Bonus Chapter

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A/N: A thank you for the 100k reads fawesomes!

"Benny come back here little buddy" Jungkook almost leap trying to catch their little baby but the naughty fellow keeps on running until they get into the crowd.

They are actually in the park, where numerous of people are strolling and walking around. He gasp as he lost sight of his companion, looking anywhere and when his phone rings indicating a Kim Yeran calling makes his whole universe tremble. I mean maybe he lost their baby under his care and she will not be good about it.

"H-hey love, how's your final exams going on?!"

"Is everything fine love? You seem anxious about something" Yeran chuckles as his voice quiver.

"N-nothing, everything is fine yeah, Benny is safe and happy with me"  biting his lips he nod as if she can see him on the other end of the line.

"Okay, see you in a while I'll finish my last subject soon and then I'll be free, kiss Benny for me kay? Bye Kookie loves"

"Yeah see you, love you" and then he brushes his hair in frustration.

"Benny, Benny your mom will be mad at me, come on!" He went to search Benny at every nook and cranny of the park.

"Ahjussi did you see my son? Or I mean have this white little fellow pass here?"

The old man shakes his head and continue his work.

"Ahjumma have you seen my son anywhere?!"

"Son? I don't see any young boys in here, I'm sorry" and then he proceed to the next stalls, asking the same, in the end he sit by the bench and starts to think.

"Where could Benny went in the middle of this crowded street?!"

He roam his gaze around but all he could see are stalls for accessories and make up. He look on his back area and his eyes directs him to the food street.

"Maybe Benny is hungry and search for some food" he decided to cross the street and search there.

He has to ask every stalls there too but the outcome is negative. He spend another thirty minutes looking and he give up dialling Yeran's number.

"Hey, miss me already Jeon?"

"J-jagiyah, I think I lost Benny in the park"

"It's fine"


"He's with me" he turn around and see Yeran waving at him. A soft smile curve on his lips as he wave back. He jogs to her and narrow his eyes at the little baby bunny lying on Yeran's arms.

"Hey you naughty boy, you made me scared" jungkook pats its neck down on its back. His face is sulking but his gestures tell otherwise.

"Maybe he missed me a lot that's why he search for me" tucking her tongue out at him, Yeran giggles snuggling at the furry pet.

"I guess so, but I missed you more love" he winks at her, and soon sandwich her face between her palms.

"Hey, it's hurting me stop and me too I missed you too, it seems that my idol boyfriend forgotten me for the whole week hmp" she pouts and that make Jungkook chuckle.

"Soon to be idol, we're just starting you know and Tae and Chim should be there if they want me to sign up immediately" her lips stretch another happy curve entertwining their fingers.

"Sure, B1 and B2 must be there, three musketers will not be complete without them" she jokes leaning at him. It's suppose to be their second year anniversarry but unlike any couples out there they don't celebrate it simply because Jungkook told her that their love is for eternity and there's no use in counting the days and months etc. Or better yet they celebrate it every 17th of July, the time when he first saw her and he pretended choking on his cookie.

"Jae In noona...."

"Yes what about Jae In?"

"Did I mention that Chim and her is quite odd this days?!" He stops from walking caused by her sudden pulling of his hand.

"Speaking of the angels, is that them? They are buying or should I say Jimin is buying something for my friend?"

"Hey, don't judge Jimin okay, he seems like a naughty one but actually he's the matured person among the three of us plus he's a great dancer and of course he's good looking too, second to me" he nudges her and the her crumoled brows straightened.

"I am not saying anything at all"

She continue to pay a glance at the two and soon emerges another figure.

"Oh, poor Tae. He's third wheeling and it's bad"

"Bad for him?!"

"No, I am actually more sorry for the two since Tae is a monster eater haha"  Jungkook soon pulled her hands and take her somewhere. Somewhere private where they can talk in peace and that place is basically under the tree, the symbolic birch tree, and sorry Mr. Guard since they are tresspassing in their old school.

"Home at last" sniffing the familiar ambiance of the place, Jungkook sits on the ground patting the space beside him, indicating for her to sit down.

"Why do you wanna go back here?" She sits along his side.

"Nothing I just wanna reminisce our gold old days here in the campus, you know we have a lot of memories here" he reasons.

"We're not that old loves" she chuckles. "And why under this tree of all the place?"

"Nothing, it's just this tree is a living testimony of my unending love for you, it knows all my insecurities and longings towards you and I am happy that finally today we can draw another happy memory in here, and this tree as our witness"

"What do you mean?"

Jungkook leans a little getting something from the pocket of his pants. From there a little box appeared and soon a diamond ring hangs on his hand.

"This is not an engagement ring but a promise ring telling you and me that from this day forward, you Kim Yeran will be mine forever and in return I will make you happy and cherish you as long as I live" he put the ring on her finger and she gasp as it shines brightly in her hands.

"Thank you very much loves" she hugs him tight "I promise that from this day on I'll be truthful to you and will be enslave of my love for you. I love you Jeon Jungkook" slowly their vows are sealed with a soft kiss, so gentle but genuine enough for them to  prosper, a silver lining in their hardles since they start up to wherever destiny leads them to.

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