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"Mom, where did Jungkook and Aunt Jangmi went? I don't see them since yesterday" her hands creep parting the blinds a little bit, she peeps and take a look at the opposite window, checking if there are any signs of human presence inside the neighboring house.

"He's suspended for two days if you'll count yesterday" her mother's deep thought caught her attention back, facing her while sitting on the couch, they are hanging out on a Friday afternoon chill, she's absent once again but Jae In said their teachers send their class home also after giving them worksheets to self study.

"I didn't know he got suspension, he didn't tell me yesterday" she reaches for a piece of cookie on the plate setted on the center table. "I think he's got into another fight since last time..and..." She pauses and glance at her mom who is scrutinizing her fishy gesture.

" Did you two fight? Or have you quarelled over something?!" The question made her chewing stop, opting her to drink her orange juice to calm her uneasiness.

"W-we have nothing to fight Mom, we're cool towards each other and in fact we're really like brothers and sisters, yeah" her creepy awkward smile, made her Mom's suspicion rise to yet another level.

"Are you sure about that?!" She nods glancing quickly to her mom.

"Oh, and by the way Jangmi thinks it's best for Jungkook to transfer school since his been into tough situation this past few days" her alarmed eyes, quickly flashes a worried glaze upon hearing it.

"What do you mean?!" Her mother sighs before saying her response.

"Jangmi said they might transfer house too" she jolts and stand, running to their staircase, the loud clamping of her bunny bedroom slippers echoes through the walls of their living room. When she comes back she is holding her cellphone close to her ear.

"Mom, I wanna talk to Aunt Jangmi please, Jungkook's not answering his phone" she walks back and forth biting her nails ignoring her mother's narrow gaze.

"Mom, is it okay to go to their house? I mean, are they in, this time?"

"This kid, calm down okay? They're having a family time since your Hoseok samcheon just came back from his tour" she took the last piece  of cookie, leaving her disappointed.

"and besides, you don't ask my permission when it comes to coming in their house, you hang out there more than our own house most of the time" her Mom poutels making her grimace in semi disgust.

"Yikes, what dad said is true!"

"Yah, what do you mean?!" Her pout turns into a frown, folding both of her arms to her chest.

"Just be a cool Mom, yeah " she snorts.

"Don't change the topic young lady, is it true that you have a misunderstanding or something not agreed so far" she snuggles at her mothers legs while sitting on the floor.

"Mom?" She looks up placing her chin on her mom's lap.

"You can tell me everything you know that" she pets her head and clasp both of her face, squeezing the roundness of her cheeks.

"J-ungkook, actually Jungkook..."

"Yeah Jungkook what about Jungkook?"

"Jungkook said he likes me" she blurts covering her face in embarassment.

"Yeah, that is old news darling" cocking her head, Yndi chuckles at her daughters reaction.

"Mom you're not getting me, Jungkook likes me as in he likes me for real!" She is confused at her mom's  taunting eyes and suppressed grin.

Your Baby Bunny ll Jeon Jungkook llWhere stories live. Discover now