Bashful Bunny

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"Mom, I don't want to look after that kid. He's a creep, he keeps on staring at me and he doesn't talk" she said but her mom just hisses in response.

"We'll be back before lunch time. Don't worry he's a responsible boy. He don't need babysitting" she assures her and is about to go outside.

"But mom, why do I have to give him company. I am busy you know, my exams are approaching" her mom exhales slowly and give her a pleading look while slinging her bag on her shoulder.

"I have an investor to meet together with your Aunt Jangmi so please accept it already, Kookie is a good boy so be good to him okay huh sweety?"

"Mom!" But her mother is gone in sight by the time she looks up. She notices that he is staring at her while hiding at the back of the couch. His rounded eyes peep through the side but he hides fully when he caught her eyesight.

"Yah, Jeon jungkook why are you hiding there? Come out here, you little bunny" she said but the boy seems too shy to even tuck his head up so she just go to the kitchen and fetch some cookies and milk to feed him.

"Mommies nowadays are so careless" she murmurs while bringing the platter to the living room. "For goodness sake why they even left a child to baby sit another child? Are they even adults for real?" She adjusted her eyeglasses, face him and offer the cookies. He looks away from her, hides himself until she can no longer see any of him.

"Hey kid, please don't make this difficult for me, I have a lot of things to study and I have a project to make chebal, Stay here I'll just get my notes upstairs" she walk and climb two steps of the stairs when she suddenly turn around but Jungkook is still immobile in his place. She just shrug and continue her journey to her room.

As soon as she is out of sight, his little hands creep on the plate, took a handful of cookie and nibble it while peeking once in while to check if she is going down.

The cookie must be delicious, he can't help himself from picking one after another and gobble it up to his already full mouth. He was chewing everything when he hear a series of footsteps so he gulp everything in his mouth that eventually choke him on the process. He cough and cough which caught her attention that made her run down the stairs.

"Yah Jeon Jungkook, what happened?" She saw the empty plate and assumed he ate it all that causes his current situation. He cries and huff loud, his tears run down his puffy cheeks while catching his breath. She pat his back and help him to vomit the big chunk of cookie until he can finally breathe even.

"Here, drink your milk kid and please don't be shy okay? Noona will take care of you" she pats his head like some fluffy pet while he is sipping his milk.

"Aigoo, uri jungkook is a good boy" she smiles at him.

His eyes went wide seeing her smile in front of him. He was dazed that the milk bottle slips out of his cutesy hands.

"Yah, Jeon Jungkook you're scaring me, yah!" She got startled when the baby bunny fainted and fell down on the floor. "Yah, Jeon Jungkook wake up, you weirdo what is happening to you?" She got nervous when she saw him lie somewhat lifeless and shook his body.

"Wake up please, Jungkook" she put her ears above his heart and listen if it is still beating and was relieve when she heard what she wanted.

"What am I gonna do?" She panicked but she was able to dial her mom's number which she luckily answered right away.


"Yes darling, is everything ok?" She can sense her daughter's anxiety through the tone of her voice.

"Mom, Jungkook choked while eating his cookie what am I gonna do?" She kneel beside him while talking to her mom.

"What? Is he okay?" Her gaze fell on the still unconscious kid in front of her.

"He's unconscious mom, please come home already I am scared" she bit her lips not to let her mom hear her cry.

"Ok, I'm on way don't be scared I'll call the neighbor next door but first listen to me, you can give him CPR, remember what I do when you drown in the pool last time" she nod though her mother cannot see it of course.

"You can do it baby, don't be scared he's gonna be alright, now do what I am telling you" she put the phone on a loud speaker and do what she is told to do.

Jungkook was actually fine but he was pretending to be unconscious cause he was too shy to face her. He was holding his breath when he smells her candy like cologne in his nose that got him panic internally.

He decided to open his eyes when a soft pair of lips touches his. He can see her kissing him that made him blush. His ears became red more than his face, little bead of sweats decorated his forehead.

"Yah, Jeon Jungkook wake up" she cried again that got him eaten by his conscience. He faintly coughs pretending to recover from his fake illness.

"You're alive! Thanks God" he blushes a little bit more when she hugs him in her arms.

"I-I'm s-sorry n-noona, actually I was fine" he bit his fingernails; he is absolutely guilty on what he has done.

"What?! and you made me die internally while saving you fake ass. You liar I hate you, I don't want to be with you anymore" she is crying when her mom enters the door.

"Baby, are you okay?" Jungkook's mom hugged him while stroking his back.

"Mommy, I don't want to be near Jungkook anymore. I hate him" she cries and cries. The two mothers just share a confused glance and pacify both of their children.

Your Baby Bunny ll Jeon Jungkook llWhere stories live. Discover now