Chapter 3-the job?

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It was about 4am and Noah had his head rested on my lap,snoring soundly. I patted his hair gently and I swear I almost started crying. His birthday was over, he would never have a chance to turn eleven again and here Ethan didn't have the balls to come down and do SOMETHING! It's like he didn't care!  I just felt so bad for my poor little boy, But I didn't want to make a scene. Michelle already looked concerned and I just didn't want to prove her right about Ethan.

"Alright that movie makes me cry every time" Michelle said shutting off the television and wiping her eyes. I was kind of glad she was living with us, I don't think I could have made it through some of the problems Ethan and I delt in the past. "Looks like Noah slept through most of the movie" she said poring at my snoring son. I smiled and watched her leap up "well I'm off to bed, you need help with Noah?"

I shook my head and tried to shake him awake. But he didn't budge. "You sure?" Michelle asked. I nodded shaking my son furiously.

Michelle giggled and licked her finger before trying to put it in Noah's ear. He opened his eyes immediately and leaped up "okay I'm awake!" He said before trying to attack Michelle with one of the couch pillows.

Watching them pillow fight was the funniest thing I've ever seen. I always envied their close bond. Ethan told Michelle everything, I kind of think he maybe has a small crush on her. Michelle is a very striking lady, I was surprised she wasn't married or had any children of her own. All I know was that she was an illegal immigrant and Ethan was nice enough to hire her as a maid. She gets paid more then some jobs. Who would not settle for $150 dollars a day. And some days she really doesn't need to do any work. Trust me, she loves her job a little too much.

I wished her goodnight before taking my son to his room to sleep. He fell asleep rather quickly before I could apologize for Ethan's behavior. I sighed and walked to my room, Ethan's voice stopped me from opening the door.

"Look Zoe I'm sorry alright. You already know what you signed up for in the beginning, don't pretend like you never knew"

Umm what?

Who the fuck is Zoe???!! I was beyond confused.

"Look I'll  talk to you tomorrow okay...

There was a brief pause

"I love you too" then he hung up.

I didn't open the door. Instead I turned back around and went back to Noah's room. I didn't want to start jumping to conclusions. I just needed to sleep it off before we started fighting again. The last thing I wanted was to wake up the house.


The next morning Noah woke me up "mom, were you sleeping with me this whole time?" He asked

I looked around and came to the realization that I did in fact sleep with my son last night. The conversation between my husband and Zoe came flashing in. I knew Noah knew something, but I didn't want to scare him. He was already upset with Ethan and I didn't want him to start getting upset with me.

"Where's your dad?" I asked ignoring his question

Noah shrugged and went to his bathroom to brush his teeth. I got off the bed and went back to my bedroom. The room was empty indicating he went to work. Not surprised.

I brushed my teeth and got dressed before walking down the stairs to meet Michelle there. She was cleaning the kitchen and making breakfast. She greeted me with a smile "well I'm glad you finally woke up...

"Whose Zoe?" I bluntly asked

She stopped cleaning and stood up "who?"

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