Purple Rain

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Have you heard of a saying that says, don't make decisions when you're angry? Coz if you don't then probably Jin and you are the same. He gets paranoid all of a sudden preventing Jungkook and Yeran to meet each other until her birthday.

Jangmi and Yndi are just cool about it though, they just shrug their shoulders and roll their eyes at how overly dramatic their husbands react. Well that was after both of them are able to talk to their respective children.

What do you think will Jungkook feel not seeing her for straight five days? Probably agonizing but it's his fault not thinking beforehand, Yoongi always tell him to be very careful and not to rush things because something might get wrong, well obviously he's not taking notes, Yoongi will be upset for sure. 



Gosh Jungkook, your stubborness will be the death of me.

" Please talk to me"

Stay away will you?, Dad' s still watching, argh

"Hey!....I'm not sorry!"

That's it she snaps back facing him feeling like slapping his doll face if not on his puppy like expression.

"Can you please say it again, Jeon Jungkook?"

He then bite his lips after wincing, regretting to say it in front of her.

"I...I'm not sorry but I'll try to talk to Uncle Jin and tell him what really happened"

"Then that's good, because if dad continues to be mad at me, I'll chop off that bunny teeth of yours"

"Why so rude noona?"

"Rude your face Jeon Jungkook, why did you have to make it sound like we did something huh?!"

"Why? Isn't it true that we sleep together?"

"Yes we do sleep together"

"That's what exactly I was telling our parents, they just misinterpreted it" he pouted putting his hands inside his jacket pockets.

"Don't play innocent coz you are not!"

"Hmp, I'm just a baby, I'm your baby bunny right?"

"Gosh, I think I'll get hypertension just talking to you" she murmurs, checking their back after, aw Jin free.

"You're still young noona, don't worry I'll take care of you if you become old in the future" cocking his eyebrows playfully, he skip by her side and claim her free hands. "I miss you!"

"Haha, do you think this is funny? Crap that but I'll see to it that I'll still be beautiful when I get old" she snickers.

"Whatever, you're still older than me and I sure you'll get older ahead of me" he smirks but not until she smack his head.

"Then okay, I'll be old and wrinkled earlier than you, go on find someone who is youthful than me, prettier than me,.

" crazier than you.."

"Yeah, crazier than me...what? Wanna die?!" Jungkook giggles not threatened at all.

"What with this holding hands thing? Is this necessary? Are we boyfriends and girlfriends already to be doing this way?"

"No it's just a practice, coz when you get old I'm sure I'll be holding you this way, you know oldies needs somebody to accompany them right?" He continue to tease.

"Suit yourself but hands off kid, you still have an issue to resolve with my father so good luck, I have to go" his giggle turn into frown after hearing her endearment.

"What's with the 'kid' thing again, I thought we are done about it!"

"That's what you thought, you'll be forever a kid to me, got a problem about that?!"

"Yeah, I don't want to hear it and if we're engage already I'll make sure that the tables will turn, how about calling me baby boy instead?!"

"Eeeeh Jungkook, you're gross, let me go" she screeches and punch his shoulders "You know what if you don't stop, I'll tell dad all of the things you are saying to me"

"Hajima, I just hear it somewhere from someone, don't take it personally noona, yeah I'm a good boy really and please don't tell Uncle Jin about it, he's scary...Dad is even scared at him"

"Depends on you but I really need to go, see you on my birthday" she pulls away her hand but he pulled it back.

"I'm your last dance right?"

"Sure but I need to re confirm it to Dad, if everything stay as what it is then you are my last dance" he nods, lips stretch into a smile.

"I'll call you noona"

"Ten thirty?"

"Same time yes, bogoshipda"

"Kim Yeran?!" Both their eyes widen hearing the warning tone.

"Go ahead, I'll stay for a while" he nod one more time, waving her goodbye. Yeran then dashes to their car where her father is waiting.

"Why do girls have to use the comfort long, geez my head is aching"

"I'm sorry Dad, the line outside the comfort room is long so I was not able to return immediately" she reasons, feeling like peeing, truth is she wasn't able to discharge coz she met Jungkook along the way. Jin just groan and went inside the car followed by her.

"Your mom went to a designer for your gown, do you have anything you want in particular?"

"Anything that fits me is fine with me Dad, just have mercy on the shoes, I'd love to be able to walk still after my birthday"

"Okay, we'll pass by your invitation later, do you want to add something?"

"Nothing, I don't have much friends to begin with and as long as my close friends are there then it's okay"

They are not able to have a conversation after that since he's still not over about what happened days before.



"T-the engagement...don't you think it's too early for me to get engaged, besides isn't it awkward? I mean you're friends with Uncle Hobi and yeah..given that Jungkook and I will marry in the future...then you both will become our parents in law" she inquires, looking at her fathers expression in her peripheral vission.

"We're done talking about it Kim Yeran, I am doing this for you, to save your.. "

" Oh God, how many times do I need to tell you that nothing has happened between us!" She give her hair a tweak exasperatedly. "Do I need to undergo medical exams to justify my claim Dad?"

"I said what I have said, I can't take it back"

#will continue later
#1% battery life

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