Nothing Like Me

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"Hey why are you crying it's suppose to be a happy reunion isn't it" he said but he himself is wiping the leaking liquid rolling down his face.

"Why didn't you inform us ahead if you are coming home? That way we can prepare something for you" sniffling soundly, she plants her face more on his chest absorbing his warmth and inhaling the familiar scent of his perfume.

"That's what surprise means big princess, don't you learn it at school? Kidding I miss you sweetheart"

"Wish you don't have to return back to your work dad, I miss you big time, so so much!"

"It's not what I see a while ago, I think someone has taken my spot already, hmp hmp" throwing Jungkook an accusing look, he pats his daughters back and broadly smiles at her.

"What?, that bunny kid from there is still clinging on you like a nanny? Yah Jeon  Jungkook my daughter is too precious to be your sitter, why don't you find somebody else?"  Jungkook is too star struck, eyes never leaving the newly arrived man still hugging his noona. He's too awed seeing Kim Seokjin at the very front of his eyes. He scratches his nape and smile meekly at him.

"I-it's nothing like that Uncle Jin, n-noona...uhm...I just like to be around her...sometimes?" He tightens his lips, stealing a glance at them.

"Eh? Neo, stop lurking around my daughter you're not a kid anymore and besides you said you just like her sometimes, her mother and I likes her all of our lives so stay away, know what you'll never find someone as beautiful as her, you can't even find a person who're more handsome than me coz yah Jeon Jungkook there's nothing like me out there" he gone mad, that made Jungkook stiffen even more.

"Hey, worldwide handsome, care to give your wife a hug too?!" the scolding stop, save by his Aunt Yndi, who's coming out from the house with tear glittered eyes.

"J-jagiya!" Yeran cringes at how overly dramatic her dad hugs her mom, scooping her up in his arms and swings her on the air. *If you happen to see a classic Filipino movie, you'll relate and cringe so much*

"Gosh, I think we need to escape Kookie, they'll give us an eye sore view longer than the tenure of dad's vacation so yeah let's go, your house" tightening her lips, she nudges the still Jungshookt bunny until they hear a warning groan from definitely her father.

"Where are you two going?, escaping while my eyes are occupied huh?" Slowly they face them and they are welcomed by a lejindary mad face Kim Seokjin.

"We're doing our homework dad, me and Kookie" she smiles guiltily and glances at him.

"Y-yeah, we are doing something..."

"Something?????" Seokjin advances, pointing a finger to both of them.

"Something school related, samcheon!" He bows apologetically and try his best to act like he's not nervous at all.

"No, no, no, now on Kim Yeran will be inside the house after school and you little bunny, your house is that way go and change clothes and then you can join her I mean us for dinner and that's it no more negotiation" Jungkook immediately bows and run to their house totally afraid of his Samcheon's wrath.

"Dad, do you think it's cool for you to act like that?!" She frowns stomping her feet a little on the ground. Seokjin glances at his wife and found a slightly not amused expression.

"What? logically asian parents, or decent parents should do that" he too fight his cause. 

"Yeah true, but that is Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Hoseok's only son, your best friend's and we know him since he was born" Yndi shrugs.

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