Twenty Four pt. 2

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A/N: I made a little edit on the part 1. Please check it out. If you just read it lately nevermind, but if you read it right after the release of the update before, please do.

>>Six Hundred A.M.<<

She slept late but she feel giddy at six  in the morning, stretch her limbs and jog to the bathroom, do her morning routine and head down for breakfast.

She see her mother with an apron hugging her hips and her father cozily sipping his coffee while scanning the newspaper.

"Morning dad, morning mom" she joins them in their conversation and sits down on her designated chair.

"Morning sweet heart" Her mother chirps but his father is just too focused on his morning paper and she joins him allowing her face to huddle on his shoulder.

"Got some interesting news Mr. Kim" she jokes and his father glares at her.

"Yeah, some unknown bunny sent my princess a bundle of red rose in the morning, imagine I had to stop from taking my first sip on my coffee just to open the door and then the delivery said it's not for me, how dare he, right?!" Her father in his rattles while her mother is just shaking her head.

"Thank you dad, I bet it's for me" Yeran kisses her dad on the cheek and grins at her mom. "Isn't he the sweetest right mom?"

"Coming from the girl who says she's not into cutie bunnys? Sure sweetheart haha" her mother teases and she just tucks her tongue out at her.

"Enough cringe in the morning, you better get ready coz we're going at your Uncle Sam's place right after breakfast"

"Sure dad" she immediately dig on her mom's fried rice and omellete. *rice is life harhar*

After breakfast she sprints to her room and look for her phone, there a dozen of messages coming from Jungkook catch her eyes. She calls him back and fall splat on the bed. Jungkook's phone rings and the line connects after the second beep. 

"Good morning My Nicole Maines" her brows crease at the sound of a foreign name.

"Excuse me? Is this a wrong call?" She frowns annoyed.

"No, you are my Nicole Maines noona"

"Are you kidding me Jeon Jungkook?!"

"Haha, not really noona"

"Jungkook I am warning you"

"Hey relax, I am just calling you Nicole Maines coz you are my super girl noona" she gasps relieve and at the same time grins like some idiotic girl.

"We're going to Uncle Sam's place later and I'll be busy, I can't accomodate your messages probably" she informs him.

"But I am going to miss you noona" Jungkook sighs on the other end and it brings her tickles hearing his cute whine.

"I'll see you this evening Iron man, be early and dress nice for me okay?!"

"Sure super girl, Iron man loves you so much, okay? Okay?"

"Roger on that Iron man, Super girl loves you too, so much... bye" she hangs up and roll on her bed along with the sheets, she looks like a human burrito but she can't contain her feels, her face is heating so are her ears.

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