One of Many Firsts

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#I have waited for a hundred reads on the previous chap so yeah,  let's move on sw'tarts and I suck at writing fluff my apology. *wheezes*

"Chim? Tae? would you mind accompanying me to the publication office first?"

"Woah, woah that's the first time you call me Chim. You finally have a soft side for me? or you only have a favor to ask? Ey noona, you know that I'm weak too sometimes" Jimin teases scrunching his button nose a little.

"Brrr, you no fun jinjja, if you don't want then don't, aish!" Making faces at him, Jae In smiles sweetly at the other boy who're grinning wide while bouncing his gazes back at the two.

"I know Tae Tae is a lot more kind and  gentle, right Taehyungie?"

"Nae noona, ladies should be treated with utmost respect and kindness, so  yah Jiminie?!" He jokingly glares at him pouting while tapping his angrish face, he can sense that he will say something silly and it's not impossible coz he is Kim Taehyung, no need for an explaination just his name and it's done. 



"You got no jams!" *old fandom joke I know pfft*

"Psh, nothing new eh? I didn't say I'll not accompany you, why do you always think in advance when it comes to me, this is a little insult in my untainted conscience and humane self, I have a pride too you know" he explains sulking at her.

*Advance  kasi siya mag-isip lmfao*

"Because, nothing you're just annoying sometimes, not you actually but your cocky mouth, can't you be a more normal cetizen for once? My question is answerable by yes or no, don't need to add your cringy pick up lines coz duh it sounds so much like you are the sluttest male in the campus psh" that's the slightly cranky her, ranting at him. 

"Aw, you two look good together bickering like that haha, we'll gladly have a parkXpark after Yekook is done" both Jae In and Jimin glare at him, walk closer by his side and are also syncronize in hitting him with a folded paper.

"Not happening in this lifetime right Jimin?"

"Nae, of course not, I don't want to have an amazona girlfriend to be honest and besides Jae In noona is not my type" cocking his head, he shrug brushing his hair upward.

"You know what, feelings the same so no need to be that cocky, I will gladly wait for a prince charming than a feeling macho frog like you, and Jimin..." She smirks tugging Taehyung's hand.

"You're still a short chilli pepper" she hisses and walk away along with Tae.  Jimin's face becomes red in anger, gritting his teeth while watching them walk further away from him.

"Yah, you're still shorter than me noona aish! " he murmurs.


"You know what, stop being that way!"  Yeran stops from walking and wait for a timid Jungkook behind her.

"Walk faster, ppali!"

"N-nae n-noona" he gulps for a bit and walk fast to her.

"What is wrong with you? Yah Jeon Jungkook this whole thing is giving me cringe so don't make me look like I am really a big sister bringing my younger brother home coz goodness It'll be a lot more easier to do that than...urgh this " she rants to a still fidgety boy beside her.

"I-Im sorry, this is a first time for me"


And I don't know what to do noona, geez.

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