Step 1

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"What's with that duckie pout Jeon Jungkook?!" She's weirded out of his pointing lips and closed eyes, like that weird duck cartoon character.

Ey, if you think he'll have that courage to kiss her on the lips? Uh oh think again, all of that happened since she came inside his room is only a product of Jeon awesome Jungkook's beautiful mind . Tch tch poor soul .

"There was a lizard in the ceiling, yeah it could have jump if I didn't shoo it" he grimaces sideways hoping his lie sounded believable enough.

"Eh? Jeon's house and pests is a big no no, atleast make your lame lie convincing kiddo".

'Kiddo? Not again' He grits his teeth, looking anywhere but her.

"I know Uncle Hobi will freak out if he'll see some weird animals in here" she get one pillow and throws it straight on his face.

Jungkook eyes become bigger though it hurt him.

'Is this somewhat leading to what I have foreseen earlier? Oh my God' he freezes on his seat, only his eyes keeps moving around like a remote controlled doll.

"Are you on drugs or something?, why are you spacing out all of a sudden?, God Taehyung must have infected you his shookt disease." Jk just purses his lips and make faces internally.

"Yah, Taehyungie is cute but I'm starting to think that he's not a good influence to you. Or is it Jimin who'd influenced you both?"

"Maldo andwae, They are both good friends to me. Why so rude about those two angels noona? Aish jinjja!!! VMINKOOK on drugs?? Not ever." His heart felt like bungee jumping inside his chest anticipating the flow of their conversation.

"Aish?????? You have the guts now to talk back at me huh Jeon Jungkook?" She gets up, placing both hands on her hips like an angrish mother.

"Maybe yes" he shrugs "Because you keep on treating like I'm five when in fact I'm not a fetus anymore. I can think and decide on my own noona, please stop treating me like a child coz I'm not" she seems shock also of his sudden throttle.

'Yes yes that's right get mad at me noona and then you'll tickle me and then we'll fall and then....'

"Just you see, I'm telling Aunt Jangmi about this. You're becoming disrespectful child now". He totally rolls his eyes becoming feed up of her, addressing him as a kid, child, bunny whatsoever.

"I literally raised you but urgh! you.... you difinitely changed you know that?" She marches out of the door and left Jungkook with a shook expression.

'Oh my God, she got mad at me because of that?! Aish Jinjja what should I do?' He run his fingers on his hair anticipating the tag team match between him and the two ladies any minute.

Yeran walks out of the door with brows creased, stomping her feet determined to get back at Jungkook by reporting him to his mother. The door opens and closes harshly behind her but what startles her is the sight of Mrs. Jeon's wide eyes in front of her.

"What are you doing Aunt Jangmi?" The said woman is standing facing the door but her head is tilted on the left side like eavesdropping on what is happening inside the room.

"W-well, I-I just want to call you guys coz the food is ready. I just thought we could eat early dinner you know" she smiles awkwardly and went down the stairs tailed by the younger.

She help arrange the eating utensils in the table still with an annoyed expression, the thought of Jungkook and his behavior towards her itched her tongue to talk to his mother.

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