Crooked Math

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#Yeran's POV


Jungkook said he likes me?

Jungkook said I am the noona that she likes still?

Did he mean it?

Was he joking?

Am I still on earth?

Woah, woah, does this means we like each other now?

Jungmal jinjja?

Is this real?



*blam* lame sound effects

Oh shoot Shin Woohyun, if there's one person I dread to see and the least I want to bump to right now it's him. How dare he appear right in front of my eyes after plotting something against me. My blood started to form vapor, it's boiling, I can feel it through my veins, yes I want to strangle him and prick that big shiny pimple on the tip of his nose.

Squinting my eyes, I face him head up high coz deym I should not let him intimidate me, I swore to God's long before. One wrong move and he'll see what he's looking, I am not joking I really want to punch him right on his darn smirking face.

"Easy, I am not doing anything cutie girl"

Cutie girl? How dare this stupid, lame ass gangster wannabe call me cutie? Does he want to see me transform into monster girl?

"What do you want?" If my eye brows can move, maybe they are hanging now on top of the tree, gosh I can feel it suspending on my forehead, if I have uneven eye brows after this, you could blame him .

"Come on, whatever I have done in the past, It's not my intention so hey loosen up let's move on shall we?"

Good heavens, move on? Shall I move his right incisors to his left? Thick face eh?!

"Look, if you could stay away from me, I would really appreciate that, your existence is one of the causes of my global warning and my climate change so please be a monsoon and change direction before I become a tropical cyclone and bring you storm and typhoon, or do you want tornadoes and hail storm to hit you? Just say so and I will gladly be your weather disturbance"

I think not only my blood rise but my hyper acidity as well, hearing him laugh like I said a very funny story.

"If only our teachers teach this way, tch tch I think I will learn fast Kim Yeran"

I grit my teeth after I hear him say my name, maybe I hasn't change that much coz this Woohyun can even recognize me.

"Surprise? Yeah I know you Kim Yeran, who will not? I know you are asking yourself, why does Jungkook doesn't recognize me?"

I inhaled roughly as I hear him say that in my kind of tone way.

"Haha, to think that his friends doesn't recognize you too, hul it sounds fishy right?"

I don't want to hear him but he has a point right? Or is he just brain washing me?

"Stop, I don't want to hear from you"

"Ooh, you wanna know some gossip I  happened to hear not so long ago?" 

He even step a little closer to me, what  the nerve duhh are we close, this biatch. I grit my teeth and sign him to stop.

"Stay away from me, I am not joking I am telling you Shin Woohyun"

My breath hitch, I think I'm on the verge of losing my patience, I clench my fist and ready my self.

"You don't really like Jungkook, they are just leading you into liking him" he grin cocking his head left to right.

"Shut up, I will never listen to you jerk! My friends will not do that to me!"

"Aw, I'm afraid that's not true tch tch, ask them to verify if what I am telling you is right or wrong, true or false, correct or incorrect, identify the wrong and give the correct judgement, you can infer and fill in the blanks too, enumerate the sudden turn of events and in the end you can identify who your true friends are, or maybe you have none cutie"


"Sometimes what you see is not what you get Kim Yeran, sometimes 1+1 is not 2"

He laugh evilly and left me with my confused mind, do I have to pay attention to him? Or is he just making me think negative of my friends? Jae In can't do that to me, right? And Jungkook...Jungkook argh I shake my head to erase that thoughts.

"Yeah, Woohyun is the villain in my story I should not listen to him"

I huff out loud, shake my arms and walk back to find Jae In.

But what if what he told me is true?

I stop on my tracks for a moment

No, I trust my friends more.

"Hey are you alright?!" Jae In worriedly walk towards me.

"Yeah, I just saw someone I should not meet and pay attention to a while ago"

"Huh? Why what did it say?"

"1+1 is not two all the time?" I shrug.

"Probably he/she is a broke Einstein don't mind him/her? By the way did you talk to Jungkook? What happened? Status update please" she grins at me, I can see that she's quiet excited.

"Nothing much, aish that kid. He's confess that he actually know me and just pretending that he don't coz ..uhm..."

"Ey, I am not into cliffhanger, come on spill the beans faster!"

"He said he likes the old version of me, simple and extraordinary"

I can feel my face heated, swear I am idiotly blushing like oh my God, this is not me. Those taunting smile on Jae In's face I don't want to see that.

"Oh my God eeeeehhhhh, Jungkook is really a bae, you know what? I envy you sometimes aw I wanna find my own Jungkook too, Kim Yeran maybe you saved someone in your past life,  Oh my God I'm so happy for you!"

I hiss at her, I am happy too but well, no screaming in the ears.

"Stop it, you sound like I am getting married duh, a little too dramatic aren't we?"

"Yah, you don't understand my feels, YEKOOK is happening like I'm gonna...I'm gonna....kyaaah!"

"We're not in a relationship yet pabo, I wanna ask permission from Dad and Mom first, Jungkook didn't even ask me like yah, this is cringy!!!"

"You are not cringy mommy bunny and in fact you are goals okay?! You are destined for each other, no more negative thoughts just Yekook all the way, come on go go!"

She pull me into somewhere, nah this girl is really out of this world sometimes.

#we hit 10k in this story and has ranking as well 💓, thank you so much and I was kind of ashamed, I know my grammar and spelling is not perfect and to see different countries in the demographics lmao pls. bear with the mistakes. You still understand everything right? Yeah of course you all are witty coz I know you came from descendants of suga-RM, of Bangtan rather and we got some strawberry flavored Kookie now, see his pink hair? I'm afraid they might ruin their scalp in the future, I hope they really have hair insurance lol.

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