Courting Mr. Jeon

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"It's Mr. Jeon for you"

"Don't you think it's too rude of you to act like that, besides I'm still older than you Mr. Jeon Jungkook"

"Whatever, I want Mr. Jeon and that's it, Kim Yeran'ssi"


"Don't Jungkook me coz this Jungkook is finally awakened, so stop before you'll know that it's too late, Kim Yeran" her breath hitches as he pulls her closer, closer that she can see his nostrils inside his big nose.

"F-fine," she backs down looking anywhere the studio.

"M-mr. Jeon let go of me huh?"

"Oh, what a scene, am I disturbing something Jeon?" He pushes her eagerly trying to compose himself.

"Nothing to worry about Lis, want to have lunch together?" Yeran screeches internally as the scene unfold in front of her. Jungkook asking someone to have a lunch date? with him and woah that's kind of new. Worst of all he doesn't even bother to look back at her, who is standing like an idiot sending the two with her negative awed gaze.

"That's so not you Jungkookie" she doesn't help but sigh in almost defeat.

But soon enough she is called on the centralized intercom audible around the campus. For a moment she feel nervous, you know being called in the guidance office is a bit no no especially if you are a student, anyways she's in that kind of situation and she just groan helplessly.

Urgh Jungkook turns me down again and now what? Poor you Kim Yeran'ssi, to the guidance office here we go.

She pats her own head and zoombie walk to the guidance.

"Well, looks like someone is in need of my service right now" she flinches at the sound of the voice near the office door.

"Who are you?" She answers back.

"I am your troubled conscience tch tch" she leans in more and someone's laugh caught her hearing.


"Yes, why don't you open the door so that you can finally see your conscience, tch tch this pabo"

"Y-yah, how rude could you be, you said you are my conscience right?" She chuckles and about to shout when the door opens suddenly. There a mint haired male conscience stood with a smirk in his face.

"Are you that slow not to notice I am just joking someone like you?" She frowns at the sting of his fingers flicked on her forehead.

"Hey, I don't even know you, why do you have to this to me?!" He hisses at her and she steps back.

"You are right, I don't even know you but why fo I have to worry about you and that bunny's love life, hell'o you don't even give me even a single cent, might as well give me a three dollar chain" he said while narrowing his almost closed eyes.

"Eh? What do Jungkook and I have to do with you? Yah ajussi, I'm hungry and I want to eat my lunch"

"No, no, no you cannot, I mean we cannot have our respective lunch if we don't discuss this right here right now okay? So get that feet of yours inside my office and we can enjoy our foodies after, come in young lady I am Mr. Min your guidance counselor if you might ask" seems like he's a legit one, but her eyes bulge at the huge sign on his doormat.

How come he's a counselor in this school?

Her brows wave above her eyes. Well she thinks she has a long lunch break that day. Mr. Min is quite mysterious and his smirk is giving her chills.

"Don't curse me inside your head, I know you are weirded out about the whole of this but news for you coz me too young lady, this too is weird for me" he slouches in his swivel chair and motions her to sitdown. At least he has a boc of pizza on top of his table and her tongue is melting at the aroma of the tempting food.

"Oh, help yourself, it's actually prepared for you" he stands up once again and sluggishly opens his personal ref and there emerge two cans of sodas. He open the lid and put it in front of her.

"Your soon to be father in law's fav" he shrugs pointing to the fizzy sprite in can.

"Oh that' do you know? Mr. Win?!"

"Aw it's Mr. Min silly and yah I have my sources and I feel the need of helping you out once again coz authornim added many new characters in your story and you know, concerned cetizen as I am, I want to narrow down the cast we're getting longer, for goodness sake I initially want just thirty chapters but this whole drama made your story complicated, I'm getting bored missy " he almost frown explaining at her, she too is frowning not understanding what he is saying all about.

"Oh...okay.. ..but why?"

"Because...." He sighs and raise both of his hands helplessly.

"Just eat por favor, you are not you when you are hungry"

She eat in silence even if she cannot swallow well, everything is unexplainable? Aw she's feeling dumb. Good thing she is able to finish three slices and a can of sprite so she feels full then.

"So I think we can proceed to our main agenda for today, Ms. Kim" he massages his imaginary beard and scan the folder before turning it over to her.

"What is that Mr. Min?"

"Aw, that's your instructions on how to officially court Jeon Jungkook, yeah that slow bunny you need to court him before I knock him with both of my bare hands, actually I feel like banging your heads together but I don't want to see any blood so to make everything short. That's a list of possible ways on how to court that sulky bratty Jungkook" he hisses laying his chin on his fisted hands.

"W-what a-are you serious? I mean I'm a girl, I can't do it"

"Yes of course you can Ms. Kim, and I need you to do it as soonest possible because we are running out of time, authornim is quiting this writing platform soon, you want your story unfinished?"


"Aish, no more questions just follow what I am telling you Ms. Kim"

"You what? Gosh it is not okay but okay?!"

"Good so my next question is, do you know how to read?"

"Eh? Y-yeah?!"

"Better so next thing to do, read the content of the folder, internalize the suggestions and act it up, got me?"

"Woah slow down Mr. min will you?"

"Aw you're not paying attention, I said you have to act fast or else,..."


"Okay, now you have my folder, I feed you already and I have talk to you too. Guess it's up to your hands now, be fast okay?!" He stands up and hold her by the shoulders almost dragging her out.

"W-wait, wait"

"Aish, nap time is almost over, save the others from my wrath okay? I'll monitor your progress don't worry" and the door closes to her face in a snap.

She opens the folder hesitantly and stare on the first instruction.

1. Know his weakness, what his ideal type of a girl and everything that makes him happy.

"Eh? This sounds very familiar, have I read this before?" She scrunches her nose and folded it close once again.

"I think this is just a practical joke" she shook her head and finally come back to her class.

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