Chapter 35-she's back

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*Hazels POV*

Donna stood there. Not moving. Not even blinking..just kept staring. The tension was so thick even my dad stopped and stared at us. His eyes getting wider and wider at every moment resulting him in starting to bite his nails. Luna hid behind him. The only person that tried to speak was Bobby. She pretended like nothing was wrong and asked how our day was going. That's when Donna decided to step out her comfort zone. She reached for the nearest weapon; a dust pan. And walked slowly to us like I was suppose to feel threatened. "I heard everything! Every single fucking thing!"

I never heard an Indian woman curse. But it sounded pretty sexy. Shawn tried to calm her down but she started balling out crying. "She showed Shawn her ring finger and said "I'm not leaving. If you really think I'm going to watch you get back with Hazel then you're crazy. I'm not letting you go"

...umm...okay. Stalker.

But the more that I thought of it. The more I felt guilty. Her culture takes marriage seriously, and I just broke her heart by kissing Shawn. I felt like the biggest slut. I tried to apologize but she threw the dust pan at me. Shawn blocked it and it hit his forearm. "Donna! Stop!" He screamed

"Stop? Why? I should have known! I mean when I found out she was a prostitute I couldn't believe it..but now I do!" She said flaring her nostrils at me. "You see in India no man will want to marry you! All you do is break up marriages and get pregnant by different men! That's all you're good for" She ranted on trying to get to me but Shawn held her back telling her to shut up a few times but it didn't stop her from hurting my feelings.

She was saying all these things in front of Luna; she didn't know about my past and watching her face tighten in shock made me want to burst into tears. This was a mistake. I should have never kissed Shawn. He wasn't mine. Maybe Donna was right...all I was good for was ruining other people's relationships. I've done it twice already.

A loud crash stopped my roaming thoughts.

I watched as a vase shattered a few inches from Donna. We all looked up to see my dad holding another one. Luna tried to get it from him but of course she wasn't strong enough. My dad swung his arm back and threw the vase, this time it hit Donna right in the gut before falling down and shattering on the ground.

Her dramatic ass started crying and wailing asking Shawn to execute my father who was already looking for something else to throw. Bobby was too scared to do anything until Shawn told her that my dad was not in his right mind. That's when she jumped over the couch and put my dad in a headlock. Stunned I raced over there and pushed her off of him. "Don't touch him! Don't you ever put your hands on my dad!" I shrieked

"I was just trying to help" she squeaked

"I want him out of this house!" Donna screamed

"This isn't even your house! It's my dad's house! You're just a guest!" Luna said defending me.

Donna stopped screaming and stared at Shawn. She started ordering him to kick me and my dad out. But Shawn refused. She then started making threats on how she would leave him or worse...make my dad's life hell. I wanted to really kill her. But this was her anger speaking...Donna really was not about that life. I would end her. But as I witnessed my dad having an emotional breakdown, I know I needed to get him out of this situation.

I was wrong in this situation. I don't want to be like Zoe and degrade Donna when she had every right to be mad. I gently touched my dad and he calmed down. I lifted him up to his feet and I told Luna to follow me to the car. Shawn tried to get us to stay but Donna started ranting "no she will not stay! And she has another thing coming if she really thinks I'm going to be out the picture." She said as if I was not standing right there

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