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"Hey I'll carry your books for you Yeran'ah" her ears feel irritated hearing him address her casually, she wanna scold him but she's still not over about what happened on their date? so instead of a reprimand, she shove her books to him and walk fast.

"We're late, move fast Jeon Jungkook"

He rolls his eyes, arranging the books on his arms, if they're going to be late that's maybe because he waited for two hours until she can finish her morning agenda.

"Am I your butler? Wait for me, noona hey!" He called but she's pretending to be deaf or she's just too embarrassed to have a conversation with him.

In no time they reach the school and went to the locker area to put her books for the afternoon session. Jungkook punch in her lock code but could not open it, he turns facing her frowning.

"You change the code, why?"

Yeran's eyes became uneasy, shrugging her shoulders. Jungkook on the other hand, purses his lips and motions her to punch in her new number combination.


Okay that's ridiculous, it's easy to memorize and hack as well.

"Your code is quite the best combination out there, aish jinjja" he put her books for her and turn to her room's direction.

"W-wait, where are you going? That's not the way on your classroom Jeon Jungkook" she stops on her track hesitating to walk forward or not, coz one, she's late and if Jungkook will walk her to her room, he will be more late , two, Jae In will tease her non stop if she'll see them and three, she's not comfortable about it, usually she's the one who's walking him to his room but oh well the tables have turn.

"I'll walk you just until we can reach the corner going to your classroom, I know you'll be embarrassed so yeah hurry up Yeran'ssi"

She's still hesitating but she has no choice since Jungkook pulled her already, gripping on her wrist like some cliche k drama scenes I happen to watch since 2012.

"We're here Kim Yeran" he hands her, her book and chuckle tucking up her glasses on her nose. "Stay here when it is lunch time, don't set a foot out coz I'll fetch you from here arasseo?!" He grins before waving her goodbye.

Wait, why does it sound so familiar?

Tilting her head, she walks inside the room saying some apologies and her reason why she's late and stuff. To her luck, the teacher maybe in a good mood so she just nod and continue on calling for the attendance.

Slipping beside Jae In, she look at her side to check what the other girl is doing but she's startled when she saw her "I know what you did earlier" look.

"What's with you face?" She put an innocent face and look away.

"Intel reports told me that you're late because of some sort of midnight phone call with your baby bun bun, is it true?" Jae In asks in a hush voice audible enough for the two of them.

"Huh? What are you talking?!"

"Well, I am friends with Tae, his Taelien friends sent us some footage for the evidence, I bet they have strong signal on board their satelite, wanna see it?" She nudges her side but she hisses catching their teacher's warning look.

"Better stop now Jae, teacher is mad" she sit straight to divert her attention and succeeded since the class has started.


"Lover boy is smiling though he got a good scold from Teacher Tiger, rawr" both Jimin and Taehyung give him a bold chop on his neck, ruffling his hairs after.

"Yah, you're ruining my hairs stop" he made a face and smack them back, glaring at them jokingly.

"I texted both of you last night right? So don't need to rub it on my face, I'm happy and I don't care even if you tease me to death"

"Aw, I envy Yeran noona for having a devoted bunny like you Jungkookie, boyfriend goals to the highest level" Jimin clutches his heart and grip Taehyung's shoulder while doing his short monologue.

"I can't bring myself to disagree, we're so happy that you're happy Kookie" Taehyung does his little celebration by punching his shoulders until he groaned in pain.

"Are you celebrating with me? Or are you trying to kill me huh? Aish jinjja!" He push the two and shake his poor body.

"Aw, mian mian Kookie bun, we're just us so let's go celebrate your heart's victory come on!" Jimin humps on his back but Taehyung kicks his butt that on the process made the two of them walk on the both sides of Jungkook.


"Hyung I'm sorry, if I had been cautious you'll be the one celebrating right now" JB meekly glances at him and look away seeing his jaw clenched.

"Shut up, I'm not that desperate unlike that lame and weirdo Jeon Jungkook" tucking both of his hands inside his pocket, his smirk grow wide plotting his counter attack in his mind.

"Let's see what will they do when that gullible Kim Yeran finds out the whole truth about her friends" he spits the gum on the ground and shot JB a wicked look, that one he fears since he broke a rib cage when he last saw it.

"Can't you let them be happy?"

His statement made Woohyun look at him abruptly, his neck emitted a soft cranky sound. He's not liking his tone obviously.

"I'm mean you're graduating too, I'm afraid if something happen, Samcheon will not hold it against me, he will hold it against us anymore and...Hyung just find anybody else, there are more girls out there other then Yeran noona, " JB helplessly pleads him but he's too broken to hear it and try to digest it in his system.

"Hajima, you're not my mom plus you're younger than me so shut it Kid" he ruffles his hair and walk away. JB has no choice but huff a bitter exhale.

Why love is so complicated? You invest and lost in the end but you're still willing to bet everything you have, aish crazy.


"Not now Youngjae, I'm not in the mood" he put away his arms, whom he slide over his.

"Come on' let loose! Mark and Jackson are waiting for us"

He doesn't want to meet them but he needed a happy pill right in that moment and Jackson, yes Jackson oh well he needed a clown.

#short chap is it? Okay need to stop, eyes issues.

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