New Face

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"This isn't the Jeon Jungkook I used to know, what is happening please tell me" his father's disappointed voice pricks his gut hard making him fidget,  spinning the neon green fidget spinner in his fingers.

"What now? You're even suspended for punching students older than you?  Where are your manners Jeon Jungkook? We raised you not to be this disrespectful towards other people!" The table shudders at how Hobi, his father, gripped the side of it in his hands, semi hovering the poor bunny.

"And what? You punch Yeran and get yourself into big trouble the next day?!" He just bit his lips tight, preventing his tears to wail down his cheeks.

"Yah, answer me Jeon Jungkook!" He flinches at the sudden rise of his father's voice, his knees tremble under the table but he lost his tongue,  not finding any courage to voice out his argument.

He wanna say that something is going on and he's not okay but he don't want to be a bother to his family especially to his father who barely comes home, busy touring the whole world. He's a top calibre and famous choreographer making choreographies for famous people,  you can even say he's a celebrity who has a lot of fans following around.

"I-i'm sorry dad, it won't happen again" that's all he can say, coz what else he can say that time?

"It will not surely happen again coz I'll send you to your grandparent's house, that way you'll behave more appropriately"

"What? Dad it's my first offense in this family why would you eagerly send me away?"

"See, you're talking back at me now and that's highly the point"

'I'm just reasoning out, you said you want me to talk' he thought.

"But dad, you can't do this to me, I-i  mean that's far away from you and my friends. It'll not help me, okay?!" He searches for his eyes and made his proposition.

'I'll be far away from Yeran noona? Andwae'

"I made up my mind already"

"Then what should I do to make you change your mind?" His glossy eyes pleads him desperately, his choking voice hinted a muffled cry.

"I'm sorry but they will be here next week to fetch you" turning his back from his son, he exhales deeply, he's disheartened also for sending him away more like he's bothered by the fact that his constant absence may be a factor why his son is behaving deviant now a days.

"Dad, I'll do everythig you want just please give this one last chance huh?" Not giving up, he tugs on his sleeves but he pulls his hands away leaving Jungkook in complete misery.

He cries, he scratches his eyes to shoo away the tears but they keep on coming back the moment he get rid of them, prying them off with the back of his hands.

He went out of their house, his heart felt like being squeezed and if he stays there he'll suffocate and would think of hurting himself, he don't want that to happen of course that's why he's running away.

'at least running away is far better than causing harm to yourself right?!'

Lost in his thoughts, he get himself inside the subway and let the moment tell him where he'd go. A lot of people ware inside but they looks all the same to him. It's like, they are talking but he can't hear any sounds they from their mouth.

One of the passenger stands ready to leave on the approaching exit station and by reflex he also unload himself, went out from the ride and strolls to nowhere. Not far from the exit is a park like area, more like a busy street surrounded by food carts and people hanging out. The sun is about to set and more people are now gathering around.

He went deeper onto the crowded street, where numerous street performances are happening, he pauses and looks at the dancing girl and he seems enchanted at how she cooly dance a hiphop song, doing some hard choreography he bet even Jimin will agree to him. He is actually being scouted by Jimin's team to join in their dance club in school but he refused because he wanted to be with Yeran in her Science and Math club which he find not appealing at all, for the main reason that, he's not good at those subjects, he's just an average student like the rest of the majority of the students are.

He is about to turn to leave, the performance is coming to an end anyway but one of the girl's companion gave him a leaflet saying they are offering a dance lesson for those who are interested. He just bow and shove the paper inside his pocketpants not reading it.


"What? You're transferring? Why?" Tae's food hang on his hands, he's about to eat it but Jungkook's revelation busted his appetite.

"Hey, that can't be? What would Yeran noona say? Did you tell her?" Jimin joins them slumping on the ground.

"It's fine"

'No I'm not fine' he smiles to both of his friends but they know him.

"Yah, I know you are not fine, how can you say that? And I can't believe you're transferring when it's three months away before she will graduate"

"Thank you for reminding me, you're such a great friend Tae!" He hits his head with the leaflet causing him to glare at him.

"Yah, I am serious okay?!, Why would your father send you away, did you tell them what really happened that day?" He is answered by Jungkook's shoulders going up and down.

"We can explain, we will go to your house and tell your parents what happened that caused your suspension!" Jimin drapes his hands over his shoulders giving him a friendly hug.

"I don't know, my grandparents will come and fetch me next weekend, Dad's really mad and Yeran and I, we're not talking since last week" he looks up, deligently stopping his tears to come down from his eyes and his friends just grip his shoulders to comfort him.

"Regardless what you'll have to say, we will talk to your family and tell them the truth, and that's final" he smiles at them and sigh in half relief, maybe his friends can convince his father and will take back his words.

After some time Jimin stands up, asking them to follow him.

They went inside a small dance studio where a familiar girl is having her dance practice that time.

"Woah, she's cool daebak!" Tae blurts gaping at the girl and her ballistic dance moves. She's awesome popping, locking and flipping like a pro dancer in her prime.

"Tae, Kook, I'd like you to meet {name}" she's our teacher and the owner of this studio" Jimin proudly introduces her to them, smiling from ear to ear.

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