Kookie's Play Night

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"You should've taken me here long time ago noona, this is wow daebak!"

She's not able to answer coz she's also in nostalgia, all her old memories starting to settle back in her mind unfolding the beautiful piece of history written in her heart, an exact reminder that all fairytales don't end in happy ending.

"Oppa, can I play with your toys?"

"Yes you can, when I grow older than we are right now, all of this toys will be yours so you must take good care of them"

"Is that a promise?!"

"Of course! All of this for you, my favorite girl in the entire universe second to Mom"

"Wow! You are the best in the world! Saranghaeyo oppa!"

Once again, the strong pang of pain and guilt started to wave in her system, waking the dormant bitterness she's been hiding for so long.

She's been bitter not because she's jealous but becuase she's regretting that she didn't and can not do anything about what happened. You know the feeling when you think you have to do something but you can't because circumstances forbid you to do so, it's horrible to be honest and a lot frustrating.

(Hey if you think I don't make sense anymore then you are right xD and if you're confused then don't think too much. It's just that my stories are overlapping at some point but not as a whole. You're free to gotta Luhan as you wish if you don't like)

"Jungkook we better go down now, probably Mom and Dad are looking for us"

It will be a lie if she don't admit that she's just not comfortable being there coz as what I have said, she avoided that certain room for fifteen years. Fifteen long guilt ridden years...

"Give me five"

As if being hypnotized, Jungkook touches the different kind of toys which are littering around the room. Particularly that red brick bear on the center of the display, manipulating both the arms and its legs doing a weird bgm noises, he came from JHope everyone we can't blame him.

"Fine I'll give you all the high five you want just please, let's go down already" she snatches his hand and manually give him what he want.

"What are you doing noona?"

"You said, give me five so I'm giving it to you but please ...out ...huh?!"

"Are you serious?... I mean to say give me five more minutes..."

Chewing on her lips, she exhales slowly nodding her head.

"Fine, five minutes you say" as he hear her go signal, he excitedly explore the place, allowing his eyes to indulge on the things he crave because his collection are on their basement already, the lone survivor is the life size iron man like the photo below minus the RM, he's mine.

"Woah, this is like a Supermario land wow I wanna live here" he dreamily mumble out woahs and wows unconsciously, he's truly amazed at the massive number of toys inside thinking that it's like a mini toy museum

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"Woah, this is like a Supermario land wow I wanna live here" he dreamily mumble out woahs and wows unconsciously, he's truly amazed at the massive number of toys inside thinking that it's like a mini toy museum.

"Play time is over kid, let's go" her flat voice laced with anxiety came out authoritative rather than requesting making Jungkook stay still like a statue, he soon look back to her and shot her a 'please give me a little bit more of time' look and pleading puppy like eyes.

"If you like it much in here then fine, but don't expect me to talk to you for the next couple of days"

Darn it, I sound like a beach (purposedly mispelled). She think but for some reason their length of absence downstairs plus the familiarity of the place is giving her the hard time to breathe even.

"Okay, I admit I am still a kid but please give it to me just this one time huh noona?" He pleads taking her pinky finger and pulling a little on it.

"Andwae! shiruh. It's your choice, you may play to your hearts content or you will leave with me NOW" walking towards the door she look back a little, watching him over her shoulder. Jungkook is still not moving probably weighing the choice he will choose and eventually sigh, putting the brick bear back.

I can come back for you guys but Yeran noona is not option, she's a priority. I'm so sorry!

"I'm coming noona" He look at them sadly one more time and follow her towards the door.

"Kookie I think we have a problem" Yeran faces him, a nervous frown is written all over her face.


"I forgot to tell you that the knob is not functioning well inside" she exasperatedly knock her head on the wall, sliding down on her feet.

"Then we have to call Aunt Yndi and Uncle Jin, easy give me your phone"

She searches all her pockets but her mobile phone is missing,

"Oh sh!t I placed it on top of the fridge earlier I forgot to get it back" she starts to panic completely slumping on the floor.

"Then we can use mine, this nega" (nega is short for negative, don't frick out)

He fishes his phone and lucky heavens, there is a huge posibility that it will shut down before they can make a call, seeing that 1% battery life and a red blinking light that says, 'Im about to shut off' tch tch lead characters have to play good riddance to make fate bless them with favor.

"It's okay, we don't know until we don't try it out, come on noona we have to be positive right now" he smiles though in his mind sleeping inside the toy kingdom with his noons is not that bad. He will still miss his iron man sheets and pillows though.

Yeran's fingers dance on the phone at the speed of light, punching in her mothers phone number. Soon it rings once, twice, thrice and being picked up by.........a holy molly it's just ring back tone.

"Mom pick up already, be fast juseyo!" And maybe her mom heard her coz she can hear the worried voice of her.

"Yeran sweetheart? Where are you?"

"Mom I'm with Jungkook, were.... *shut down tone * ....were stuck at oppas room" she finish in a weak voice. The phone's screen is as black as a raven and no sign of any battery left.

"Guess we have to figure out how to escape from here with our bare strength and wit, come on Kookie do you have an idea?!"

"Yeah!" He answers without thinking twice.

"What is it?"

"We can stay here for a night and we can figure out the rest tomorrow morning!" He grins, eyes sparkling at the idea of having more time to explore around the room.

"Argh, nooby Kookie"


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