Delay Gratification

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"Mom is it true that you marry the same year with Aunt Yndi and Uncle Jin?" (Lol promoting you Yndi and Jinie my labs)

"Yeah, why do you ask" his mother luckily went home earlier than the usual and is currently cooking for dinner.

"But why did you conceive me two years after Yeran noona?" Trudging towards the fridge, he get some orange juice and drink it while sitting on the stool behind the kitchen counter, glancing at his busy mother.

"I can't be pregnant without your Dad silly, blame your father for enlisting in the military right after getting married" Mrs. Jeon rolls her eyes, remembering that one awful yet an avoidable experience during the first quarter of their marriage.

"Aish, why did appa went to the military when you're not yet pregnant?"

"That was my sentiment too Kookie but you're father is a lazy ass. I wonder why they call him Hopie when in fact he's a hopeless idiot" Mrs. Jeon snorts, motioning her hands into an explaining gesture.

"I wish you get pregnant right away eomma". He make pouty faces and brushes his face making his mother shot a weird look at him.

"Why? We could have made a diffirent child and not you if that's the case"

"Nothing, everything will be easier for me if you just get pregnant right away" He said sighing, soon he stand up and climb up the stairs, the heavy clamping of his footsteps echoes through out their house.

His Mom got intrigued of his sudden inquiry but is too busy with her cooking so she lets it go and continue her work.

Moments after their door bell rings, so his Mrs. Jeon went to get whoever it is.

"Aunt Jangmi, is Jungkook in there?"

"Oh Yeran dear come in, I thought you came home together?" She walks inside with Yeran following wearing her worried and guilty face.

"My class ended somewhat late, maybe he felt bored waiting and left" She lies a little bit. Their class ended as usual but she bumped into JB once again and the time slipped out of her hands. Though Jungkook becoming bored is a safe hypothesis.

"He's upstairs, go I'll call you if the food is ready" she smiles back at her.

"Thank you, can I bring some snacks too?"

"Sure, I think there's a doughnut in the fridge and milk yogurts, feel free what to choose. "

Yeran got those foods mentioned and goes up to Jungkook's room.

"Sup you iron man?!" She fist bumped the large almost life size iron man statue on top of the stairs before knocking on his door.

"Mom, I don't want to eat yet" a yell from inside errupted.

"Come on kid open the door, my arms are falling already" a loud rustling sound and hurried steps can be heard after, followed by the sudden openning of the door.

"N-noona, what are you doing here?" He seemed like panicking throwing glances around his room before letting her in.

"Dang, what took you so long?" She frown and put the box on top of the mini table.

"I was playing" he scratches his head and glances on the still open screen of his computer.

"I told you not to play with...." She get startled when Jungkook suddenly close the computer that emitted a snappy sound.

"Woah that was harsh" she slamps on his bed like the usual and took his pillow. "By the way why din't you eat lunch with us earlier?"

"I have not eaten lunch noona" she frown at what he said.


"Because I don't have appetite" he mimicks her frown and sits on the chair near his computer table.

"Jungkook and appetite are synonymous, what are you saying about?"

"I know my own body noona don't worry I'll double what I'll eat tomorrow"

"What kind of logic is that you kiddo!" She throws the pillow at him and luckily it hit flat on his face.

"Aish noona! You're rude as always!" He massages his jaw that stings the most.

"Aish? You got the nerve to talk back to me already huh little bunny?!" She got up, launches her self at him and tickle him on both of his sides.

"Yah, noona stop it!" He keeps on squirming and shielding his self from her bold tickles. Laughing as well as pleading her to stop but his mischievous noona seems like no plan on letting him go. The once tidy bed turned into a pigs nest, they keep their little match, not minding the crumpled sheets and flying pillows but everything halted when they suddenly fell on the floor.

She fell square on his chest, face leaning close on his heart. "Do you have a heart disease? Why does your heart beats loud, yah you should get a check up kiddo" she props on her elbow ready to recover her sitting position but Jungkook pulls her.

"Yah, what are you doing?" She get startled by his tight grip and fierce gaze.

"What do I have to do to make you stop refering me as a kid huh? Yeran'ssi?" He suddenly pulls her closer and make his trembling lips meet hers.

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