Chapter 33-dad down

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*Shawn's POV*

As soon as I saw Ethan's face appear in my restaurant, something came over me and I really want to just pull out my pistol and shoot him straight in the face but he was so lucky Luna was there. I couldn't even give her a hug, everything just went too fast. He was walking towards Hazel and I started surfing through the crowd even leaping over tables and chairs to get to Hazel first. But I witnessed Ethan turn her around and say a few words. Judging by his deep frown and how serious his eyes looked, I could tell he was about to tell her about her dad. I really didn't want her to find out just yet. I wanted to wait to break the news to her when the time was right. But here he comes trying to be some type of bullshit hero.

When I finally reached them I overheard Ethan speak out "he's dead, didn't you hear?"

I could see Hazel's shoulders tense up. She started backing away and ordered him not to touch her. She slowly turned to me and gave me the (is he telling the truth?) look. For the first time, I couldn't really look into her eyes. But I did give Ethan one good glare. He was just standing there, pajamas and all looking all innocent like the world revolved around him. "Get out of my restaurant" I ordered

But he didn't move. He just whispered out "so I'm not allowed here?"

I could feel myself boiling. He already knew the answer to that. He could play dumb all he wants but I won't hesitate to arrest him for trespassing. Ethan tried to grab for Hazel but she flinched back and told him not to touch her. He continued on speaking "Hazel...he was my friend too. And I-

"Oh was he now" I said crossing my arms

Ethan looked up and we had a stare off as none of us chose to speak first. "Since he was your friend. You would know he isn't dead-

"Yeah?...he's getting there..

" he's not dead" I defended trying not to let the anger get the best of me. I was ready to put hands on him to get him out my place, the last thing I wanted was drama. I just wish he had more time then ten years.

Ten years was not enough. A person like him does not change and I wanted him far away from Hazel as possible. But before I could make any attempt to get his ass out my place Hazel whispered out "I don't care"

"What?" I asked

"I don't care. I don't want to hear anything about my father. He's dead to me, I wouldn't really call him a father...anyways...

"But Hazel-

"I said I don't care Shawn! Why can't you see that?!!" She said so loud it immediately brought attention to us. Even Luna stared at us in complete fear. This was the first time in years she yelled like this and I honestly didn't want to hear it again. "I don't care what happened to him, I don't want to see or talk to him." She slowly whispered before changing the subject "next time remember to not be late on picking up our daughter" Then she stared back at Ethan and harshly said "please stay away from me, I won't hesitate to get a restraining order" and with that she marched right out the restaurant leaving us dazed and confused.

I closed my hanging jaw and flared my nostrils at Ethan who was still standing there. He didn't notice me but his eyes were staring at the door Hazel left at, as if expecting her to return. I crossed my arms and bluntly asked "where were you last night?"

He stared back at me so quick "excuse me?"

"You heard me. Where were you last night?"

He did a quick chuckle before jokingly asking " you think I had anything to with what happened to Mark and Alex?"

As soon as he said that I knew his world stopped.

I never told him about Alex.

He was quick to defend himself "alright listen. You have no right to question me. You aren't a detective, I loved Mark like a brother. So how dare you even try to question me like I'd ever try and hurt him."

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