TKS: Side Effect

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"What is it Tae? Why are you blocking  my view?" Yeran asks pushing Taehyung aside.

"Noona please, let's go. It's better to just go for the mean time" He hold her arm and tried to take her out.

"Let go Tae, what are you trying to hide from me?" She forcefully find her way towards the front and see Jungkook and Lisa so close to one another.

"Oh, I think they are having a practice....." But before anything else set into place, Lisa hold Jungkook's face and kiss him on the lips.

".....yeah maybe" Yeran turns her back,  counted up to five before exiting the still open door. Lisa triumphantly smiles at the statued Jungkook and shyly glances at the crowd.

"Kook if you don't come into sense and get Yeran noona I swear you'll regret it" Taehyung grits his teeth, glancing at the also shocked Jimin. Seems like Chim's wig is snatched witnessing his apprentice apply what he thought, aw I can only guess maybe.

"Kook wake up!" Taehyung hollers one more time before Jungkook wipes his lips with the back of his hand.

"Wait! Oppa said they're just friends! What harm could it make if I kiss Jungkook oppa, besides I like him and I suppose he likes me too" Lisa protests stomping her feet. 

"You don't know what you have done, so shut your mouth" Tae spats.

"Enough Tae, Lisa is right Yeran noona and I are just friends, so it's nothing for her" Jungkook scolds himself internally, contrary to what his mouth is saying, he really want to go after her and explain his side.

"Oh what a hypocrite, so it's okay if Yeran noona assumes that you and Lisa is a thing, bet she's crying now and that's because of you Kook, if I were you I'll be on my feet now and search for her" Tae continues to persuade him, his feet are itching too, he wanna go after her and console her but he want Jungkook to do the thing too.

"Nevermind Tae"


"Yeran noona has a boyfriend now" his eyes drop at his feet after saying it. His eyes glitters with tears as the subtle pain dances to his heart. 

"You heard me?!" He mockingly smiles after.

"She has a boyfriend, she left me and now.....I am here, alone and still not over with her" he glances at Lisa, Tae and Jimin.

"Oh my God, this is insane, and who told you Kook?!" Jimin flinches at Taehyung's hand gesture, scratching the back of his head up to his face. He's becoming feed up until his face creases in folds.

"I saw it Tae"


"And? Do you know what do I mean when I say I saw them?"

"Yes, did you double check it? I mean are you sure he is a boyfriend and not just a friend?"

"Whatever Tae, I am done being the martyr between us, it's time for me to move on and continue my life, I guess we're not really meant with each other....and...and f*ck I don't know okay??!" Taehyung has to agree with him, I mean him for being still freakin immature and judgemental.

"Okay, If you don't want her anymore, then I am free to get her for myself, that's it no taking back of words got it?" Taehyung smirks at him, glances at the shocked Jimin and salutes to the rest of the guys before exiting the set.

"What does he mean?" Jungkook oddly asks himself, his gaze flies at Jimin who chuckles in desbelief.

"I thought I was the one who has hots for noona, gosh Tae we're really friends" and then he went after the other guy. Mingyu, and Hoshi just stare at each other and shrug their shoulders consecutively.


Her eyes is a little swollen for crying over night. The thought of Jungkook loving someone else aside from her torments her the whole time, that she couldn't function well for the past two days. She had to absent from her classes and worst of all she lost appetite and suffer from a minor headache. She wishes that her parents are there, or Jae In is there but she has no one by the time. Truth is she don't want them to worry for her.

Maybe she loves Jungkook more than she ever know, maybe she really loves Jungkook from the start, maybe if she don't played hurt last time they will still be together, maybe if she don't played hard to get that much she will never feel that devastated. Oh well just maybe.

She flinches at the sudden beep of the thermometer, 37° she sigh in relief at least she has no fever. Slowly she gets up and pull some ramen inside the cabinet, pour some hot water into it and cover the lid. Coughing a little, she leans at the dusty counter and stare at nothing.

" sandwich, I'll make some sandwich"

She opened the toaster and inserted two slices of bread. Toasted sandwich on her dry throat, er not really good but it tastes good on her tongue enough. She's halfway into it but a sudden knock on the door awaken her half asleep self.

She treaded through tiny shaky steps and manages to open it. For a while she can't pin point if who is the girl standing in front of her door but she take away his big shades and her eyes grow huge coz Jae In is grinning at her for a while until her state calls her attention, putting the back of her hand on forehead.

"Yah, Yeran'ah gwaenchana?!"

She went inside without her permission and sigh at what she see in the whole state of her bedroom.

"I'm just two years away but look at what happened to you, are you still sane huh Kim Yeran?!" She scan her fridge and grimace at the stinky foods, her leftover rather.

"And what now? You are the new instant noodle Goddess? Goodness, do your parents know what you are doing Kim Yeran?"

"Aish keep the talk for later okay? My head is aching"

"You brat, I thought you lost your swag already" they grin at one another and smile for a while until Jae In plunges herself at her.

"I miss you my soulmate"

"Na do my soulmate" and they begun crying like two crazy girls.

"Stop crying will you, it'll just add to my throbbing head"

"And what makes you look like the lead actress of warm bodies? Or make it the girl version of the lead actor huh?"

"Was it Jungkook? Tell me and I'll beat his stupid ass" she hugs her once again and rub her back.

"It's fine yeah" her tears started to fall as soon as she said it.

"Paboyah, I wish you have changed on that aspect, Jungkook and your story gosh you need to stop the chase and say what you feel for him. You know what Tae is right. I guess I'll agree on him for this time."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing just eat for now and then will see the doctor after, you look like a human zombie, yikes Uncle Jin will not honor you as his daughter"

"I guess so too, I'm sorry for being hard on you before Jae In'ah"

"I'm sorry too, I only want what is best for you and Jungkook Yeran'ssi" they both wipe their teary eyes, like the two idiots they are.

Jae In's warm smile somehow give her strength and soon they depart for their appointment.

"How do you know that I live here?"


"I mean you arrived when? I only see you today, are you on vacation?"

"Nope, I have transferred school since Monday? Business Ad, and I got your address from Taehyung, and he got it  from....uhm nevermind"

"Whatever Jae, I don't want the same incident to happen again like last time"

"Sure, hihi" that wicked smile on Jae In's face, I doubt it.


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