nothing was wrong.

I drugged his drink. Ecstasy was perfect. It was known occasionally cause paranoia and panic attacks that could cause him to be more aggressive then he already is. I wanted him to go crazy and weak enough for me to kill him, so I added some cocaine in his drink. But the look he gave me was like he really didn't give a damn. After all I did for him, he was laughing in my face like it meant nothing.

Like I meant nothing.

It was the drugs talking..not him. was enough to make me whip out the shot gun and point it at him.

The first shot was easy and I wanted to do it again.

But once I spotted Flo, it immediately made me think of the horrible life she was going to experience. I thought maybe if I ended it now she wouldn't have to endure that pain; she would go straight to heaven. I didn't want to do it but once I pointed the gun at her, she was so frightened she didn't even move. Her voice was lost and she looked like she was holding her breath waiting for the bullet to strike her.

I pulled the trigger. Someone came up from behind me and kicked the gun from my grips. It flew up and the bullet hit the ceiling instead. Shocked I turned to see Shawn. He gave me a "What the fuck" look.

He looked....beautiful.

His hair was slightly longer and more wavy then before. Skin looked so soft and muscles were so striking that you could easily trace it on his tight gear. His dark eyes stared at me with such shock and disbelief. It was hard to look away. When I saw him at the restaurant the other day hugging and kissing Hazel, I felt nothing but jealousy. The way he was touching her....made me remember when he used to touch me. Oh how I was stupid to cheat on him and not realize how I had a great man. Watching him with someone else, hurt the most.

I quickly lunged for the gun before any one of us could gasp. I pointed it at him and threatened to use it against him if he made one single move. He just stood there, still shocked. He kept looking back at the stairs.

Flo was gone

Then he rested his eyes behind me. I didn't want to turn to see Ethan's lifeless body, I didn't want to be caught off guard. Right now I was in a bad situation. If Shawn grabbed me, there was no way I would get out of his grips, then it would be over for me. "How did you get here? How did you know I lived here?" I asked focusing the gun on him.

He raised his left hand to try to get me to hand over the shot gun but I repeated the questions. He set his hand down and whispered "I can't believe you were really going to kill your own daughter Zoe, what's the matter with you? Have you completely lost it?"

I didn't even hesitate to nod. "Love makes you do crazy things"

He frowned and stopped staring behind me to look directly into my eyes. I swear those eyes could make anyone weak. I was always fascinated by them. It was the one thing that made me want to stay. How I was so naive to not realize what I had.

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