Stupid Cupid

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Jae In is walking beside the baseball field when she saw the familiar shoes peeping behind a tree.

'Must I play cupid to this two idiots?' She halts from walking and contemplate on the matter. It takes her ten seconds long argument within her brain to decide on the issue, shrug her shoulders and detour her steps towards the puma shoes.

"Sup kook, sulking over a tiny issue huh kiddo?" the frowning boy peeks and saw her. He is basically slumping on the ground leaning at the trunk of the tree while throwing some pebbles aimlessly.

"Aish, not you too Jae In'ssi" he murmurs, pulling his knees against his body.

"She is worried coz you don't eat Jungkookie" she sits beside him, patting his shoulders a little.

"I don't want to eat noona" he said still not looking at her.

"She'll diffinitely regard you as a kid if you continue to act like that in the future" She hands him a beef jerky which he declined at first but of course she's more hard headed than him, putting the the food on the top of his knees.

"This is not needed but komawo Jae In noona" he smiles a bit and opens the wrap.

"I don't know if this is the right word to say but you know Yeran right?" He halts from eating and gulp hard anticipating her next words.

"She's a tough headed righteous mammal who came from descendants of Kim Seokjin that explains why" she winces at her own words, praying jungkook will not tell her bestfriend coz that'll be another issue.

Jungkook on the other hand, just keep on chewing his food not having the guts to answer back, poor shy kid.

"You know what? I hate to tell you this but she is very vocal on her fetish for mature minded slash sexy brain person like Professor Kim" she said to which Jungkook groans in response looking far away.

'Thank you for cheering my spirit noona, aish you're a great help' he thought inhaling sharply, he could have roll his eyes if she is not older than him.

"She's secretly crushing on that Professor but this JB is something, she's basically drooling over this smoking hot guy as she said" wicked Jae In is actually making him say his obvious feelings toward her bestfriend.

"I know" he whispers and said nothing else.

"Do you get what I am trying to say Kook?"

'Yeah loud and clear' he thought and smiles bitterly

"But then again, if you do tell me what you really feel about her, maybe just maybe I could help you a little yeah?" she said wriggling her eyebrows.

Jungkook choke a little at what she said but face her in full attention anyway.

"I want you both to end up with each other, hmm how do I put this? Uhm actually I ship you both..." she shrugs before continuing

"But Yeran is Yeran, she's a rational person, she always follow the rules and uses her head more than her heart" she tch and pats his shoulders.

"W-what do you mean? Jae In'ssi?" He totally stop from eating at the sudden detour of her words.

"I may just look like a dumb but I have common sense Jeon Jungkook, I know that you like her way back your fetus days" she said nodding, her lips streches in a single thin line.

Jungkook of course turned like a red potato, ears glowing pink in embarassment.

"D-don't tell her noona, she will be mad at me or become distant for sure"

"Aish, it's her fault because she is so dense not noticing your tough kookie feelings" she nods, her serious face seems like a love expert giving some love advice.

"Maybe because I am not likable enough for her or I'm not her ideal guy" he murmurs but of course her bionic ears catch it all.

"Don't say that, she's just blind or something but you're a good kid..... I mean person yeah. I'll help you don't worry" she rustles his hair that got him more shy shy shy.

"But she will never see me as a guy because I am younger than her" he pouts scrunching up his nose.

"Screw that age gap thingy, all is fair in love and war! and you didn't even confess your feelings yet, how would she know boi? She'll never figure it out herself I know that coz she's dumb in dating and stuff like that, you know flirting and whatever"

"W-why are you doing this noona?... I mean you're her bestfriend you are expected to side with her"

"Keunyang, I'm a Yekook shipper ever since your iron man backpack days boi" she laughs a little but covered her mouth whe she saw his embarassed face.

"I still use that though" he grumbles.

"Good luck Kookie, pursuing Yeran is harder than any math exam out there but don't give up okay? " she stands up and wipe the dust off her butt.

"I'm rooting for you my Yekook ship" she smiles cheekily "and please talk to her she's dead worried not being able to feed her baby bunny" she salutes and left making Jungkook ponder about what she said.

'Jae In'ssi is right, I must confess first but how will I do that?' He sighs and finish his remaining food slowly banging his head on the tree.

He opened his phone and type how to make your crush fall for you?. Thanks google, everybody's convenient buddy? well sometimes but not all.

There are many results but an interesting blog caught his attention.

*Five Ways to Win a Girl's Heart*
By Minswaeg Yoongi

Step 1: Know her weakness, what are her ideal type of a guy and anything that makes her happy.

He scrolls down but there's nothing more only a blinking notification pop up on the screen.

Don't be a hypocrite just come back when you finish step one. That's three works already. Snail up boi....swaeeg.

Jungkook just frown at what he reads and gather his self up. He know already what is her ideal type and he surely lacks one qualification.

What makes her happy? Of course food. She even said food is life. But then again what is her weakness?? He hums pondering while strolling in the middle of the field, one hand in his pocket, one holding his bag in his shoulder.

He sigh in helplessness but saw someone familiar. He grits his teeth when he saw the approaching pair in the other side of the field and turn his back to walk towards the opposite direction with fist close at his sides.

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